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sneezing causes a feeling of furor..?


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I am sorry if this question was asked before. I once read on another page, a teenager girl asked for advice - her boyfriend had bad allergies and sneezed in fits very often. She emphasized that he would sneeze a lot. Her problem / question was that her boyfriend's sneezing made her feel angry inside.
She could not explain to herself why, she knew he was not feeling well and wanted to support him during this time. But his sneezing left her with a sense of aggressiveness.
Has any of you experienced such feelings / situations, or an explanation of where the anger / aggressiveness might come from?
Personally, I think she felt kind of helplessness, seeing her boyfriend sneezing and being unable to do anything for him. Maybe that felt like 'furor' to her?

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Quite possible that she had misophonia. I'm like that with whistling. Even if I'm super fond of the person, something about the pitch and keening on it makes me instantly want to stab them. It really sucks for both parties when it's something as involuntary as sneezing, chewing, etc. though. 

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I have this with coughing. But only a certain type of coughing - the dry, constant, sounds-like-it's-forced style coughing. From anyone. I really can't stand it and sometimes I get so overwhelmingly angry and aggressive that I just cry. It's a really awful thing to have, honestly. I don't have any advice on what could cause it, I just know that it really, really sucks. 

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Yes, that sounds like misophonia. I have that with snoring, but--like PuddinPop-- only a specific kind of snoring:  arrhythmic, nasal snoring. Hearing it just makes me irrationally angry, to the point where I scream at other people to stop doing it…which is stupid, since, obviously, you only snore when you're asleep! 

Edited by MyOwnPrivateSFC
Wow, typo!
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Yes it could definitely be a type of noise sensitivity. I get this with a lot of different noises, though sneezing usually only affects me this way if it's a family member or someone else I really don't want to see/hear sneeze(especially since sometimes the sound will echo in my head so hearing one sneeze can be like hearing several), but that's normal for fetishists.

And I know this isn't really all that relevant because again it's fetish related, but I used to have a long distance S/O with the fetish and he'd always tell me when he was sneezing(even spelling them out) when we were chatting. There would be times when I just really wasn't in the mood for it, so then I would get these feelings of frustration and even anger. Eventually I talked to him about it and he said there were times when he really wasn't in the mood for me to do that sort of thing either, so we both agreed that we could be honest about it and tell each other when we weren't in a fetish mood. I have no idea how the hell we would have dealt with it if it wasn't a long distance thing though.

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Oddly enough, I get this feeling when I heard sniffling "Just blow your nose already!!" So I totally understand. 

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