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Avengers: Infinity War

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Yes!!! I can not be anymore excited! Unfortunately, I will be at a school retreat when it comes out, so I have to see it a day after it comes out, but I got my tickets already and I’m ready! Although, I have to admit that Hawkeye is my favorite character and I’m a little bummed that I haven’t seen him anywhere. There are theories that he will be Ronan, but I’m not sure how I feel about that.

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I am but I'm nervous to see who dies because if it's who I think it is then I will be severely heartbroken! :cry: 

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I'm more nervous than excited for sure, especially now that it's confirmed that a major character will die. I'm not sure I'll ever be ready... can we just go back to the first Avengers when everything was new and hopeful?

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I'm going Thursday night, and I couldn't be more EXCITED! :yay: But yes, also equally devastated of a death. :cry: 

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This is NOT a Mod note; I'm posting SOLELY as a concerned member!

Please, PLEASE, remember to put all possible spoilers under spoiler tags:

<spoiler>SPOILERTEXT</spoiler>; replace < > with [ ]

This will prevent members from being spoiled while browsing the Forum (because way the Forum is laid out, at least on mobile, you can see the first few lines of each post even if you don't click on the actual post/topic).

Edited by MyOwnPrivateSFC
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On 4/24/2018 at 2:11 PM, MyOwnPrivateSFC said:

Please, PLEASE, remember to put all possible spoilers under spoiler tags:

I wholeheartedly agree. I hate spoilers with a burning passion. However, I haven't seen the movie yet so thankfully I can't spoil anything anyway. 

But yes, I am TERRIFIED for this movie but also really, really excited

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2 hours ago, Anonymouse said:

Not a spoiler but OH MY FUCKING GOD

Pretty much this. :lol: 

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I can't really express my full opinion without spoilers, but honestly I was kind of disappointed. I didn't hate it or anything, but I had some rather significant issues that held it back for me. Maybe I'll type some stuff up later, but I also don't want to just stand in the corner and tell people to stop having fun.

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