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Court Room Flu (Ace Attorney Apollo Justice)


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Hi, I felt like there wasn't enough Ace Attorney on here, so I decided to write a fluffy little fan fiction with a sick Apollo and a overly concerned Klavier. It was fun to write and I hope that someone enjoys this. :) 

Apollo rest his pounding head in his hands, groaning as he sat in the Defendant Lobby.

The pressure he felt behind his eyes felt almost unbearable as he cursed his boss for giving him this awful cold from hell.

He could think of plenty of places he’d rather be then sitting in a court room trying to defend a seemingly hopeless case.

But he really didn’t have much of a choice as the other two attorney’s working in his office currently had their own cases to take care of, and he wasn’t about to turn down and innocent client.

It didn’t stop him from feeling miserable though as he rubbed the bridge of his nose, wishing that the recess would last just a little bit longer, so he could take a nap.

Apollo was so sucked into wallowing in his own misery, that he didn’t notice another person’s presence until they put a hand on his shoulder. His head shot up watery eyes meeting with a familiar prosecutor.

“I didn’t think the trial was going too poorly for you Herr Forehead.” Klavier only half teased the other man, sympathy clear in his eyes as he sat down on the bench next to Apollo.

Apollo rolled his tired eyes, ignoring the previous statement,” It’s good to see you too prosecutor Gavin.” He frowned, just now realizing how strained and croaky his voice sounded, positive that all this yelling wasn’t helping his case.

Klavier grinned,” It’s good to see you too, though I wish it was in better health.” He said, pressing a warm cup to the defense attorney’s hand, chuckling when Apollo gave him a confused look,” Tea, I’m afraid your chords of steel are sounding a bit frayed.” He explained.

Under normal circumstances Apollo would have protested this, saying that he was fine and that he didn’t need Klavier to baby him.

But honestly tea sounded fantastic right now and he was incredibly grateful,” Thanks.” He said, taking a tentative sip so not to burn himself.

Klavier put a hand over his heart in mock shock,” You must be sick if you not protesting that your fine.” He said, dramatically making Apollo groan at his ridiculousness.

“I’m not that bad…” Apollo protested weakly, not really having the energy to argue with the prosecutor outside the court room.  

“Sure, you aren’t.” Klavier grinned, sitting in comfortable silence with Apollo as he drank his tea, glad he was able to something to make the other man feel a little better.

Though it seemed to work a little too well as Apollo relaxed feeling drowsy. The poor man looked almost ready to cry when the bailiff called them into finish the trial.

“Do we really have to go back?” He asked, the defeated tone pulling at prosecutor Gavin’s heart strings.

“I’m afraid so Herr Forehead.” Klavier frowned trying to find away to get Apollo to motivate him,” Tell you what Herr Forehead, lets make a deal.” He said, smiling when he saw the other man grow curious,” If you win this court case, I’ll drive you home and wait on you hand and foot.” He said figuring that it was a good enough motivation.

Apollo flushed not sure how he felt about the last part but…he also really didn’t feel like riding his bike home,” Well I would appreciate a ride home.” He answered, hesitantly.

Klavier grinned widely,” Then it’s a deal, now we better get back in there, so you can win this case.” He told Apollo, help him up hoping that this trial would end soon so that he could get Apollo home and in bed.


The case didn’t end for another grueling hour, but in the end, Apollo won the case for his defendant.

But it was obvious that the case had drained what little energy he had, whatever medication he’d taken before hand was wearing off as by the end. Klavier didn’t even know how he’d held up for so long. 

He practically sprinted out of the courtroom barely hearing the verdict that was handed down going to meet Apollo in the defenses lobby.

Looking around Klaviers eyes eventually found the other man, slumped in a bench with his eyes closed. He approached him quickly closing the space between them, frowning when he finally got a good look at Apollo.

Apollo’s normally tan skin was ashen taking on a grayer appearance, his nose and cheeks flushed red from a fever, and he was shivering as his body desperately tried to rid itself of the disease plaguing it.

Klavier rest a gentle hand on Apollos shoulder, watching his hazy eyes flicker open,” Hey a deal a deal, let’s get you home.” Apollo nodded in agreement, getting up onto shaky legs letting Klavier led him out to the parking lot.

Klavier was helping him into his care when an almost panicked look overcame Apollo’s face,” My bike?” He croaked out, worried about leaving it here.

