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Composition - Female, for Chanel!

Kaze Wo Hiku

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Here's your part @Chanel_no5!! I don't even think this will come close to the glorious story you wrote me but I still hope you like it.  Thank you so much for the fluff when I needed it! :hug: If this isn't up to your standards I'll gladly write you something else. :)


“When drawing the human figure, remember composition is an important key.  Poor composition can destroy even the most polished work.” Professor Natasha Barrington walked slowly behind her students that were perched on stools, their eyes focused the easels in front of them.  “Create a point of interest, ask yourself 'what are the most important elements of your piece.'” 

Suddenly she came to a halt, hands firmly placed on the waist of her pencil lined skirt. “Diego,” She began knitting her brow. “Your drawing isn’t a random set of lines.”  Her thin fingers traced the outline of the human figure. “Composition will lead the viewers to see exactly what we as artists want them to see. Your work needs to stand out, not shrink to the back.  Your shading is impressive but your figure lacks character, create a rhythm for the viewer to follow.”

“Yes professor.” Diego replied softly, a hint of red on his cheeks.

Natasha continued to walk in the half circle around her students.  “When people look at a picture they search for things to look at. Our goal as artists is showing them what stands out the most to us.” She waved her hand while nonchalantly caressing the end of her nose, a small tickle was forming.  As class continued the stubborn sensation did not dull. Careful not to draw attention to herself, the art professor only rubbed her nose with her back against her class. A few times her breath quickened but Natasha kept control until class was over. 

Natasha waited for the students to disperse into the hall before returning to her desk.  Sliding open the top drawer, she dug for the packet of travel tissue, neatly withdrawing one from the package.  She carefully blew her thin nose, gently wiping the sides. The sweet smell of spring had been slowly fluttering into the air since her afternoon class had begun.  Natasha’s allergy medicine from earlier had slowly been wearing off as she’d begun sniffling about an hour ago.

At least now she had time to retreat to her office for another dose.  Stepping out into the open corridor of Wellington Hall, Natasha’s attaché case swung in opposite of her stride.  Normally she kept medicine in her case but an early morning meeting with a student, she’d forgotten to add it. A wrinkle creased along her brow, Natasha clearly unhappy with forgetting such a simple task.  The breeze blew in from an open window, given how fast tears welled in the art professor’s green eyes, there must have been a decent amount of pollen. A prickly sensation aggravated her sinuses, Natasha’s free hand delicately rubbed against the bottom of her nose, hoping to dispel the tickle.   

Even though the walk was brief from Wellington to her office in Beaumont Hall, the incessant tickle only grew from the freshly cut grass Natasha had passed.  This only increased her sniffling in her troubled sinuses, even with her fine fingers pressing against her nose, Natasha’s breath hitched a few times as she pushed the hall door open.  Inside only sparked a bit of relief, the odor of spring vanished but sadly the effort to sneeze did not.  

Natasha fought against the breathy build ups and finally approached her office door.  Keys in hand never made it to the lock as they fell to the floor, both hands cupping over her nose and mouth. 


The force surprised her, knocking her back a step while hot tears pricked the corners of her eyes.  Sniffling thickly, Natasha crouched down retrieving her keys off the floor, only to shield her face against her sleeve as another harsh wet sneeze escaped.  Now dealing with blurry vision and a runny nose, Natasha stumbled into her office, a plethora of fresh wet sneezes accompanying her. Reaching for the tissues on her desk, she pulled several out wiping her burning eyes.  A thick sniffle only agitated the deep allergic twinge lodged in her sinuses. 

Hhh'tssxxnt! Heh...Hhp'dnxt! Hep'shhhewww! 

“Tash? You okay?”  The voice of Meredith, her office mate, sounded from behind the closet door.

“Yes-s-s....jus....a...ah....ah...” Natasha couldn’t hold it, snapping forward the monstrous sneeze left her shaky as her blew her now pinkish nose hoping to bring some relief. 

Ah'hak'sheww! Hhh'tshJUH! Hn'dht!

“Here, here.” Suddenly Meredith was there with allergy medicine and a bottle of water.  “I’ve never seen you this bad before.” The Art History professor’s grey blue eyes knitted in concern.

