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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Make report button more visible.


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Is there a way we can make the report button more visible? I could swear that there used to be a very obvious button for it at the bottom of the post, but now it's invisible in the upper right corner of a post until you hover over that spot. I only found it by accident.

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I'll check around in the settings, but I'm fairly certain the layout of the forum is a default, and I don't think it's something that can be customised. I'll see what we can do though, but it might not be possible. 

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Thanks for looking into it. I'd think it would only take a minor tweak of some html/css, but I don't know if the forum software lets you mess with that stuff. I just think it's important to be able to easily find the report button, especially with the upcoming forum changes.

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