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Sneeze Fetish Forum

interwiev of a loud sneezer


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Great sneezy discussion :) Would really like to hear her sneeze - getting so many details and yet not getting to actually experience it is an incredible tease :D 

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21 hours ago, NoV said:

Great sneezy discussion :) Would really like to hear her sneeze - getting so many details and yet not getting to actually experience it is an incredible tease :D 

Yeah, I would certainly love to hear her sneeze, too. I think I’m in love with her :wub:. Also, the tease is made worse by the fact that she claims to have a cold during the interview, and mentions having sneezed ten times that day. And, referring to one of her listeners (the woman who scares her husband every time), I certainly wouldn’t mind having a wife, whose sneezes scare me every time :drool:. Here’s hoping we get to hear her let one of those fabled sneezes out one day.

- Saimou -

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  • 2 years later...

Also, I’m sure our community would love to act as a substitute support group for loud sneezers, who need boosting of their self-esteem :twisted2:.

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