“I’ll get it you just stay here and relax.” He told Apollo helping him the rest of the way into the car before closing the door. He went and got the sick mans bike as requested loading it up into the back of his car.

Klavier got in the driver’s seat turning on the heat and making sure that Apollo was buckled in before they took off, barely managing to get Apollo’s address before the boy passed out snoring.

He smiled glancing at him finding Apollo kind of adorable as he slept soundly through the car ride to the apartment.

But Klavier’s smile changed to a frown when they finally got to Apollo’s apartment complex, it wasn’t the nicest looking of places and Klavier didn’t feel comfortable leaving Apollo there alone.

If anything, Apollo would get sicker staying there as he doubted that this place had a functioning heating system.

So Klavier decided to make a little detour, heading for his place instead since the other man was still out cold and unable to protest this.

When they got there he parked his car, going to wake Apollo shaking his shoulder gently.

Apollo’s eyes flicked open as his sat up blearily rubbing at them, it took him a minute to realize that he wasn’t at his apartment as his thinking felt clouded and muddled,” Where am I?” He croaked, confused.

“My place, part of our deal was that I wait on you hand and foot, and I don’t back down from a deal.” That and he couldn’t stand the idea of Apollo suffering alone in his cold rundown apartment.

He could’ve have sworn Apollo turned redder than he already was,” You really don’t have to.” He said, avoiding eye contact, desperately trying to ignore the fluttery feeling that had took root in his stomach.

Klavier put his hands on his hips,” Oh yeah well what if I wanted to.” He told him, seeming to effectively shut up the other man,” Lets get you inside and into bed.”

Before Apollo could even consider protesting Klavier had scooped him up into his arms, making the boy squeak as he wrapped his arms around his neck,” I can walk.” He mumbled.

But Klavier just shook his head,” Nope no arguing.” He said as he carried the sick man up to his apartment.

 Apollo was pouting about his current situation, not wanting to admit that it felt nice to not have to walk. Klavier lent him some pajamas, making sure he changed into them before getting him tucked comfortably into bed.

He sighed letting his body comfortably sink into the mattress as he curled up under the cover, his eyes starting to slight shut. “Not yet Herr Forehead.” Klavier tutted as he entered the room, holding some cold medicine out for Apollo to take.

Apollo took the medicine without complaint before sinking back into the mattress letting his eyes close.

He could have sworn he felt Klavier pressed his lips to his warm forehead, but his brain was too fuzzy to comprehend the thought as he slowly drifted to sleep.

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When Apollo woke up again the room was dark, and he could hardly breath through his nose.

His eyes roamed around the room confusion worming his way into his fever clouded brain. This was not his apartment, it was way to nice, and warm to be his crummy little apartment.

Though it didn’t take long for it to all come flooding back and he remembered he was at Klaviers place.

Sitting up he yawned, pawing at his pink nose whimpering a little as it was starting to give him some trouble, a tickle flared up deep in his clogged nostrils.

Sniffling Apollo wrinkling up his pink nose, turning on the light by his bed scrunching his eyes shut as the stung the tickle increasing, making his breath snag.

Dread filled the pit of his stomach as force his eyes open enough to scan the room desperately looking for a box of tissues, feeling a bit panicky when he couldn’t find any in sight.

Apollo’s breath kept snagging in itchy desperate little gasps, as he stumbled to his feet, trying to make his way to the bathroom before he made a complete mess of himself.

He flicked the light on closing the door behind him barely managing to put down the toilet seat before he collapsed on top of it sneezing his little head off,” Hih’mgxst tch’gxnt hah’gnxst Ngh'KXT.” He clamped his fingers around his nostril stifling the harsh fit so not to disturb the other mans sleep.

The only thing that seemed to accomplish though was irritating his nose even more than it already was, as he desperately tried to stay quiet, but it was getting harder and harder, with each stifle making his head spin.


Klavier was up getting some leftover work done, when a sound caught his ears.

It sounded like someone stumbling around, which made him think Apollo was up and about, making him curse under his breath as he got to his feet. He never understood why the stubborn man couldn’t just stay put.

Though it became clear to him when he approached the bedroom exactly why his little guest was up and about so late at night.

He notices the bathroom light was on and some interesting noises were coming from inside that he couldn’t quite place because of door muffling the sound.

