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Sound notification?


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I’m just wondering if their is a sound notification feature on this forum. (While a person is logged in)

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There is!  And I know this because I had to find it to turn it off because every time I got a sound notification it turned off my music on mobile and I had to go unpause my music. :laugh:

When you are logged in you can see your name on the upper right of the screen.  Click the little arrow next to it to open a drop down menu, then choose account settings.  There's a big menu and then to the right a teeny little menu titled "Other settings" and Notification settings is one of those.  That will take you to a bunch of options, one of which is to tick or untick the "play a sound when I receive a notification" setting. 

I hope that helped! :)

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3 hours ago, SleepingPhlox said:

There is!  And I know this because I had to find it to turn it off because every time I got a sound notification it turned off my music on mobile and I had to go unpause my music. :laugh:

D'oh! So THAT'S why my music turns off whenever there happens to be a notification for me when I visit the Forum! I never knew! Thanks! :laugh:

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On 4/13/2018 at 3:33 PM, SleepingPhlox said:

There is!  And I know this because I had to find it to turn it off because every time I got a sound notification it turned off my music on mobile and I had to go unpause my music. :laugh:

When you are logged in you can see your name on the upper right of the screen.  Click the little arrow next to it to open a drop down menu, then choose account settings.  There's a big menu and then to the right a teeny little menu titled "Other settings" and Notification settings is one of those.  That will take you to a bunch of options, one of which is to tick or untick the "play a sound when I receive a notification" setting. 

I hope that helped! :)

Thankyou so much!!! It’s such a big help because I swear my notifications be playing “Hide until you refresh me”. I always miss things. I just saw this and I don’t think I would have if I wasn’t looking at my profile and saw one filled star among the empty ones! It’ll be like “this person did this 3 days ago” and I’ll be like what!!!!!! Hahahahaha Anyways Thankyou so much!!!

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