The water helped douse the flames raging in Natasha’s throat, “Thanks...I’m f-f-fiii....” Unable to speak anymore, soggy tissues once again pressed to her running nose, she sneezed repeatedly without a break nor a breath in between.  Blinking through the tears now following down her cheeks, Natasha’s face tingled as she swiped at her nose, sniffling wetly. “They cut...the grass...in....f-f....” Losing another battle, she sunk into her office chair as her wavy brown hair fell around her flushed face.   

Hhheh'TSHujuh! Eh'ssshew! 

A hefty blow into the sodden tissue give a bit of relief.  Natasha drew more from the box, wiping streaming tears and blowing her nose, until it was nearly empty while the trash near her Jimmy Choo heels was overflowing.  A thick sniff later she pushed her hair from her face and let out a defeated sigh. “I’m never forgetting medicine again.” She announced to the ceiling.  

Meredith gave a sympathetic giggle then set the box of tissues from her desk onto Natasha's.  "You weren't like this in class, were you?" 

Natasha gave a weary head shake before sitting up slightly to remove more tissues.  "No." She said tissues placed over her raw nose.  Squeezing her eyes shut, she blew wetly into the fresh clothes, "Thank god, I've a reputation to uphold."  She scoffed causing a small cough into the wad.  "Damnit." She muttered wiping the excess away.  " 

"Well I'll remember to keep a box in my desk, if needed." Meredith said as he slung her bag across her shoulder.  "I've got a late class, hope you feel better tomorrow." She smiled at Natasha before heading out. 

"Me too." Natasha sighed.  "Me too."


I hope I portrayed her misery to your liking ^^;;

Edited by Kaze wo Hiku
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I liked the beginning of this a lot. The way you described all these tiny details:  How the professor talked to her students, how she walked and moved her hands… With only a few words, you’ve managed to give a wonderful round image of a smart, educated and attractive woman (I’d guess in her forties?) that is proud of her job and well-respected.

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Ohohoho, I needed that today! :naughty: 

Okay, so, first off, YES that's my type of lady! Oh yes...!

I love the spellings SOOOOO freakin' much, you can really hear the desperation in them from the spellings alone...!! :drool: 

27 minutes ago, Kaze wo Hiku said:

The sweet smell of spring had been slowly fluttering into the air since her afternoon class had begun.  Natasha’s allergy medicine from earlier had slowly been wearing off as she’d begun sniffling about an hour ago.

Mmmmyes, by all means bring on the sweet smell of spring...!! :wub: 

29 minutes ago, Kaze wo Hiku said:

a plethora of fresh wet sneezes accompanying her.

This? Is wonderful. :drool: 

30 minutes ago, Kaze wo Hiku said:

"You weren't like this in class, were you?" 

Natasha gave a weary head shake before sitting up slightly to remove more tissues.  "No." She said tissues placed over her raw nose.  Squeezing her eyes shut, she blew wetly into the fresh clothes, "Thank god, I've a reputation to uphold." 

:lol: Oh, but I'm sure there are at least SOME of us who wouldn't mind that kind of view in class... especially in art. Inspiration, y'know. :naughty:

 Thank you SO, SO MUCH, you have no idea how much I needed some lady allergies today..!! :heart::heart: It's beautiful!


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I agree with hedgehog! Your writing even showed the comparison. First it was meticulous, particular, fine-detailed and slow just like she maintains herself in the classroom. All bets are off in her room and the writing and her desperate actions are both frenzied.Lovely! And I loved the spellings too! I like how you mentioned the shoes because it keeps how she usually upholds herself in mind as she’s desperately trying to find tissues! And then I love that she’s trying to impress her students, but relaxes with her officemate. Amazing writing!

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@Hedgehog and @Reader thank you! That was my goal in the first part, to establish her teaching persona and give hints at how she carries herself. I'm glad I succeeded.

@NoV oh my thank you for your kind words!

@Chanel_no5 Eeeeeeeee I am SO happy you liked it. Honestly I was quite nervous since I rarely write females but Natasha came fairly easy after I got the basic idea in my head. I'm happy that she suffered for you. :D Thanks again for the fluff! :hug:

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I must admit that Professor Natasha’s misery was also to my liking, amazing work!! I loved the sneeze spellings the scenario as a whole!!

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This was a wonderful dose of allergic misery! 

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