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Sneeze Fetish Forum

So That’s Why You’re Doing That (SPN, Sam)


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Hello everyone. I have yet another sneezy Sam fic for you. I promise that I’ll write a Dean one soon. I like to alternate between the boys with some Cas thrown in there, but I’ve had this idea in me for a while and I couldn’t help writing it. I hope you guys like it!


Prompt- Sam's been sick and mopey for a while and lately he's been zoning out in the middle of conversations or completely ignoring Dean when he talks to him and otherwise annoying the crap out of Dean. He finally realizes that Sam's fussing with his ears the exact same way he did when he was a kid, and ohhhh he's got two really horrible ear infections, no wonder he hasn't been hearing so great.


    "So, I was thinking that if we....."


    Sam blinked his eyes as he looked at his brother. He saw his lips moving and he knew that he was talking to him, but for some very odd reason, he couldn't hear him. He frowned as he tried to make sense of it all. Dean was usually quite a louder talker, but he still couldn't hear him. 


    "What do you think, Sammy," Dean asked from his position on the opposite motel bed from his brother. He tied his shoes quickly before he nodded to Sam. "Huh?"


    Sam blinked his eyes in surprise and embarrassment. "W-What," he asked with a tiny sniff as he rubbed at his nose. He felt his nose slowly begin to tingle and itch. He rubbed even harder while still trying to have a conversation with his brother. "What were you saying?"


    Dean rolled his eyes. "I've been talking to you for like five minutes! Are you electing to ignore me or something," Dean huffed in agitation.


    Sam shook his head vigorously. "Not I purpose." He let out another sniff before he lifted his elbow to his face. "HutcshSHshsH! HutchsSHs!"


    "Huh, well I'll give you a pass because you're sick, but you had better shape up," Dean told him as he tossed him his shoes. "Now get your shoes on. I'm starving!"


    Sam caught them and just threw them on, not even bothering to tie them. He just didn't want to piss off his brother further. "Yeah, okay," he agreed as he rose to his feet and followed his brother.


    He stopped a few steps shy from the door as he grabbed some tissues from the box on the counter. He brought them up to his nose and gave it a few swipes before he tucked them into his pockets. He followed his brother to the Impala and climbed into the passenger seat.


    Dean started it as soon as Sam shut the door. "So, breakfast or lunch," he asked since it was almost ten in the morning, so it was between breakfast and lunch for the average person.


    Sam sniffed as he looked back over to his brother with his eyebrows slightly lifting. "What," he asked as he lifted a hand and slightly pawed at his ear.


    Dean rolled his eyes and let out a sigh of exasperation. "Hello, anyone in there," Dean shouted. "Dude, come on. If you don't want me to talk, just tell me."


    Sam felt his face grow hot in embarrassment. "Are we going to eat, or not," he asked hotly.


    "That's what I was-nevermind," Dean finished as he gripped the steering wheel tightly. "Don't kill your brother. Don't kill your brother."


    Sam knew that Dean was frustrated with him and Sam couldn't blame him. He wasn't trying to zone out, but he really couldn’t hear him. He wasn't even sure why. He couldn't remember having hearing issues. He vowed to himself to figure out what it was about and really try to pay extra attention.


    They drove to a random dinner in the small town, which was probably one of the only places to eat. That was why, when they walked in, it was fairly busy. Sam scrunched up his nose at the smell of frying fish and bacon. Dean seemed to relish in it while Sam just felt his stomach start to churn.


    Dean sat them down with Sam right across from him, rubbing at his nose. It felt raw and still drippy, but it was mostly annoying. He just wished that this cold would go away. He didn't want to complain to Dean about it since Dean would just make fun of him. He could tell.


    Also, his ears were kind of itchy.


    "What ya want, Sammy," Dean asked as the waitress came over.


    Sam hadn't even looked at the menu, but he guessed that everything was the same no matter what diner you went to. "Er, a salad and a water, please," he replied.


    She wrote it down before she skipped away with a small bob of her shoulders. Dean chuckled as he looked over to Sam. "So, how ya doing, Sammy?"


    Sam sniffed against as he felt his nose running almost down his face, despite the fact that he was trying to stop it. "Um, excuse me," he told his brother dismissively as he headed to the restroom.


    He was thankful that no one else was in there or he was sure that he would've died of embarrassment right there. He grabbed a few pieces of rough paper towels and brought it up to his nose, just as his nose started to twitch and itch even more. Sam huffed angrily as he sucked in a heavy breath.


    "HutchsHshsHS! HutchsHSshSHS!"


    Sam blew his nose right after and filled the paper towels. Once he was finished, he groaned and rubbed a hand over his forehead. He then rubbed at his ears absentmindedly as he felt them start to itch as well. He huffed under his breath as he prepared for the annoying conversation with his brother. This wasn't going to be fun.


To Be Continued....

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Here's me reading your other story and coming back to the main page to see this one: 



also, I love it. I had some ear issues when I was young. Poor Sammy!