Klavier raised an eyebrow knocking on the door,” Herr Forehead, is everything alright in there?” He called out to him. Hearing the man squeak on the other side sounding distressed.


Apollo squeaked when he heard Klavier knock on the bathroom door.

He was desperate to not let the other man see him like this he blew his nose into a wade of toilet paper before answering his breath still hitchy and uneven,” I’m…hih Fi-hah-fine.” He called back.

“Are you sure?” Klavier called, the door between them doing nothing to muffle his growing concern.

Apollo wrinkled up his pink nose scrubbing at it determined to not give away how miserable he was feeling,” Ye-Hah-yeah.” He said, through choppy breaths.

The door handle was turning before he knew it as Klavier was clearly not convinced “I’m coming in Apollo.” He said, just as the burning itch plaguing Apollo’s sinuses consumed the last of his attention.

“Hih-hachiew tsh tsh tch Hah-hehKiew.” Apollo buried his nose into his hands, face flushing crimson as he felt a warm liquid substance fill them. He couldn’t tell if his eye were watering or he was just crying, Apollo felt so gross and miserable.

Klavier probably thought he was disgusting, he thought wallowing in self-pity, sniffling congested.

The other man moved past him ducking under the sink, digging around looking for something. Making a triumphant little noise as he pulled out a full box lotion tissues, tearing them open tucking a few into Apollo’s hands that were still cupped around his nose.

“If you needed tissues you could have just asked, Liebe. “ He said sounding, smacking his own forehead,” Ack I should of gotten them for you in the first place.” Klavier exclaimed sounding like he was scolding himself for being a poor host.

Apollo was just relieved to have something to blow his nose into, doing that getting himself cleaned up before throwing the tissues into the garbage.

Klavier frowned, looking over the man noting that he looked exhausted, his mouth still hanging open slightly as he breathed through it, blowing doing nothing for the lingering congestion.

The prosecutor dug through his medicine cabinet looking for anything that might help ease up the symptoms, so that he could get the man back into bed and asleep.

Luckily, he managed to produce and digital thermometer and some decongestants that were surprisingly not expired.

He stuck the thermometer under Apollo’s tongue, combing through the defense attorney’s hair absent mindedly with his finger making him close his eyes relaxing into the soothing touch.

Klavier frowned at the heat coming off his body, checking the watch on his other wrist figuring it would be okay to give him some more cold medicine on top of the decongestants.

The thermometer beeped and removed it looking the reading. Thankfully Apollo only had a low-grade fever, but it didn’t stop this nasty cold from sapping all his energy.

Klavier got some more medicine into his body, without complaint leading the boy back to the bedroom getting Apollo tucked back into bed,” Is there anything else you need, liebe? “ He asked carding his finger through his hair smiling.

Apollo looked hesitant like he wasn’t sure how to ask for what he wanted,” Anything Apollo just ask, it won’t bother me.” Klavier told him.

“Stay?” Apollo finally asked, avoiding eye contact his face flushing a darker shade of red, and Klavier’s eye’s widened in shock.

Apollo looked sheepish, already ready to back out,” You don’t have to it’s a silly request.” But Klavier was already climbing into bed with him, making himself comfortable.”

“I did say anything.” Klavier said shrugging off Apollo’s concern, tugging him closer to him making him comfortable against his chest.

Apollo tensed up a little before relaxing against his chest, closing his eyes as the other man carded his fingers through his hair.

This time Apollo was sure he felt Klavier press a kiss to the top of his head before he drifted off to sleep, but he didn’t mind he wouldn’t have it any other way.

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*faints* Apollo with a bad cold is perfect! And Klavier taking him to his place is just... *fangirl screams*

 Ok, first of all, I loved the stifles that Apollo made in the bathroom to not disturb Klavier. It's just so sweet that Klavier is taking care of him, and that kiss he gave him on the foreheaad was precious :inlove:

 I love Klapollo, is like my courtroom OTP of this game, so I really enjoyed this fanfic! Are you going to write more?

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8 hours ago, EvaBloom said:

*faints* Apollo with a bad cold is perfect! And Klavier taking him to his place is just... *fangirl screams*

 Ok, first of all, I loved the stifles that Apollo made in the bathroom to not disturb Klavier. It's just so sweet that Klavier is taking care of him, and that kiss he gave him on the foreheaad was precious :inlove:

 I love Klapollo, is like my courtroom OTP of this game, so I really enjoyed this fanfic! Are you going to write more?

