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Escape (Urryu Minene from Mirai Nikki)


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First off, I don’t own the rights or have anything to do with the anime. The real disclaimer is that this is my first story with a female and female sneezing. 

Secondly, this short one-shot is for @EvaBloom I hope you enjoy! 

Description of Urryu Minene: Japanese, 20s, long purple hair, one violet eye with another fake eye that has an eyepatch over it. She’s a criminal and has done many acts of treason in her past. Now she’s in a competition to be a god against other people. The contestants use their phones and its abilities to defeat each other. 


          Minene huddled behind the pole, barely feeling the rain as she gazed at the commotion of police cars, heard the familiar crackly voices from the police scanners, and saw the mob of officers blocking another exit. She’d have to hide out for awhile. The abandoned warehouse hadn't been discovered yet so it would work. She hurried along the fence next to the road, making sure she stayed low and kept quiet. A mile on this road and two miles on another and she would reach the outskirts of town where there were undoubtedly more police cars and her hiding place. She tripped as she pinched her nose and flattened her palms against her mouth. tgchx! tgchx! She rolled and got back on her feet in one fluid motion as she picked up her speed, another sneeze right on her tail. Tgchx! Aah ah...haaa. One mile down and two more to go. Hissch!  Hiii-tgchx! He-chmph! Hesch-tgchx! Once she became a god, sneezing would go too. Thoughts of what she would do when she won warmed her up enough until she got home, changed clothes, and laid down on the mattress on the floor. She was drifting off to sleep when...
   Minene was up in a flash, grabbing her emergency pack and shoes with the ease of someone used to moving at a second’s notice. She was almost outside the room when she checked her phone to see who the threat was this time. Police, the other diary holders, random burglar...
    Escape Diary: A bad cold is coming. There is no escape. 
    “Don’t make me laugh.”
    She scoffed at her phone, kept her shoes and backpack on, and laid back down to sleep.
    Minene woke up slower than she usually did. Her head didn’t hurt...it just felt cloudy and unclear. It was strange to her only because she didn’t immediately think of collapsed buildings, fires, and everything that had been taken away from her upon waking. She groaned as she rubbed her throat and tried to coat the inside of it with her spit. It hurt to swallow and did little to soothe. She laid back down, always keeping an ear out for her phone’s warning as another faint warning tickled in her nose. Grumbling to herself, she pressed the heel of her palm to her nose and found her toilet paper and some water bottles. She snatched a can of tuna on her way back. Just as she tossed all that she had gathered on the bed, the skin between her eyebrows creased in concentration as her jaw loosened. Her mouth slackened and her eyelids closed halfway as she sucked in a breath....before letting it out. She groaned and rubbed her nose on all sides, abating the tickle for now. It snuck up on her fast, blinding her and bending her into her cupped hands. 
          Isschoo! EhSch! ISsch-ISsCh!
         She blew her nose and discarded the tissue on her bed before quickly unraveling more and pressing it to her face.
        Hehichou! Heichoo! 
    She sighed in relief as the tickle abated. Laying down again, she brought the toilet paper with her. She tried to sleep, but she couldn’t breathe through her nose anymore and the cold air rubbed her throat raw when she breathed deeply. Tossing and turning, she was almost glad when her phone rang. She answered her informant’s call.
       “I’ve got something for youuuuuu, Urryuuuuu!” The cheerful man called out.
       Rage blinded her as her first name echoed in her ears and battered the headache just developing on her temples. She stopped colorful and congested words from coming out of her mouth while she let her mind run wild with images of what she would do the next time she saw him. Faint sensations of warning took that anger away as a flash of startled panic replaced it. She missed the mute button just as her eye closed.
hnngtchx! hnngt-tchxa! 
She smashed her fingers into the phone, blindly pushing random buttons before letting go to cover her mouth as the sneezes took over again.
Heishu! heiChoo! Hihh-Chou!...sniff...Heesh-Heesha!
*cough Cough CoUgh Cough! COUGH!* 
She finally managed to stop, catching her breath and looking for her phone. Everything came to a complete stop as a tiny voice came from her left. Horrified, she pushed the speaker on her phone.
       She ended the call immediately and squeezed her phone as hard as she could, this close to throwing it against the wall. Instead she placed it gently into her drawer and closed it softly. By the end of the day, her nose was red and chapped, she was out of supplies, and she knew she needed to risk going to the store for some medicine. 
    “Ma’am, stop.”
     She tensed and scanned the street, cursing that no one was within distance to take as hostage as she completed the half turn.
     “Yes, officer?”
      Her voice, naturally low and smooth in its cadence, now sounded like it had just barely survived being run through a grater.
     “Ma’am, I need you to take your mask and sunglasses off. I just have to confirm you’re not the person on this paper.”
      He gave an embarrassed shrug and waved a picture of a woman with long purple hair, a violet eye next to an eyepatch, and the most twisted smile their sketch artist could come up with. They were only missing the deranged gleam that was missing from her eye today. She wasn’t close enough to take him down and she knew he could unholster his gun faster than her stiff and frozen fingers could pull out a weapon to attack. She silently cursed as an itch she couldn’t rub away in this situation pestered her. At Minene’s hesitation, his stance changed and his hands moved closer to his gun. 
     “Hands in the air!”
      She raised her hands quickly just as her phone chimed. Fifteen minutes to a Dead End! She needed to check her phone! The itch grew and her hands twitched while she tried to hold back the sneeze. 
      “I haaah haaa have to sd-sdeeze.”
       Her head bobbed twice with that one. 
      The police officer relaxed and motioned for her to lower her arms. She brought them immediately to her face.
Hhigtchx-ha!.. Hhigtchx-ha!..Hih-chmph!
 Hihischh!.... HuhIssshh!Huheshew!.... HehEeshuah!
        Minene returned her hands to the air, shivering in the frigid temperature.
       “Bless you ma’am. That’s why you didn’t want to remove your mask. I’m sorry. Can I offer you a ride home?”
       She couldn’t believe it. Her mouth twisted into a smile similar to the one in the wanted sign and a small glimmer turned her eye color to lavender. 
     “I wouldd’t wadt to give this cold to by worse edeby add I’b close to hobe, but thadkyou for offering, officer.”
      “Alright. Feel better.”
      She bowed and left, quickening her pace like someone who wanted to get out of the cold would. She pulled her phone out as soon as she was far enough away and looked at what her escape could have been. 
         Escape diary: Escape police officer by using your handcu...
        The words disappeared as the threat became obsolete. She closed her phone and continued on to the store, glad her cold had been useful for something. 