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I feel very close to your Sam in this story, because I've hade had my share of ear infections and hearing problems when I was young... 

4 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

"That's what I was-nevermind," Dean finished as he gripped the steering wheel tightly. "Don't kill your brother. Don't kill your brother."

:D No, Dean, don't kill your brother, you've been spending too much time protecting him!

Nice beginning! (And I'm looking forward you next sick!Dean fic.)

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On 4/22/2018 at 9:49 AM, ReidSeeker said:

Here's me reading your other story and coming back to the main page to see this one: 



also, I love it. I had some ear issues when I was young. Poor Sammy!

I recently had an ear infection and it was awful, so what better way that to torture my favorite brothers with it! I’m glad that you’re liking it!


On 4/22/2018 at 1:19 PM, Aliena H. said:

I feel very close to your Sam in this story, because I've hade had my share of ear infections and hearing problems when I was young... 

:D No, Dean, don't kill your brother, you've been spending too much time protecting him!

Nice beginning! (And I'm looking forward you next sick!Dean fic.)

I could just imagine Dean saying that to himself since Sam drives him crazy so much, but he still cares for him. I’m glad that you like this story so far and I promise that after this one it’ll be a sick!Dean fic next. I have so many ideas. I just have to settle down and write them! :razz:


5 hours ago, sneezy_frnk said:


More will be up soon! I’ll try to either have one up later today or tomorrow morning. I’m glad that you’re as excited about this story as I am!

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Update time! It’s a little short, but I promise that the next one will be longer. 


    Sam walked back to the table after narrowly missing a waitress who was balancing two large round trays in her hands. He managed to get back to his brother's table and found his water waiting for him.


    He took a few gulps before he was aware that Dean's mouth was moving again, but he didn't know what he was saying. He swore that he was paying as close attention as he could and still nothing. He frowned in agitation.


    "Huh, Sammy?"


    Sam realized, once again, he had missed something very important that Dean had said. Okay, maybe it wasn't that important, but Dean had still been speaking to him and Sam had missed it once more. He was afraid to confess to Dean, once more, that he hadn't caught what he was saying.


    "Uh, yeah," Sam finally answered with a croak in his voice.


    Dean raised an eyebrow as the waitress brought their food. She set it down before Dean leaned forward. "That wasn't a yes or no type of question," he pointed out as he lifted his fork and pointed it at his brother. "I asked how you had been feeling. Not if you'd been feeling bad."


    Sam had been afraid of that. Just ask yes or no questions so that I at least have a chance to answer you, Sam wanted to scream. He bit the inside of his lip as he tired to shake. "Er, sorry. I'm okay," he answered as he realized that Dean as looking at him intently.


    Sam realized that hot and sticky mucus was running down his face. He cupped a hand over his nose to shield Dean from it before he fumbled for a tissue. He brought it up to his nose and wiped it away gently, too embarrassed to actually blow his nose. Besides, he hated when people did that at the table.


    Dean sighed as he motioned to Sam's salad, which was looking very unappealing to both of them. "Just eat your food and then we'll head back to the motel. I think that I'm going to have to spoon feed you that medicine since you're clearly not taking enough," he muttered darkly as he took a bite of greasy cheeseburger.


    Sam gulped at the thought of more medicine. It was the liquid kind since his throat had been too sore to swallow hard pills. However, he hated the taste of it. He would chug bottles of water after having just a tablespoon of that stuff. He had taken it diligently for Dean for a few days and then sort of lied about taking it now. He felt a little better except for his lingering cough and sniffles. Or at least he thought.


    "Hey! Eat," Dean shouted obnoxiously loud. Sam nearly jumped out of his seat. Dean snorted in amusement. "Hear that, didn't ya?"


    Sam wanted to snap at his brother, but he then saw different people staring around them. He picked up his fork and started to eat his salad slowly. He mostly pushed the food around absentmindedly. He made it at least look like he was eating. That was only short lived when his ears started to hurt once more, just like the bathroom.


    He lifted a hand and bit and started to rub at his ear. His finger traveled to the inside and vigorously moved it back and forth. Once he was finished he rubbed at the skin around the inside of his ear. He completely abandoned the food as he rubbed, then, at his other ear with his other hand. This one he scrubbed harsher against his ear back and forth until he couldn't hear out of that ear for a few seconds.


    "Hey, not at the table," Dean chided as if Sam was a five year old again. "What the hell are you doing?"


    Sam sniffled. "I don't.....HutcSHshsHshs!"


    Sam pitched forward without immediately knowledge. He whimpered after the small outburst and groping around madly for a napkin. He finally found it and forced it over his face. He started to wipe at his freely running and messy nose before he noticed Dean was staring at him in shock. He looked down at his burger and sighed before he pushed it forward.


    "Guess I'm done eating too," Dean huffed before he pulled out enough money for the bill from his wallet before he motioned to Sam. "Come on, Typhoid Mary."


