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Possibly developing allergies?? (Self obs, F)


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Hey guys! So, this is my first obs I've ever done (as for some reason I find this kinda terrifying lol, my heart is seriously pounding right now as I write this), but something happened to me today that I'm not sure about, so I figured what better place to pose a sneezing-based question (wrapped in an ob) than this forum! :happysmiley: (And my apologies that it's kinda longish...:poster_oops:)

So basically, outside of photic stuff, I never sneeze. And I mean like NEVER. If I get a bad cold I might sneeze once, and I get a bad cold like once every two years. And I had allergies as a kid but it was to dust and it gave me a sore throat and asthma more than anything else. Itchy nose at times if I was cleaning, but never sneezing. I can pinch, poke, rub at it, whatever I like, and it doesn't do a thing. 

So last week I kinda had a mini cold with a really sore throat and like the tiiinest bit of sinus congestion (no sneezing), but by this past Sunday I felt like a million bucks again. I've been pretty fine for most of this week but then today I woke up with the craziest post nasal drip I've ever had. It didn't really do anything other than really annoy me, but then when I was sitting as my desk at work and suddenly felt this tickle on the right side. (Now all my like I've had a huge mental block about sneezing in public. Still can't do it, in fact, around anyone other than my hubby. BUT, if I'm in a room and the door is kinda half closed and I know no one is near...  That I've kinda conquered....ish.) 

So, anyway, I feel this tickle and I knuckle the side of my nose a bit to rub it away, and super out of character for me, it actually makes it worse! So much so to the point that I feel like I actually might sneeze from it. I pinch the bridge of my nose really quickly on both sides (kinda hitting again the area that I'd been rubbing) and the whole inside starts to burn and sting, so I lean forward and look right into my desk light and right away "TCHSHHH" I sneeze and manage to catch it the collar of my fleece, but the tickle's still there so I look right back at the light and "HIH!-H'ISSHHHu!" It's way more powerful than I normally sneeze so it surprised the hell out of me and I kind of misted my wrist a little and left a damp spot on the collar of my jacket. (We have loads of handsanitizer at work though, so I was all over that.) After that the tickle was less, but not yet completely gone, so I pinched the bridge of my nose again, and it still kinda burned inside, but it wasn't really enough to send me over the top.

The same set of everything I just said theb happened again like an hour later and then, just 10 minutes ago, I was literally standing in the shower rubbing my whole hands up both sides of my nose it iched so much! It actually built again to the point that pinching the bridge set me off so I sneezed uncovered at the floor "h'TSHHH", quickly looked up at the lights on the wall and snapped right back over with a second "hu'CHSHHHH!" They were slightly messy this way, but I wiped at my nose and rinsed my face in the water a bit and was good.

After the shower I took the Astelin I've had around for a while (which I have used for some post nasal drip in the past cause I sing and it'll mess with my voice a bit), and it burned like hell. :shock: 

I've never in my life felt anything when pinching the bridge of my nose and I can't recall a nasal srpay ever feeling that  way for me before either. Not to mention even as I'm sitting here writing his that dang tickle on the right is still there!! Is this what allergies feel like? I honestly have no clue and no experience, but I know I'm on unfamiliar territory here. lol Would love to know if this sounds familiar to anyone or if I'm just going crazy...  :laugh2: Thanks!

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On ‎4‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 10:33 PM, LostGirl2.0 said:

Hey guys! So, this is my first obs I've ever done (as for some reason I find this kinda terrifying lol, my heart is seriously pounding right now as I write this), but something happened to me today that I'm not sure about, so I figured what better place to pose a sneezing-based question (wrapped in an ob) than this forum! :happysmiley: (And my apologies that it's kinda longish...:poster_oops:)

So basically, outside of photic stuff, I never sneeze. And I mean like NEVER. If I get a bad cold I might sneeze once, and I get a bad cold like once every two years. And I had allergies as a kid but it was to dust and it gave me a sore throat and asthma more than anything else. Itchy nose at times if I was cleaning, but never sneezing. I can pinch, poke, rub at it, whatever I like, and it doesn't do a thing. 

So last week I kinda had a mini cold with a really sore throat and like the tiiinest bit of sinus congestion (no sneezing), but by this past Sunday I felt like a million bucks again. I've been pretty fine for most of this week but then today I woke up with the craziest post nasal drip I've ever had. It didn't really do anything other than really annoy me, but then when I was sitting as my desk at work and suddenly felt this tickle on the right side. (Now all my like I've had a huge mental block about sneezing in public. Still can't do it, in fact, around anyone other than my hubby. BUT, if I'm in a room and the door is kinda half closed and I know no one is near...  That I've kinda conquered....ish.) 

So, anyway, I feel this tickle and I knuckle the side of my nose a bit to rub it away, and super out of character for me, it actually makes it worse! So much so to the point that I feel like I actually might sneeze from it. I pinch the bridge of my nose really quickly on both sides (kinda hitting again the area that I'd been rubbing) and the whole inside starts to burn and sting, so I lean forward and look right into my desk light and right away "TCHSHHH" I sneeze and manage to catch it the collar of my fleece, but the tickle's still there so I look right back at the light and "HIH!-H'ISSHHHu!" It's way more powerful than I normally sneeze so it surprised the hell out of me and I kind of misted my wrist a little and left a damp spot on the collar of my jacket. (We have loads of handsanitizer at work though, so I was all over that.) After that the tickle was less, but not yet completely gone, so I pinched the bridge of my nose again, and it still kinda burned inside, but it wasn't really enough to send me over the top.

The same set of everything I just said theb happened again like an hour later and then, just 10 minutes ago, I was literally standing in the shower rubbing my whole hands up both sides of my nose it iched so much! It actually built again to the point that pinching the bridge set me off so I sneezed uncovered at the floor "h'TSHHH", quickly looked up at the lights on the wall and snapped right back over with a second "hu'CHSHHHH!" They were slightly messy this way, but I wiped at my nose and rinsed my face in the water a bit and was good.

After the shower I took the Astelin I've had around for a while (which I have used for some post nasal drip in the past cause I sing and it'll mess with my voice a bit), and it burned like hell. :shock: 

I've never in my life felt anything when pinching the bridge of my nose and I can't recall a nasal srpay ever feeling that  way for me before either. Not to mention even as I'm sitting here writing his that dang tickle on the right is still there!! Is this what allergies feel like? I honestly have no clue and no experience, but I know I'm on unfamiliar territory here. lol Would love to know if this sounds familiar to anyone or if I'm just going crazy...  :laugh2: Thanks!

Enjoyed your obs. Gotta love the tickle struggle lol. Keep us posted on the next incident!

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Apparently it is possible to develop allergies at any point during your life. Often it can be triggered when going abroad and being exposed to pollen that you have not encountered before, making your body have a histamine response which remains when you return. Keep us posted on how things develop.

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Great obs, thank you for sharing! Looks like it might be an allergy, but we can never know for sure...

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An allergy can always develop, no matter what age you are. Maybe it's your dust allergy again or pollen, specific for spring or summertime. Do you have pets that you might be allergic to? Do you sneeze more when you are outside, or at home / indoors? If your urge or your sneezing doesn't stop, I suggest to see a doctor, you can do an allergy test and give you medical advice. Feel better soon.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I personally dont know about allergies or anything, but it does sound like you are developing something. I hope it doesnt make you too miserable.

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