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*Squeaks loudly* Oh yes! I loved this! I swear I'm in love with her sneeze fit while talking through the phone, it was so well written :inlove:

8 minutes ago, Reader said:

Escape Diary: A bad cold is coming. There is no escape.

 Since I read this I knew things were getting good.


10 minutes ago, Reader said:

“I haaah haaa have to sd-sdeeze.”

 There are no words to describe how much I liked this dialogue, it's just perfect.

I really love the sneeze spells and her little stifles at the start! 


 Thank you for writing this for me! :hug:

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Save by the cold XD niiiiiiicee

I love your description, its so detailed and.... Mmmmm yummy? Good? Delicious?? You pick X'D

1 hour ago, Reader said:

Just as she tossed all that she had gathered on the bed, the skin between her eyebrows creased in concentration as her jaw loosened. Her mouth slackened and her eyelids closed halfway as she sucked in a breath....before letting it out. She groaned and rubbed her nose on all sides, abating the tickle for now. It snuck up on her fast, blinding her and bending her into her cupped hands. 
          Isschoo! EhSch! ISsch-ISsCh!

That is one sasy phone i ever read X'D sasy with just stating the cold hard fact. Face it, your getting a cold. xD 

1 hour ago, Reader said:

  Escape Diary: A bad cold is coming. There is no escape. 

Love it Reader XD

Edited by Nval95
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The way you wrote this short story is fun to read! I honestly do not know much about this series, but the way you wrote a short description before the story started helped me get a good mental image of who the main character in this story was and what motivated her. You have a very nice way of not just saying a sneeze happens, but what happens before and after the action itself occurs. 

You did great with this story! I liked it a lot =) I would not have known this was your first female sneezing story if you didn't say it. 

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4 hours ago, EvaBloom said:

*Squeaks loudly* Oh yes! I loved this! I swear I'm in love with her sneeze fit while talking through the phone, it was so well written :inlove:

 Since I read this I knew things were getting good.


 There are no words to describe how much I liked this dialogue, it's just perfect.

I really love the sneeze spells and her little stifles at the start! 


 Thank you for writing this for me! :hug:

Awww you’re welcome! Thankyou for enjoying it! Makes me feel good ☺️

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3 hours ago, Nval95 said:

Save by the cold XD niiiiiiicee

I love your description, its so detailed and.... Mmmmm yummy? Good? Delicious?? You pick X'D

That is one sasy phone i ever read X'D sasy with just stating the cold hard fact. Face it, your getting a cold. xD 

Love it Reader XD

I’ll take all three boo 😉 

ahhhhh happy you loved it!!!

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26 minutes ago, mysterysneeze said:

The way you wrote this short story is fun to read! I honestly do not know much about this series, but the way you wrote a short description before the story started helped me get a good mental image of who the main character in this story was and what motivated her. You have a very nice way of not just saying a sneeze happens, but what happens before and after the action itself occurs. 

You did great with this story! I liked it a lot =) I would not have known this was your first female sneezing story if you didn't say it. 

 mysterysneeze, I think it almost killed me not to have any caretaking! Hahahahaha. And of course it was literally the exact opposite of what I like, so def pm me any suggestions you have to make it better. Thankyou! In this case, it was because Eva likes cupped quiet sneezes so I wanted to make sure she got that mental image. I’ve read other ppl’s work and l like that unexpected sneeze in writing that the author doesn’t warn you about...a lot! I’m just so wordy lol. 

Other fun fact, if the phone is broken then the user dies. 

Btw did you see my profile pic!!! Nuhval drew it!

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  • 1 month later...

I have no idea what this anime is but that was AMAZING!!  And for having things that you don't like (stifles, so many stifles) and completely lacking in caretaking I'm utterly impressed at how well it was written!!  I woulda died laughing though if the phone had said to escape the police by using her cold, which she essentially did.  Love it!

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38 minutes ago, RediChalyn said:

I have no idea what this anime is but that was AMAZING!!  And for having things that you don't like (stifles, so many stifles) and completely lacking in caretaking I'm utterly impressed at how well it was written!!  I woulda died laughing though if the phone had said to escape the police by using her cold, which she essentially did.  Love it!

Hahahahahahaha yea if it was like 

Escape diary: Let that sneeze out 


Thankyou so much!! Your comment is amazing! 

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