    Sam rubbed his nose dry before he followed Dean hurriedly out of the diner. He was sure that others had noticed that had happened and he hated it. He hated being embarrassed and he had managed to embarrass himself a few times in a matter of minutes. 


    "Hey, you coming," Dean asked when Sam froze.


    Sam tilted his head before Dean leaned forward and grabbed his brother's arm. He hauled him forward and to the passenger side of the Impala. Dean opened it for Sam and Sam fell in. He continued to rub at his nose before his hands, once again, traveled to his ears. He fumbled around his ears before he grabbed at the ear lobe and pulled. His hand then traveled to the inside of his ears and rubbed roughly.


    Dean didn't even bother to say anything to his brother since he was sure that Sam wasn't going to answer him anyway. He wrinkled his nose in disgust as he watched Sam rub at his nose or his ear before he moved it against his seats. 


    "Uh! Really, Sammy," Dean asked painfully.


    Sam turned to look at his brother before he lifted his wrist up to his nose. "HutcsHshsHS! HuhtcshSHSH! HutcSHshsHS! Do you have a tissue?"


    Dean looked around before he found a wrinkle napkin. He passed it over to Sam and Sam grasped it madly. He brought it up to his nose and blew heavily before he rubbed it against his nose. "Thanks," he panted.


    "Don't mention it. Bless you, by the way. I guess that's the appropriate thing to say," Dean replied as he started to steer the Impala back toward the road that the motel was on. "Don't worry. I'll get ya home soon and then we'll figure this all out."


    Sam wasn't even sure what else to say. All he knew was that he was definitely feeling worse than before. All that he could do was close his eyes and will sleep to come.


To Be Continued.....

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3 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

He looked down at his burger and sighed before he pushed it forward.

Oops! Poor Dean, I wouldn't eat that either. 

Im really enjoying this! I spent the weekend reading fanfiction and watching Supernatural (almost through with season 5) and wishing I could read more of this. So, yay! Wish granted!

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Poor Sam, you're giving him a hard time... I like how the symptoms progress.

8 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

"Guess I'm done eating too,"

:D:D:D I don't know the English equivalent for the French "beurk" - "yuk", maybe? But I laughed at this. I also like the fact that Dean isn't immediately fussing over for Sam (I hope there will be come H/C though, but it's great to see that he seems more annoyed than worried at first).

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I’m glad that you’re all enjoying this story. Here is yet another part! Hope you like it!


    "Sammy, we're here!"


    Sam jolted awake when he heard his brother. "What," he panted.


    "We're here. I should probably just aim on saying things twice with you, huh," Dean asked as he opened the door and he climbed out of the car.


    Sam scrambled after him, barely keeping pace with his brother. He lugged himself to the door while Dean opened it. He made his way to the bathroom without even caring that his brother was nearly screaming his name.


    He headed in and closed the door. He immediately reached for the very thin tissues on the sink. They were better than nothing, he supposed. He ripped a few from the box and pressed them against his nose and blew his nose loudly. Once he was finished, he drew back and sniffled weakly as he continued to rub it under his nose.


    There was a sudden knocking at the door and it made Sam nearly jump out of his skin. "Sam, are you almost done," Dean whined. "I have to use the bathroom!"


    Sam sighed as he came to unlock the door and squeeze himself out just as Dean forced his way in. Sam huffed as his brother slammed the door as he made his way over to his bed. He felt absolutely terrible and he wasn't sure why. He thought that he had been getting better, but apparently not. 


    His nose was running even worse than before and he constantly felt the urge to sneeze. His chest was feeling tighter and his ears just felt so strange. He couldn't describe it and didn't understand it. 


    Sam was finally brought out of his own misery when the toilet flushed and Dean came out. He flopped down on his bed before he grabbed the TV remote. "So....."


    Sam, once again, heard none of it. He blinked his eyes before he felt the trickle in his nose once more. "HutchsSH! HuhtcSHshSHS! HuhtcSHSHS!" 


    He growled as he lifted a hand to his face. He looked around before a box of tissues was thrown his way and hit him square in the chest. He looked across to his brother before he ripped a few tissues out and started to blow his nose. Once he was finished he look over at Dean and saw his 'I was talking to you' look on his face.


    "Oh, did you say something," Sam asked.


    Dean rolled his eyes. "The first time or the last time," he snapped in exasperation and frustration.


    Sam clenched his jaw. He wasn't sure which answer was the best. "Um, either time," he answered as he lifted his hand and started to pull at his ears to almost stretch them out and aid in whatever feeling it was. Before it was itchy and now it was just starting to hurt more.


    "Well, first I asked you what you wanted to watch on TV. Then, I just said 'bless you' and asked if you wanted tissues. Guess I didn't need an answer for that one," pointed out Dean as he leaned forward. His gaze fixed on Sam intently and Sam swore that it was going to bore into him like fiery knives. It was as if he was examining him. 


    "Sam," Dean began. He had a way of saying Sam's name that it wasn’t just a name, it was almost as if he was scolding him. He made it sound like it was a command and an angry comment at the same time.


