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trouble with coughing..?


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First of all, I thank everyone who takes time to read this.

I have been thinking for a few days about writing this post, but now I have decided to write it down, asking for an advice - maybe there are people with similar experiences?
I was diagnosed with asthma and a cardiac arrhythmia when I was very young, I can also imagine that these diseases were already innate and it took some time for the doctors to diagnose them. Since that time I live with some limitations in my daily life.
In addition, I have another illness - I had thought of 'presenting' it in another post in the next few days, if anyone is interested?
Coughing is one of the symptoms of the cardiac arrhythmia and asthma. After physical exertion, at night or without any reason.
I've read here that some of you have a mental block to sneeze in front of others, your girlfriend, boyfriend or in public, in situations that you consider as inappropriate ones.
So it is for me with the cough, too - even if it is a daily symptom that I should accept. But it can not accept it.
It is impossible for me to cough when others are near me, including family members, or I am in public.
It leaves me feeling very uncomfortable. I do not want other people's attention being focused on my illness, or they might think I'm ill all the time, etc.
The blockade has become worse, since I had an experience two years ago, when I lost consciousness (loosing consciousness is a symptom of the arrhythmia but I call it always the 'worst case')  because of an asthma attack in public, I thank God, that a man helped me, took care of me and called an ambulance.
It was an experience that seemed to have made this situation even worse.
Do you have experience with it? A suggestion how I could handle it, to overcome this mental block?
Note: I'm not asking for any medical advice, just help for the mental block.
I am sorry for my english and feel so bad for all those worries and negative thoughts.
Thank you for taking your time to read my post and I wish you all the best.
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I think reassurance from your friends and family could help. Do you remember when or why the mental block developed? 

Are you trying to take the focus off yourself so your family won’t worry? Like trying not to remind them of your condition or have it be at the forefront of their mind when you cough? Or is it centered more on yourself and trying not to let your condition be the biggest thing about you? 

Since it’s uncomfortable and feels unpleasant to cough around people, I think trying to find one person to be comfortable with as a start could help. Then two people. Like maybe you’ll be really uncomfortable in public, but having one person that knows or understands everything would make that experience less uncomfortable. Of course that’s really hard! I don’t think there’s an easy answer. I hope you find it soon though


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17 hours ago, Reader said:

I think reassurance from your friends and family could help. Do you remember when or why the mental block developed? 

Are you trying to take the focus off yourself so your family won’t worry? Like trying not to remind them of your condition or have it be at the forefront of their mind when you cough? Or is it centered more on yourself and trying not to let your condition be the biggest thing about you? 

Since it’s uncomfortable and feels unpleasant to cough around people, I think trying to find one person to be comfortable with as a start could help. Then two people. Like maybe you’ll be really uncomfortable in public, but having one person that knows or understands everything would make that experience less uncomfortable. Of course that’s really hard! I don’t think there’s an easy answer. I hope you find it soon though

Hello Reader, thank you for your reply - could I answer your questions in pm? I know my account needs to be validated, but when this is done, could I write you a pm? Thank you a lot and I hope you are fine.

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