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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Bowling Alley (Bar) obs


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I don't post DB posts as often, I usually like to read lengthy detailed posts about others observations. But why not share this when it was an amazing scene. 

It all began when I felt the urge to visit the bowling alley that's near my home. On Friday and Saturday nights there's karaoke at the bar area of the bowling alley and usually once claims their spot at the tables by 9:30/10pm the latest. Well, I got there around 9:30, got my table and ordered my cocktails. As I sat there, I noticed 2 couples that had already been there mingling at the table closest to the stage where karaoke is located. These couples were having a blast talking and laughing and what not. One of the male and female couple decided to get up and order another pitcher of beer at the bar while the other male and female couple stayed behind drinking their beers. As the night went on, my friend finally decides to show up to karaoke and we mingle and what not. About 2 hours later, this bar is full house. People having a good time etc. BUT, at one point as I'm mingling with my friend I notice out of the corner or my eye this man from the couples mentioned before rubbing his nose with the palm of his hand. This man is fairly tall, Hispanic, mid to late 30's.. shaved head.. he keeps rubbing until he finally can't hold his sneeze anymore and sneezes one strong wet sneeze (ttttsssssccchhoo) inside of his shirt. I saw the sneeze go straight down his shirt as he held it against his nose and mouth. But that wasn't it.... that was the beginning of his sneezing fit. This shaved head man let out at least 20 sneezes back to back with nose rubs in between and a few stifled sneezes in between. His lady kept blessing him and couldn't believe how much he was sneezing non stop. It seemed as though she was annoyed at it while on the other hand I was having an amazing time observing him sneeze as I tried not to break my conversation with my friend. The man kept sneezing strong wet sneezes into his shirt and he would even sneeze behind his lady to let it alllll out and you could tell it sprayed bad. The man finally stopped sneezing after 10 mins but kept rubbing his nose and hoping for more. But he was done. The beers definitely made him sneeze bad. I as happy I have witnessed such a beautiful sneeze attack. 

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Wow, that must have been amazing! I've never met any of these people who have to sneeze after drinking alcohol, I'm still waiting to witness a sudden fit like that :whistling1: Though I'm not sure if I could hold a conversation like you did while observing...

Thanks for sharing! You described the scene very detailed (: 

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9 hours ago, Sequoia said:

Wow, that must have been amazing! I've never met any of these people who have to sneeze after drinking alcohol, I'm still waiting to witness a sudden fit like that :whistling1: Though I'm not sure if I could hold a conversation like you did while observing...

Thanks for sharing! You described the scene very detailed (: 

Thank you for letting me know that I described in detail. I'm not normally good at that lol. But I do hope that you get the opportunity to see someone sneeze from alcohol. It's quite the sight. And yes, it's hard to stay focused when you witness such beautiful sneezy scene. 

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