    Sam looked up in embarrassment, still fiddling with now the inside of his right ear. It was on fire! "Yes, Dean," he replied absentmindedly. 


    "What's up with you, kiddo? I mean, your head is usually in the clouds, but not this much," Dean joked before he noticed that Sam wasn't listening to him again.




    "What," Sam snapped back as he swiveled to look at his brother again. He then looked away before he took his fist and pummeled it against his ear. It turned back to his fingers as he rubbed them against his right ear and then his left ear.


    Dean slightly looked a bit disturbed when he noticed what Sam was doing. Then realization showed on his face. "Wait, what are you doing?"


    Sam's hands immediately snapped back down as if he was doing something else. That only lasted a moment before he started messing with his ears again. This time he tucked his hair behind his ears to give him better access. "Doing what," he asked when he had a spare moment to talk.


    Dean rose from the bed and came over to his brother. He sat on the bed and examined him intently. "Dude, you're messing with your ears," he breathed as if that solved everything all at once.


    Sam raised an eyebrow, still rubbing. "So?"


    "So, you did the exact same thing when you were little and it always meant that you had an ear infection. Maybe that's why you can't hear me very well," Dean exclaimed as he rose from the bed and walked over to his duffle. Sam watched him for a moment before he had to take his hands away from his ears for a moment.


    "HutcSHSHSH! HutcshsHsHSHS! Ow!"


    Dean looked over his shoulders sympathetically as he walked back over to Sam. Sam sniffled against his wrist before Dean sat down beside him and brought out a small flashlight. "Alright, let me see," he ordered.


    Sam looked reserved to the idea as he lifted his hand to his right ear and itched at it roughly. "No," he complained as he moaned softly.


    Dean reached out and battered Sam's hands away. "You're making it worse when you do that," Dean scolded. "Quit it!" His voice softened. "Just let me see what we're dealing with and if I have to take you to the clinic."


    "The clinic," echoed Sam with a gulp of fear.


    Dean nodded slowly. "Well, yeah. If you need special ear drops or medicine than I have to take you in. But, I won't know if I have to until you let me see," he urged.


    Sam let out a sigh as he finally lowered his twitching hands. He grimaced as Dean pulled back his hair and tucked it behind his ears once more. He tilted Sam's ear and shone the tiny flashlight in his ear. What he saw, wasn't too pretty. 


    The inside of Sam's ear was beat red and definitely looked painful and angry. Dean tilted Sam's head to the other side and did the same thing to his other ear. It revealed he exact same thing. Dean sighed as he set the light down and looked at Sam gravely.


    "Sorry, kiddo. I think that in the morning I'm going to have to take you to a clinic, okay," he told him gently. If there was one thing that Sam hated, it was probably going to the doctor or hospital of any kind. 


    Sam shook his head. "Do we have to?"


    "I wouldn't have suggested it unless we had to. Don't worry. I'm sure that it won't be too bad," reassured Dean as he patted his shoulder. "Now, just try to get some rest. The sooner tomorrow gets here the better."


    Sam decided not to argue it. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he really did feel awful. His ears were just so uncomfortable and his throat burned and his muscles ached. He just wanted this all to be done.


    "Hey, no rubbing," Dean called from his bed as he turned up the volume on the TV so that Sam could enjoy it. "Or scratching or anything of the sort! You hear me?"


    Sam blinked his eyes in surprise before he nodded gravely. "Alright," he answered as he laid down in bed with his hands folded on his chest. For once he actually wished for sleep.


To Be Continued....

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I am so enjoying this story! I totally whined when I got to the end of the last part. Want more!!! Thank you for updating!

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It is time for another part! Thank you for everone’s kind words in respect to this story. Here’s a little more fluff between the bothers. I really can’t help myself! Hope you enjoy!



    It was almost three in the morning when Dean woke up from crying coming from Sam's bed. He looked over and saw his brother squirming around, crying in his sleep with his hand instantly reaching up to pull at his ears in his sleep. His face twisted in constant pain and Dean willed for morning to come so that he could take Sam in. Until then he was just going to have to help his brother on his own.


    "Sam, Sammy," Dean called as he reluctantly sat upright. "Sam!"


    There was no answer and Dean could hear Sam's whimpering growl louder. He cried as he rubbed at his ears in his sleep some more and Dean knew that he couldn't just lay there. He sighed loudly as he threw the covers off and rushed to his brother's side.


    It only took him a moment to realize that Sam was worse. Dean flipped on the lamp and saw that Sam’s ears were just bright red and just angry looking. Dean grimaced before he felt around Sam's face. He appeared just as warm as before, so that meant that his fever hadn't climbed. However, he also knew that it could spike. The only thing that Dean knew was that he had to wake him up and get him aware of what was going on.


    Dean grasped Sam's shoulders and shook him. It only took a few moments before Sam's eyes opened. He immediately sat up and gasped in surprise at being woken up that roughly and suddenly in the middle of the night. Sam was usually a light sleeper, but when he was sick it was very difficult to get him awake. 


