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Spencer x Derek fic (Criminal Minds but way the heck back in season 1 or 2)


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Derek watched Spencer run after Lila. He couldn’t believe this girl was even giving him the light of day. Spencer was handsome but also kind of extremely awkward in his own adorable way. Derek watched as Spencer and Lila left the studio together, a feeling of jealousy coursing through him. What if Spencer decided he actually liked her? Then where would their relationship go? Would Spencer leave the team to stay in Los Angeles? No. Quit thinking like that. Spencer wouldn’t do something like that to us… Would he? 

Dang… Now he was concerned again. He had to stop letting his mind wander. He and Detective Kim made their way to the possible unsub’s studio, and he managed to keep his mind off of Reid by asking questions about the scumbag that they were about to pay a visit.


He saw Spencer put on clothes that were way too short for his long limbs. The situation would have been comical had the kid not been shaking like a leaf the entire time he was doing it. 

Man! It’s so much colder in California than movies and television shows have made it out to be…

Derek was so busy fretting over the kid’s shivering that he hadn’t even noticed that Spencer had already left the room and was telling Lila that he needed to take her picture collage apart.

A short time later Derek caught Spencer shivering again, back in his now dry clothing. 

“Hey man. You okay?”

“Snf…I’m fine, why do you ask?”

“Just making sure.”

~ A short while later~

Reid had done a great job, disarming the stalker and apprehending her before she could do anything to hurt Lila or herself. Morgan was still a little worried for his friend’s health, and a bit jealous of Lila and Spencer’s little ‘thing’ for one another. He even made Reid stop talking to her so they could leave, which made him feel a little bad later on, but Lila’s publicist was telling her to go as well so it wasn’t that big of a deal. On the jet Spencer fell asleep right away, it had been a tiring couple of days for the young genius. Derek watched him out of the corner of his eye, feigning interest in the wall or pretending to jam out to the lack of music playing in his headphones whenever someone looked in his direction. Spencer’s lips were parted slightly, and if he listened closely, Derek could hear the slight little click that spoke of congestion. As Derek fretted over Spencer’s health, he didn’t notice that Spencer had woken up, noticed him staring, and was fixing him with an odd look. Derek alpha-maled him by maintaining eye contact until Spencer felt uncomfortable, turned the other direction, and went back to sleep. 


By the time the plane landed everyone seemed ready to go home. Hotch wanted to go be with his family, JJ and Elle had decided to go shopping together, and Garcia was ‘in the fortress,’ whatever that meant, so it was just Spencer and Derek in the bullpen area. Derek was just about to make his escape, mostly to try to avoid any awkward conversation about how Spencer had woken up to Derek staring at him. That was probably kind of freaky… 

“Hey Morgan?”

Crap… I was almost in the clear…

“What’s up, kid?”

“Have you ever been with a girl that you’ve wanted to spend more than just one night with?”

No. Right now I’m questioning whether I even LIKE girls… Think of something dismissive to say!

“Excuse me?”

The new Shakespeare, everybody! You really do have a way with words, Derek.

“It’s just…I’ve never seen you with the same girl twice…”

This is my chance for redemption! Say something suave!

“Are you callin’ me a dog?”

Much more Derek Morgan-like.

“No not at all! I was just wondering if this…feelingI have is ever going to go away.”

“Kid, what we do, it takes up all of our time. Maintaining a relationship is hard enough, even in the same city.”

Wow that’s actually good advice… Nice one, Morgan! You deserve a drink—or twelve.

“So… I shouldn’t call her then?”

 “I can’t answer that for you, but you don’t have to figure that out tonight.”

The kid looks exhausted, especially for someone who just slept for almost the entire plane ride.

“Night Hollywood.”

“Have a good weekend.”

Derek was turning to leave when he heard an odd little sound… “Did a kitten just sneeze?”

“Hh…hehhh… Snf!Not funny, Morgan… Hah-ksh! Itch! Hih- ktch!”

“Are you feeling alright, Spencer?”

“Snf! Pehh-perfectly f-fine, why do you-hh-ask?”

“Because you look terrible, you seem exhausted, and you appear to be displaying the symptoms of someone with a cold.”

“I’ll be fine.”

“Whatever you say, man.”

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Oh my word I'm so glad you like it!
I have at least one other part written, but I'm trying to figure out how to end it lol. I'm very bad at ending fics.

