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Sneeze Fetish Forum

box o' stories?


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I got this idea from the wonderful @starpollen, and discussed some of these with this user... Normally, I wouldn't have the courage to share storyline ideas...however...tonight, I'm feeling the motivation to share.


  • With Matt Murdock’s sight gone, his other senses seemed to multiply...what if he had an allergy/cold? (DareDevil fanfic)

  • I'm still writing the Red Umbrella - No worries!!
  • per a few requests, I'm also writing the sequel to Delta Blessings-- Spring Fling is on, and the Sorority Houses are having a Spring Theme decorating contest...will Kappa Delta be able to manage keeping the flowery decorations up without blowing them all away?
  • I'm half tempted to write a fan fiction with Lucius and Cookie Lyon from Empire, or maybe Jamal... I dunno... Would anyone be interested in this story? Just curious as to how many people here watch the show :)
  • LUCIFER - - I am so crushed that they canceled the show on Fox... But I still want to write something with Lucifer... I know I had one written somewhere on here, but I need to Redo it. 


...those are just a few. First things first: Red Umbrella...then Delta Blessings sequel...then whatever gets the most votes will be next. I'm in a writing mood, folks... :) 

Edited by HideAndGoSneeze
change of title and adding more story ideas.
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8 hours ago, HideAndGoSneeze said:

With Matt Murdock’s sight gone, his other senses seemed to multiply...what if he had an allergy/cold? (DareDevil fanfic)

Oh my gosh! I’ve always wanted a story like this since I saw Daredevil. I thought that this would be perfect! If you could write this that would be incredible! Just seeing this as one of the possibility really made my night! 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 4/23/2018 at 10:11 AM, HideAndGoSneeze said:

Spider-Man HomeCold-coming: Peter Parker has a cold, and for him, it’s easy to lie to everyone...except to a high tech suit. And the fact that he's a horrible liar.

I just watched Spider-man: Homecoming and I'm so upset that there aren't more Spider-man fan fiction on the forum. He's my favorite hero and it would be so great to see more of him. :)

Edited by Bisexualien1996
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33 minutes ago, Bisexualien1996 said:

I just watched Spider-man: Homecoming and I'm so upset that there aren't more Spider-man fan fiction on the forum. He's my favorite hero and it would be so great to see more of him. :)

***MOD NOTE***

Just a reminder that characters under the age of 18 may not be depicted (in art, fiction, discussion, etc.) with any fetish-related symptoms, including (but not limited to!) sneezing, sniffling, nose-blowing, coughing, fever, etc., except on the Youth Board, where such characters between the ages of 13-17 may be depicted this way.

As Peter Parker is definitely not 18 in “Spider-Man: Homecoming” (he is depicted being a high school student in, at most, his junior year), there may be no fiction about this version of him posted on the general boards, unless it is made clear that the story takes place years after the movie.

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8 minutes ago, MyOwnPrivateSFC said:

***MOD NOTE***

Just a reminder that characters under the age of 18 may not be depicted (in art, fiction, discussion, etc.) with any fetish-related symptoms, including (but not limited to!) sneezing, sniffling, nose-blowing, coughing, fever, etc., except on the Youth Board, where such characters between the ages of 13-17 may be depicted this way.

As Peter Parker is definitely not 18 in “Spider-Man: Homecoming” (he is depicted being a high school student in, at most, his junior year), there may be no fiction about this version of him posted on the general boards, unless it is made clear that the story takes place years after the movie.

Okie dokie

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On 5/16/2018 at 2:29 AM, MyOwnPrivateSFC said:

***MOD NOTE***

Just a reminder that characters under the age of 18 may not be depicted (in art, fiction, discussion, etc.) with any fetish-related symptoms, including (but not limited to!) sneezing, sniffling, nose-blowing, coughing, fever, etc., except on the Youth Board, where such characters between the ages of 13-17 may be depicted this way.

As Peter Parker is definitely not 18 in “Spider-Man: Homecoming” (he is depicted being a high school student in, at most, his junior year), there may be no fiction about this version of him posted on the general boards, unless it is made clear that the story takes place years after the movie.

Ah yes! That version of Peter Parker will NOT be used!! 

Edited by HideAndGoSneeze
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