    "D-Dean," Sam stammered in surprise, his voice virtually gone.


    Dean grimaced at how terrible his brother sounded. "Yeah, Sammy. You woke me up in pain. I was worried," Dean explained quickly.


    Sam sniffled as he rubbed his hand against his face discretely. "My ears really hurt," he whimpered as he leaned forward and buried his face in his hands while he struggled to massage his ears. He moaned loudly and Dean felt his heart instantly breaking for his little brother.


    Dean was about to ask Sam if there was anything that he could do for the time being, when Sam pitched forward with his back slightly arching forward even more.


    "HutcHSs! HutcSHSHSH! HutcHSshSHS!"


    Dean almost jumped at the sound before he squeezed Sam's shoulder. "Awe, Sammy. I wish there was more that I could do for you," Dean told him gently.


    Sam rocked back and forth. He hissed a bit in pain as he rubbed a hand against his itchy and red ear. "It hurts," he growled in frustration.


    Dean had never seen Sam like this before. He had been shot, taken to Hell, and tortured every way possible and never showed that he was in this much pain. He couldn't imagine that an earache could've caused this reaction out of his little brother. Dean would've even made fun of him, but thought that that wasn't a good idea. Instead, he just tried to comfort him to the best of his ability.


    "Dean," called Sam when he didn't feel his brother beside him anymore.


    Dean leaned forward. "Yeah, what can I do," asked Dean.


    "Just tissues," replied Sam before he looked up at his brother. "And my ears really hurt."


    Dean nodded as he looked around. He was able to find some tissues in the bathroom before he brought them back to Sam. He set them down before he thought about what else he could do for Sam. He only had to keep him calm for another three hours or so before the local clinic in the small town opened and he could get Sam checked out.


    He then recalled what he had done when Sam had been younger, or more like, what Bobby had done. He had taken two cloths and ran them under cold water to numb the pain. It was worth a shot in Dean's opinion.


    It only took him a moment to bring back the saturated cool cloths. He brought them back to his bed and sat on the edge of Sam's bed. He rested a hand on Sam's shoulder to try and draw his attention. Eventually Sam looked up and met Dean's gaze.


    "Can you lean back for me? I think that I'll be able to do something that'll make you feel better," Dean explained as he started to push Sam back into a laying down position


    Once Sam was laying down, Dean started to use the two drenched cloths against both of Sam's ears, once he had gotten the hair out of the way. Dean was gentle about it, but he was also firm with it. He wanted to make sure that Sam didn't dislodge it. He needed to keep it cold as well so that it would be able to numb Sam's ears and allow him to get some rest. If not, then it was about to be a long night for both of them.


    "That feel okay," Dean asked when Sam had settled against the cold cloths.


    Sam thought for a moment before he sniffed and nodded his head. "A little," he answered as his eyes started to close. "Just so tired."


    "That's good. The more you sleep the sooner it'll be until I can take you to the clinic," Dean breathed in relief.


    Sam's eyes snapped open. "Clinic?"


    "Sammy, we talked about this. I have to do something for you. I agreed no hospital, but you need to be checked out. Your ears could be very infected and you need antibiotics. Those I can't steal," Dean pointed out as he brushed Sam's hair back from his eyes and just saw how sweaty and clammy his brother looked. He looked just sickly.


    Sam blinked his eyes and let out a sniff. "Are you sure we have to go?"


    "Pretty sure. Unless you make a miraculous recovery in a few hours," replied Dean with his arms crossed over his chest in frustration. Sam could just be so stubborn! He knew that he was stubborn too, but his brother was even more stubborn than him. Any illness or weakness was always frowned upon in their dad's mind and Sam learned from that. That was never how Dean had looked at him, but Sam had always wanted to impress their father, and it seemed like even in death that was still a fact.


    Sam opened his mouth to speak before he lifted his fist to his nose quickly. He drew in a small hitched breath before he pitched forward, dislodging the cold compresses. "HuhtcSHshSH! HuTCSHSHs! HutcHshs!"


    "Bless you," Dean told him as Sam coughed to clear his throat a few times. It just resulted in him sitting up to cough the gunk that was in his throat. He coughed a while before he eventually swallowed, turning a sad look over to his brother.


    Dean's heart instantly broke just a little bit. "Sammy, trust me. When you wake up again, we'll go to the clinic. They'll give you some antibiotics or some ear drops or something. Don't worry. We'll take this illness down, just like we take down anything else," Dean reassured as he forced Sam back to lay down. 


    Sam still looked reluctant, but didn't question his brother. "We don't have time for this," he argued.


    "Oh, trust me, if I say we have time, then we have time, and I'm not taking you anywhere else until we figure out what's going on and we get some medicine that will actually do some good," Dean flashed before he tucked the compresses back around his brother and watched Sam's eyes start to close.


    "I still don't want to go," Sam croaked.