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The following Monday Spencer didn’t show up for work. When Derek asked Hotch, he merely said that Spencer had requested a few days off.

Don’t tell me the kid’s still hung up on this girl…

After the workday ended Morgan went to Spencer’s apartment and knocked on the door. No one answered for a few minutes, and Morgan began preparing himself to kick the door down until he heard some shuffling on the other side of the door. Then, a very ill-looking, shivery, and sleepy Spencer Reid appeared. Morgan was in shock… In only a few days the kid had managed to go from slightly tired-looking to death-warmed-over. 

“Whoa, kid! What the heck happened to you?”

“Ubbb… I thidk I bay have cobe dowd with a little cold…”

“A little cold, huh? You’re about to fall over, come on.”

Morgan pushed Spencer towards the couch, where it appeared he had been sleeping.

“When’s the last time you had anything to eat?” 

“What day is it?”


“Three days ago.”

Derek walked over to Spencer’s small kitchen and peered into the cabinets—empty—then the refrigerator—almost empty; just a few bottles of water and a questionable looking Tupperware container of what appeared to be Chinese food. The pantry was being used as a bookshelf, and it was overflowing. Only Reid would have more books than food. 

A half muffled “Heh-tsh!” pulled him out of his musings. 

“Okay, here’s what’s going to happen: I’m going to run to the store to get you some food and you aren’t going to move from this couch, okay?”

A half-hearted grumble of consent signaled Derek to grab his car keys and get to the store as quickly as he could. 


When Derek got back to Reid’s apartment, it appeared that Spencer hadn’t moved at all. He was sleeping, long limbs tucked up as close to his body as he could get them and he was shivering lightly, most likely due to fever. 

Morgan doubted Spencer had a thermometer or medicine—the kid didn’t have food for Chrissakes—so he came armed with a brand new thermometer and as much cold and flu medication as he could carry. Not wanting to wake the sleeping genius, Morgan carefully draped a blanket over Spencer’s shivering form then set about the apartment, putting the food he purchased away and heating up a newly acquired can of soup. Holding a smallish bowl of tomato soup, Derek gently shook Spencer awake. The kid woke up to a seemingly endless coughing fit… Derek rubbed circles on his back until Spencer could breathe semi-deeply again without his breath catching. 

“Snf-You didd’t have to do this, Borgad.”

Spencer fidgeted uncomfortably under Derek’s scrutinizing stare of disbelief at this statement.

“Yes I did, Spencer. You know that.”

At that comment Spencer tried to get up, but Derek blocked him. 

“Why are you so against having me care for you?”

“I dod’t deed your help, Derek! I’ve taked care of byself sidce I was ten! What bakes you thidk I deed adyone dow?”

"Kid, I-"

"Don't call me kid, Derek! I'mb a growd bad! Stop treatigg be like I'b seven!"

Suddenly Spencer went quiet, and Derek, who had been fiddling with the stove, turned abruptly to look at what made the younger man go silent. He was startled to see that Spencer had apparently fallen asleep mid-sentence, his sallow face flushed with the exertion of arguing with Derek. 

Derek chuckled under his breath,
"Sleep well, Spencer."

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Omg sooooo cute!!! I have read the first part a few times now (I might slightly obsess over a certain genius) and I love the tiny sneezes! I have read them and not liked them in another story but for whatever reason it just works here. Perfect. And falling asleep mid-I-don't-need-help-arguing? *melts*

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I’m enjoying this story so much! Really captures the characters and I love the way that Morgan is trying to look out for Reid, but Reid is just so stubborn. I can’t wait for the next part! :D

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10 hours ago, ReidSeeker said:

Omg sooooo cute!!! I have read the first part a few times now (I might slightly obsess over a certain genius) and I love the tiny sneezes! I have read them and not liked them in another story but for whatever reason it just works here. Perfect. And falling asleep mid-I-don't-need-help-arguing? *melts*

Oh wow thank you! I'm so glad you like it! 

3 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

I’m enjoying this story so much! Really captures the characters and I love the way that Morgan is trying to look out for Reid, but Reid is just so stubborn. I can’t wait for the next part! :D

Thank you so much!! I'm currently trying to figure out where I want to go with this lol, but the next part shouldn't be too far off.

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Like it?? I read the first part like ten times and then I read this fic twice today--twice today! I freaking love it!

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