Yay, I'm glad you liked it. Yeah I thought it would be fun to make Pollo suffer a little. 

The part where Apollo stumbles into the bathroom, in a desperate attempt to not disturb Klavier was actually one of my favorite parts to write as I could see this happening my head. The two of them having a muffled conversation through the door, while Apollo's just trying convince Klavier he's fine when he's clearly not. :P

They are one of my favorite couples in the Ace Attorney Universe (Wrightworth being my other favorite) I was thinking about writing more but I was sure where to go with this lol. Any ideas? :D


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3 hours ago, Bisexualien1996 said:

Yay, I'm glad you liked it. Yeah I thought it would be fun to make Pollo suffer a little. 

The part where Apollo stumbles into the bathroom, in a desperate attempt to not disturb Klavier was actually one of my favorite parts to write as I could see this happening my head. The two of them having a muffled conversation through the door, while Apollo's just trying convince Klavier he's fine when he's clearly not. :P

They are one of my favorite couples in the Ace Attorney Universe (Wrightworth being my other favorite) I was thinking about writing more but I was sure where to go with this lol. Any ideas? :D


Hmmm, for WrightWorth you could make Edgeworth being sick and stifling his sneezes while court is in session, making Phoenix worry about him, or something similar :D


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Just now, EvaBloom said:

Hmmm, for WrightWorth you could make Edgeworth being sick and stifling his sneezes while court is in session, making Phoenix worry about him, or something similar :D


Ooooh I haven't thought about doing anything with Wrightworth yet it could be interesting to have Phoenix staring at Edgeworth from across the courtroom just worrying. Edgeworth's also rumored to have horrible allergies so I could also do something with that.

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4 minutes ago, Bisexualien1996 said:

Ooooh I haven't thought about doing anything with Wrightworth yet it could be interesting to have Phoenix staring at Edgeworth from across the courtroom just worrying. Edgeworth's also rumored to have horrible allergies so I could also do something with that.

Oh yes! I love Egeworth's allergies, it would be awesome if you write something like that.

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Just now, EvaBloom said:

Oh yes! I love Egeworth's allergies, it would be awesome if you write something like that.

Lol, I think I will it'd be cute to have a fan fiction where Phoenix is trying to be sweet, getting Edgeworth flowers only to realize he horribly allergic.

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15 hours ago, Bisexualien1996 said:

Lol, I think I will it'd be cute to have a fan fiction where Phoenix is trying to be sweet, getting Edgeworth flowers only to realize he horribly allergic.

I agree, that would be so cute :heart:

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's always nice to stumble on some Ace Attorney stuff in here!  I played the original trilogy years ago, but only started Apollo Justice this morning!  Klapollo is quickly becoming an OTP of mine, so this is rather nice timing!

I really liked this story! I also loved the part where Apollo is trying to be quiet in the bathroom (the mess mention was also nice heheh).

Also, if you are still looking for more ideas for writing, I would love to hear all the details about how Apollo caught that cold 😉

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4 minutes ago, Kushami Suki Da! said:

It's always nice to stumble on some Ace Attorney stuff in here!  I played the original trilogy years ago, but only started Apollo Justice this morning!  Klapollo is quickly becoming an OTP of mine, so this is rather nice timing!

I really liked this story! I also loved the part where Apollo is trying to be quiet in the bathroom (the mess mention was also nice heheh).

Also, if you are still looking for more ideas for writing, I would love to hear all the details about how Apollo caught that cold 😉

Thank you for the lovely comment, I haven't thought about writing how Apollo caught the cold. Maybe that will be my next Ace Attorney endeavor!!! :)

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Ahh I love this so much, the cuteness of it all is in it's own amazement please do continue this:heart:

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5 hours ago, Shikee12.haley said:

Ahh I love this so much, the cuteness of it all is in it's own amazement please do continue this:heart:

Well looks like I'm going to have to continue this now, lol. Thanks for the comment, and I think I will probably add another part to this. :P


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  • 1 year later...

That relatable moment when you are desperately combing through for M/M five and actually find one from your fandom/OTP.

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2 hours ago, Diamond_Promise said:

That relatable moment when you are desperately combing through for M/M five and actually find one from your fandom/OTP.

This is a mood, my friend...

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