    "Noted," Dean told him before he headed back to his bed. He hoped that if he stopped talking, then Sam might actually go to sleep quicker. "We'll get this figured out. One way or another, we will."


To Be Continued.....

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Ah my heart!!! Sammy you poor snuggly soul (keep up the good work* my BOY

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Snuggle Sammy omg!! Give him all the snuggles!!! So sweet and cute and pure. And Dean gently taking care of him. My heart is MELTING 

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I'm so sorry I'm late in commenting (had a little problem with my laptop, but it's fixed now...)! As usual, this is great!

On 02/05/2018 at 8:50 PM, Wolfwings22 said:

Dean grimaced at how terrible his brother sounded. "Yeah, Sammy. You woke me up in pain. I was worried," Dean explained quickly.

... "explained quickly". Yes. But it sounds like Dean. He won't talk too much about his feelings, right? The fact that he said he was worried is already a small miracle in itself, so...

And the way Dean takes care of his brother... I melted a bit here. :blushing:

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Thank you to all who have read and commented on this story. It means a lot to me. We will have one more part after this one that I’m publishing right now. I’m glad that you’ve all enjoyed it and I hope you like the conclusions! 



    "I still don't see why we have to be here."


    Dean raised an eyebrow at his brother before he looked down at the paperwork that he was forced to fill out. He knew everything there was to know about his brother, and had hoped that this would be easy to fill out. However, most of it was information that he had to fill out had to due with all of the past medical experiences that Sam had had. None of it was under Sam's actual name, but there was a giant list of things that they had gone through.


    Pneumonia (twice), numerous asthma attacks, broken arm, broken hand, numerous sprains, a dislocated shoulder and knee, hypothermia, some puncture wounds, collapsed lung one time, and a lot of other things that Dean couldn't even remember. He elected to leave them all out and prayed that he wouldn't catch slack for it later.


    "Dean, I really don't want to be here," Sam butted in when he realized that Dean hadn't answered him from before.


    Dean rolled his eyes. "Sammy, we've been over this too many times to count. There's something wrong with you that can't be fixed with water and DayQuil," Dean pointed out as he finally finished filling out everything that he could. He set the clipboard on his lap and waited patiently for Sam's name to be called.


    It wasn't that busy in the clinic. There was another two families in there, both with younger children. They were in opposite corners of the room. One family appeared to have twins that were constantly hitting each other while the mother had her arms wrapped around a sickly looking toddler. The other family appeared to be a teenage couple with a three year old sitting between them. The child appeared to be sleeping and Dean had no idea what was the matter with him. Either way they all needed to be seen fairly quickly and Dean hoped that they would be in and our of the clinic in less than an hour.


     "HutchsHsHSSH! HutcHSshHS!"


    Dean almost sprang from his seat when he heard his brother beside him. Sam had his hand cupped over his face and his eyes still slightly hazy. "Ub, sorry," he fumbled.


    Dean looked around before he noticed a half used tissue box a few seats over. He rose to his feet and walked over to grab it. Once he had it, he walked over to his brother and handed it over. "Here, just clean yourself up a bit before the nurse gets here," Dean suggested.


    Sam didn't say anything as he grabbed the tissues and brought out a bundle of them. He pressed it against his nose and appeared to be to embarrassed to blow. Instead, he cleaned up his face quickly and tucked the tissues away in his pocket, coughing lightly into his fist. He tucked a few more bundles of tissues into the pockets of his jeans, just in case.


    Dean looked over to Sam and tried to take his brother in. His skin was pale, even paler than usual. He was still sweating, even though he was shivering so much it looked like tiny tremors were rushing through Sam's body. His eyes were downcast and almost closed. His breathing was slightly wheezing and catching in the back of his throat and causing even more coughing. His nose was completely clogged, while it was dripping as well. He was sure that his ears were still bothering him since Sam would periodically fiddle and rub at them. He had tried to get Sam to stop, telling him that it would only make it worse, but Sam was as stubborn as stubborn could get. 


    "You know, you have to be honest with the doctor," Dean told his brother when a sickening silence washed over them once more. "Or they won't be able to help you."


    Sam struggled not to roll his eyes at his brother. "Yeah, I know," he told Dean through gritted teeth. Another shiver racked through his frame and Dean tried not to take notice. He was already worried enough about his brother and mentioning something to Sam now would just make things even worse between them.


    "Sam Whiteford."


    Dean gulped, knowing that that was their alias for the day. He patted Sam's shoulder and the two of them rose to their feet. Sam shot a glance at Dean and Dean shook his head. The look in his face said it all. I don't care if you don't want me to come, I'm coming.


    The nurse took Sam back before she motioned to the scale. "Step on please," she instructed matter-of-factly with absolutely no nonsense in her voice whatsoever.


    Sam did as he was told. He stood there for a moment before he ran his index finger under his nose, sniffling noisily. Dean sighed heavily. "Okay, step down," the nursed replied.


