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Sneeze Fetish Forum



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As some people may have noticed, there is a current system error with the security settings of the forum at present. This doesn't mean the forum, any members or any member's details are in danger, but it does mean that we are currently unable to approve any new registrations at present. This is because the CAPTCHA setting is faulty when registering a new account, and isn't appearing on the Sign Up form, meaning the registration is unable to be approved. Any applications made will receive an error message stating: 

You did not pass the security check. Please try again.

The rest of the forum is functioning as normal and there are no other issues.

The host has been contacted, and we will endeavour to resolve this issue as soon as possible. We will let you all know once this is fixed, and when we can start approving new registrations again. 

Thank you for your continued patience while we work through this issue. 

If anyone has any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the staff. 

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The staff would like to thank everyone for their continued patience on this matter, but the issue is now resolved, and new registrations are being accepted again. 

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