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Sneeze Fetish Forum

First Date Sneezes Asking For Your Choice?


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This question goes to all my girls here:D just for fun of course
If you had a first date with a boy what would you choose??  Rather unvarnished and 100% natural appearing, present yourself as you are, or a nasty sneeze attack but being top styled instead?
On my first date with my boyfriend I had to hide behind the menucard to stifle 5 horrible tickly sneezes (he brought me white lilies which I am allergic to) and I am not good at stifling. I'm still so happy he got a call from his brother right than and he did not catched my sneezes.:oops:
He apologised for the call and there was some snot on my finger that was squeezed out through my stifles and he cleaned it without any comment and held my hand for the first time and I was in love aaaawwwww I love this memory:inlove:
And for all the guys who have read this far respect :2cool:! what would you prefer?
An unvarnished girlfriend or a sneezy, sniffly one? What is your opinion? It is just fun.
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Are you asking if we'd rather be with someone who's sneezy vs. someone who isn't? Well, I'd have to say I'd greatly prefer someone sneezy. :)

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The question is would you rather appear without makeup/un-styled as your completely natural self or would you rather be on a date where you look amazing but you are stuck with sneezing fits?

For me, I don't really get terribly gussied up that often, so I suppose au natural is okay for me! It's what they'd be seeing 99% of the time anyhow :lol: 

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