    Sam did as he was told before she took them back to a tiny room. Sam sat on the examination table while Dean pulled up a chair right beside him. The nurse sat on a rotating stool before she broke out a tiny notebook to write some of the information down. Tiny town meant outdated ways of acquiring and writing down information. 


    "Okay, so what seems to be the problem," asked the nurse as she adjusted her glasses on her face. 


    Sam looked over at Dean and narrowed his eyes. Dean stifled a sigh as he realized that he was going to have to do all the talking. "He's been sick for a couple of weeks and then he started to complain about his ears hurting. I thought that he might have an ear infection. He's prone to those," he explained.


    The nurse nodded. "We've seen a lot of those this year. It's probably best we check him out," she told them and set down her notebook and grabbed a thermometer. "This goes in your ear," she explained to Sam. "This might be a little uncomfortable."


    Sam braced himself as the nurse set the thermometer with the plastic cup in his ear. Sam yelped at the pain and squeezed his eyes shut with his fist slightly clenched. The nurse said nothing as she pulled out the thermometer. "102.3. Not that good," answered the nurse as she set threw the cup away and set the thermometer back. "But, it just seems to be a simple flu with combined ear infection. We'll let the doctor see what he thinks."


    Dean looked over to Sam before he looked over to the nurse. "Thank you," he told her before she headed out, closing the door tightly behind her.


    "Dude, are you going to talk at all," Dean asked Sam. "You're acting like you're two or something."


    Sam rolled his eyes. "I still don't want to be here," he argued as he tried to tighten his sweatshirt around him as he shivered once more. He felt like he was freezing, even though he had just been burning up before they left.


    "Yes, you've only said that a few dozen times! When are you actually going to start taking care of yourself," Dean flashed in annoyance.


    "You might want to tell yourself the same thing. Wasn't it you who did a hunt through a ruptured appendix," Sam challenged with the seething sarcasm clear in his voice.


    Dean opened his mouth to continue the argument when Sam lifted his elbow to his face and sucked in a massive, hitching breath. He propelled himself forward before Dean could even think about mentioning the tissues in his pockets. "HutcSHshSH! HutchsHSsh! HutcSHshSH!"


    "Bless ya, kiddo," Dean sighed as the bitterness from the fight ebb away without a second thought. He looked around before he saw even more tissues on the tiny counter. He stood up and grabbed them for Sam before he came over. "Move over."


    Sam raised an eyebrow with his head still in the crock of his elbow. "We can't both fit on here," he argued.


    "Try me. Now, scoot!" 


    Sam did as his brother told him as he scooted over. Dean sat down beside him and brought out a giant wad of tissues. "Here. You take care of your face and I'll take care of your sweatshirt," he told Sam, avoiding meeting his brother's gaze.


    Sam grasped the tissues as he blew his nose loudly. He rubbed roughly up against his nostrils before Dean started to rub some tissues against his sweatshirt. When he was finished he grasped Sam's shoulder and gave it a comforting squeeze.


    To Dean's surprise, Sam leaned sideways and rested his head against Dean's shoulder. Dean sighed in surprise as he felt Sam shift around against Dean's neck and shoulder. Sam sighed loudly through his mouth since his mouth was open as he struggled to breathe. His nose was just too clogged and no amount of blowing was going to help with that.


    "I don't feel good," Sam croaked.


    Dean nodded. "I know. I know, but we're going to get things all sorted out. We just need to hang in there. It'll all be alright."


    He just wished that he could do more to help his brother.


To Be Continued.....

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3 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

To Dean's surprise, Sam leaned sideways and rested his head against Dean's shoulder. Dean sighed in surprise as he felt Sam shift around against Dean's neck and shoulder. Sam sighed loudly through his mouth since his mouth was open as he struggled to breathe.

...oh... I just died of cuteness. It was a good way to go all things considered. 

I hope to be revitalized for the next bit


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It looks as if Sam is a 3-years old boy and Dean his sensible father. That's a bit funny, and a bit sad...

21 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Pneumonia (twice), numerous asthma attacks, broken arm, broken hand, numerous sprains, a dislocated shoulder and knee, hypothermia, some puncture wounds, collapsed lung one time, and a lot of other things that Dean couldn't even remember. He elected to leave them all out and prayed that he wouldn't catch slack for it later.

... Yes, all things considered, maybe it's wiser not to give that (impressive) list to a doctor! :rolleyes:

21 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Dean looked over to Sam and tried to take his brother in. His skin was pale, even paler than usual. He was still sweating, even though he was shivering so much it looked like tiny tremors were rushing through Sam's body. His eyes were downcast and almost closed. His breathing was slightly wheezing and catching in the back of his throat and causing even more coughing.

Great description here, but poor Sammy!!!

21 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

To Dean's surprise, Sam leaned sideways and rested his head against Dean's shoulder. Dean sighed in surprise as he felt Sam shift around against Dean's neck and shoulder. Sam sighed loudly through his mouth since his mouth was open as he struggled to breathe. His nose was just too clogged and no amount of blowing was going to help with that.

