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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Weirdest Thing That Made/Makes You Sneeze


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I could have sworn that there was a topic about this but I can't find it at all. :huh:

Whats the weirdest thing that ever made you sneeze OR what's the weirdest thing that consistently makes you sneeze?  Either/or really.

Mine happened today.  I was eating radishes.  I eat radishes at lunch five days a week because I'm boring and don't vary my lunches much and I really like radishes! :laugh: But these ones tasted really strong.  Like eye wateringly strong.  I have never in my life felt a tickle build from the inside out before!  It was like my sinuses got the memo before my nose did.  All backwards!  And then I sneezed from eating radishes.  I often eat food with a lot of spice and never felt anything like this before so thise radishes really meant business.

So anyone got anything weird that can top that? :laugh:

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Radishes makes my eyes water, but I've never sneezed from them. 

Thai Curry noodle soup though... oh man. Only time a sneeze has come on so rapidly I had to sneeze with my mouth full. That was not pleasant. Luckily I was alone. :lol: 


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Hmm..this is a good question! And I'd have to go with this spicy mustard I had at a chinese restaurant once. It was delicious but had this weird tang to it that burned through my sinuses and resulted in a nice set of sneezes. :laugh: 

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I feel like I may have already replied to that elusive previous thread so forgive me if I'm repeating myself :lol: 

For me, it's yawning. I'd say 40% of my yawns result in a sneeze.

And folding laundry. No matter if I use unscented detergent or not, so it's not even the scent! I think it's the fiber particles?

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Spicy stuff has made me sneeze in the past, but for me, the weirdest thing is chewing gum. The one that has this super strong menthol flavour? That makes me sneeze almost everytime- 

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I don’t think it actually set me of, but I once had a chemistry teacher who inadvertently caused several sneezes from multiple classmates of mine when he filled the room with smoke during a ‘demonstration’.

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Once I sneezed when filing my nails so I think the nail dust might have gotten up my nose. Unfortunately this isn't something that normally happens. There used to be  a time when I'd randomly sneeze after eating, regardless of the type of food(though some foods seemed to increase the chances), and even if I hadn't eaten that much, but for some reason it rarely happens any more.

I have randomly been getting sneezing fits at night. Doctors tried to blame it on dust filled pillows, but this is always before I lie down to go to sleep. I think it might possibly be an early sign of medication withdrawal, but I'm not sure if it's my allergy meds or my pain meds since I take both at the same time, and opioid medication withdrawal can cause sneezing. Or maybe the air in the house is just drier at night. *shrugs*

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Probably the oddest one for me would be cork dust. I do some work where I have to sand cork down to achieve a proper fit on the parts their attached to and the dust that gets in the air tickles my nose and has made me sneeze before. 

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Was on a small plane the other day and the vibrations from the engine and/or propellor made me sneeze like mad. Was quite weird really. 

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This isn't really all that weird, as it's something going up my nose, but it actually happened again earlier and reminded me xD. 

I smoke, and sometimes (by sometimes, I mean.. it's maybe happened 6 or 7 times in the 17ish years I've been smoking) if I light the cigarette and the smoke goes up my nose in a certain way, that will make me sneeze once or twice. It happened earlier today, and the feeling was super intense, like - eye-wateringly strong, impossible to contain, that sort of thing :lol:

It basically never happens, but it's always pretty amusing and sort of strange when it does. 


don't smoke, kids. that shit's bad for you. :datass:

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My Oxygenics shower head. :teehee:

Edited by Alexandra Marie
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I usually sneeze when I blow dry my hair! I'm not sure if it's the temperature difference of hot air on cold hair, the dry air from the blow-drier, or the dusty particles stirred up by it! 

And I was curious if anyone else had the blow drying thing, so I googled it and the first result was my response to the elusive (now found!) first topic on this, so I guess not :lol: 
Here it is: 


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I sneeze when someone or something taps the end of my nose. On paper doesn't seem like a weird thing to make someone sneeze, but practically everyone who has ever found out about this quirk has lost their minds about it! And I've never met anyone else who sneezes when you tap their nose. It doesn't work when I touch my own nose, either, but if someone else does it it almost always makes my nose tickly.

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For me, it is bug spray that has and probably always will set me off. Though I love sneezing, I get a bit embarrassed when I do it myself in public. And anytime I needed bug spray at the park, the fits begin(though I'm sure the pollen doesn't help)!


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On 4/24/2018 at 10:44 PM, Zwee said:

I sneeze when someone or something taps the end of my nose. On paper doesn't seem like a weird thing to make someone sneeze, but practically everyone who has ever found out about this quirk has lost their minds about it! And I've never met anyone else who sneezes when you tap their nose. It doesn't work when I touch my own nose, either, but if someone else does it it almost always makes my nose tickly.

that's so cute

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  • 3 months later...

I am bringing this back because boy oh boy did I have an experience today.  It's not weird as in "I can't believe that would make someone sneeze" because it's fairly obvious it would, it's more like "I never thought I'd encounter this but then I did" with a hint of "I can't believe I didn't realise this would be a thing.

Wakeboarding.  I guess it is to water skiing what snowboarding is to regular skiing, in that instead of one thing on each foot, there's one big thing on both feet.  Tried it for the first time today.  Probably won't be doing it again for a while.  :laugh:

I am a swimmer.  I grew up swimming, I have been in the water a lot.  Water gets in your nose when you're swimming.  Doesn't usually bother me, perhaps because I'm used to it.

What I'm not used to, and what I totally failed to take into account today?  When your face SLAMS into the water at high speeds, repeatedly, that water gets in there.  Like all up in there.  Right up in there damn good.  I fell backwards and then got dragged forward a bit and my nose was just right at the surface of the water acting like a scoop.   I could feel it draining down the back of my throat.  And the board on your feet is buoyant it kinda forces you to lie backwards and float that way in the water so it's hard to get your head upright to let the water drain back out.  By the time I finally got up on the boat and got my head upright, water came running out, lots of it, it was the weirdest thing I've ever experienced.  And then came the sneezing.  So.  Much.  Sneezing.  There was a deep irritation I could feel not in my nose but in my sinuses and it made me sneeze over and over but sneezing didn't really seem to actually help.  Guys, its 9 hours later and I'm still not entirely right.  :laugh:  It's waning with time.

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OxiClean White Revive (the powder). Can't open the container without sneezing at least once

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Using a cordless screwdriver. I mean, yes, there's some dust, tiny wood particles, but... I never sneeze from usual dust or anything like that. I would've understood if it were the jigsaw, because it produces a really fine dust (which maybe kinda helped the reaction to the screwdriver-dust, I don't know). 

Anyway, I can only remember one day where I've sneezed more often than the past weekend o_O I didn't feel these sneezes coming, they just struck so quickly and forcefully... One, two or even three in a row and that, like, twenty times a day?Thirty? I would have recorded them if my father hadn't been around all the time...

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One I would say is awdust, but it doesn't seem that uncommon from what others said.  

The definitely weird one for me is newspapers - if I open one up or am next to a stack of them. It doesn't happen all the time, but more often than not it does.  Since it's kinda random I have no idea what about them does it to me 

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  • 2 months later...

Not me, but I have a friend who sneezes after she eats. Like, as soon as she is finished with whatever meal she's eating, a few minutes later she'll start sneezing. Then she'll sneeze for about 5 minutes or so, quite a while really. I've teased her about it for years, she hates it. 

Also, I have a really sensitive photic reflex. Anytime I go outside, I sneeze. Even if it's cloudy. The sudden change from artificial to natural light gets to me. 

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