    "I don't feel good," Sam croaked.

Just a question: did you want to kill me here? Because you almost managed. ;) 

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This is so sweet I think I’m just going to sit here and melt waiting for the next chapter 😍

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On 5/7/2018 at 9:07 PM, ReidSeeker said:

...oh... I just died of cuteness. It was a good way to go all things considered. 

I hope to be revitalized for the next bit


I’m glad that you’re liking it. I hope you like the conclusion!


On 5/8/2018 at 2:09 PM, Aliena H. said:

Just a question: did you want to kill me here? Because you almost managed. ;) 

I’m sorry! Cuteness is just one of the things that I love to write! I’m glad that you like it!


On 5/8/2018 at 6:43 PM, sneezy_frnk said:

Awww what a sweet end to the chapter!!! I melted >.<

I really enjoy cute and fluffy chapters and I can’t help writing them!


On 5/13/2018 at 8:37 AM, Coffee Mug said:

This is so sweet I think I’m just going to sit here and melt waiting for the next chapter 😍

I hope that I didn’t have you wait too long! I’m so glad that you’re liking this story and I hope that you enjoy the ending. 


I ope you all like this ending and hopefully I’ll have another story written soon. 


    The door opened as the doctor came in. Sam lifted his head from his brother's shoulder almost on automatic. He blinked his eyes in surprise while he almost pushed Dean off of the table. Dean understood. He didn't want to be seen as weak.


    Dean slid back into the chair as he doctor came in and extended a hand toward Sam. "You must be Sam. I'm Doctor Blaze. It's a pleasure to meet you. What's going on with you?"


    "Uh, he's just been feeling sick for a few weeks. Just kind of runny nose and coughing and stuff like that. Nothing too serious. Then, yesterday, he started to complain about his ears hurting. That's when I thought that he had an ear infection and brought him here," Dean explained.


    Dr. Blaze took it all in before he reached aside and grabbed some hand sanitizer. "Alright, let's see what we have going on here," Dr. Blaze replied as he leaned forward and started to feet Sam's lymph nodes around his neck. He felt there for a while before he drew back and grabbed a small light. Sam nearly jumped out of his skin.


    "It's alright. I'm just going to look inside your ears," Dr. Blaze reassured as he flashed the light inside of Sam's left ear. He then walked over and did the same in his right ear. He frowned as he drew backwards and sighed heavily as he sat down on the stool and used some more hand sanitizer.


    Dean gulped. "What's the verdict, doc?"


    "Well, first off, your ears are very inflamed and red. They look painful, which is probably leading to your discomfort. You have a double ear infection and probably a nasty head cold as well. But, I have some antibiotics that should make you feel just a little bit better. But, keep using some over the counter cough medicine and drink plenty of fluids. This should clear up in seven to ten days, but if it doesn't, then just come back and we'll try something else," he replied as he started to scribble something on a prescription pad before he ripped it off and handed it over to Dean.


    Dean took it and nodded appreciatively. "Thanks, doc."


    "Don't mention it," answered Dr. Blaze with a broad smile.


    "HutcHsHshsHs! HutcHshsHs! HutcHsHshHSH!"


    Dr. Blaze turned to see Sam with his face cupped in his two hands. They were clamped over half of his face and he sniffed in embarrassment. "Ub, sorry."


    "It's not a problem. Some Vic's might help with the congestion too," he suggested as he smiled before opening the door. "Hope you feel better."


    "Thanks," Sam called back before he lowered his hand and tried to find the tissue box that Dean had had for him earlier.


    Dean handed the tissues to his brother and Sam grasped it, blowing his nose loudly. When he was finished he continued to wipe at his slightly flared and red nostrils. He sniffed miserably as he looked over at Dean. "Happy now?"


    "I'll be happy when we get this prescription filled and your ears don't look like undercooked steak," replied Dean as he stood up and motioned to the door. "Shall we?"




    "Happy now?"


    Dean tilted his head as he looked on what was going on. Sam was laying on the motel bed with ears drops in his ears and cold compresses. He had already taken an antibiotic and cough medicine to help him sleep through the night. It was already ten and it looked like Sam wanted to go to sleep a few hours ago.


    Dean finally nodded slowly. "I think that I'm content now."


    Sam rolled his eyes as he lifted a hand to rub his wayward hair out of the way. "Well, if you're content then I guess we're good," chuckled Sam.


    Dean hit Sam's shoulder and that just made him laugh harder. Dean was more than relieved. This was the Sam that he knew. "Then I guess I can finally get some sleep. I really didn't last night. I was too worried about you."


    "Yeah, right," scoffed Sam as he coughed into a raised fist before he rubbed at his nose.


    "I still care about you and worry about you, Sam. Even if you don't think that I do, all the time," Dean replied as he laid on the bed and stretched out, yawning noise. "Huh, Sam? Sam?"


    He heard soft snoring and smiled. "Goodnight, Sammy. May we never have to do this again."


    The End

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