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Favorite Related Fetish Scenario


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       I really like this question that’s posted on the main forum so I was curious what the answers would be here. Since I love caretaking, there’s many aspects of a cold I like so my scenario would just be a paragraph in a full story with other paragraphs of other aspects.

    The man I’m taking care of is losing his voice and has to get closer to me until he’s eventually at my ear. His voice is cracked and soft but he keeps talking instead of resting his voice no matter what I say. Whimpering, signing, and frustrated moans are a plus.



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hello, I didn't understand the question, sorry. But I liked your ill scenario you wrote for us :) You are asking for an opinion, advice or a scenario we imagine and share it with you? 

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Hey!! 😊

sorry I think I didn’t ask the question! Hahaha ok so what’s your favorite scenario involving some symptom besides sneezing in a cold? So something involving nose blowing, crying, fever, hurt/comfort, etc. I love voices and so I gave a scenario about voices. What about you? 

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hello :) okay, thank you for your explanation now I understand it better.  That's a good question, there are many possibilities.
Personally, I am thinking of a scenario with a boyfriend, and I love to take care of others :)
Symptoms such as fever, a heatedly, warm forehead, red spots on his tanned cheeks, though they still feel cool, hoarseness, he looks for closeness and coughing, perhaps he fantasizes a bit cause of his fever and I can take his hand and quieten him down? Would be my thoughts..

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Red nose!!!!! I love how the nose can gradually become redder and sensitive!!  I dun mind much about fever, but i do like delirious fever induce mumble? Like when some get a fever they tend to just speak whatever they had in mind??? And i like the care taking part too!! Especially if the sick one is a cold and stoic person (which they will get clingy and adorable when they sick). (灬♥ω♥灬)

And of course lets not forget contagion. I love it when someone (naughty)trying to give their cold to someone else. Whether its for revenge or for the sake of watching the other person sneeze (and suffer X'D) 

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@Nval95 hahahahahahahaha I love your excitement when you talk about contagion. So you like scenarios like....

Basically a man gets dirty looks and snide comments at work. Finally at the end of the day, they all pile into the elevator to go home and the sick man is the last to get on to the dismay and groans of his office workers.The elevator jams all of a sudden and they have to call for help and find out it’ll take hours. The man is fed up with the ‘abuse’ from earlier in the day so his revenge is getting everyone sick on the elevator by not covering and stuff.  

Also I love your idea about the cold and stoic person!!! Caretaking with someone who doesn’t want it....until he does!!!! Ahhhhh yassssss! Sign me up!!! 

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1 hour ago, Reader said:

@Nval95 hahahahahahahaha I love your excitement when you talk about contagion. So you like scenarios like....

Basically a man gets dirty looks and snide comments at work. Finally at the end of the day, they all pile into the elevator to go home and the sick man is the last to get on to the dismay and groans of his office workers.The elevator jams all of a sudden and they have to call for help and find out it’ll take hours. The man is fed up with the ‘abuse’ from earlier in the day so his revenge is getting everyone sick on the elevator by not covering and stuff.  

Also I love your idea about the cold and stoic person!!! Caretaking with someone who doesn’t want it....until he does!!!! Ahhhhh yassssss! Sign me up!!! 

Oooooh damn, that is so petty XD and good!!!!!!!!! How did u come up with that idea XD kinda hilarious. Hahaha sign me in to!!!

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@Nval95 contagion scenarios are super easy for me to come up with for some reason. Idk lol So what’s your scenario with contagion? 

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15 hours ago, Reader said:

@Nval95 contagion scenarios are super easy for me to come up with for some reason. Idk lol So what’s your scenario with contagion? 

Yaaaaaaaaay XD well, there's a girl (dancer??) who needed money, and theres a guy who is very rich and ambitious (mafia?). So the guy turn the girl into his weapon by giving her some serum that contain mutated cold virus that is very very contagious. Not only does it made her really sneezy mess, it also made her nose really red and really sensitive to alregen and touch.

Now whenever the guy is displease or want to attack his competitor, he will send this girl as a"gift", which then she will spread the cold (epidemic anyone??).

One day, she was so fed up with the guy, that she contaminate almost all the things that the guy have using her sneeze thus making the guy sick XD and..... She end up liking the guy cause he is so damn cudly and adorable when he is sick. Good bye stoic ruthless guy, hello cuddly insecure sneezy guy😂😂

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  • 4 weeks later...

Love the idea of the voice going out!  ^_^

There are a lot of scenarios that would be hot for me!  But in general I think like... either positive or negative attention directed at a man's nose for being really big/hooked. Usually the kind of attention it would get would be negative in real life, and that is hot to me in a way I feel really bad about. A guy with a huge nose having it pointed out to him, having to talk about it and being teased, having it poked (especially by a woman) or touched or otherwise messed with while he blushes furiously and the attention doesn't abate is just really hot to me.  Especially if he touches it in response, tries (and fails) to cover it, and otherwise emphasizes how he can't hide it.   But also, sort of a fantasy that it would get positive attention, especially from women.  It's such a rare fetish to have that I really relish the idea of not being alone in liking really beaky boys.  ^_^ 

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Mmmmm...well I love caretaking so besides sneezing...

I really like when his voice goes hoarse.  Eventually it gives out and it's just a rasp oh yes
I also like when there's lots of desperate sniffles!  Not a fan of mess, but I do understand that's part of it just doesn't turn me on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

These are great! 

@RediChalyn Raspy like gritty or raspy like a smoker? 

@HornedSerpent I really liked the emotional part of your scenario. Someone being embarrassed and then another person being there for them. 

I actually plan to write some of these scenarios for a related fetish story. 

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Raspy like a smoker who chain smokes unfiltered cigs lolz if I want gritty I use the term gravelly (you'll likely see it in our rp)

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This scenario is interesting to me:

A guy with a runny nose has long hair and is wearing a bandana.  He's outside (like hiking or at the beach or something), so he doesn't have anything to blow his nose on.  So he takes off the bandana and his hair falls out of its place before he gives a loud snotty honk into the bandana. 

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I don't think this is necessarily related to sneezing, but something my wife and I incorporate into our sneezy play is the praise kink. For example, I will induce her and she will try and hold back her sneezes and if she is successful I will tell her what a well behaved, good girl she is or something of the sort. It adds such a fun, sexy dynamic for us!

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15 minutes ago, VeganSneezeFetishist said:

I don't think this is necessarily related to sneezing, but something my wife and I incorporate into our sneezy play is the praise kink. For example, I will induce her and she will try and hold back her sneezes and if she is successful I will tell her what a well behaved, good girl she is or something of the sort. It adds such a fun, sexy dynamic for us!



18 hours ago, Bleh said:

This scenario is interesting to me:

A guy with a runny nose has long hair and is wearing a bandana.  He's outside (like hiking or at the beach or something), so he doesn't have anything to blow his nose on.  So he takes off the bandana and his hair falls out of its place before he gives a loud snotty honk into the bandana. 

Is he by himself?

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I'm all for @Bleh's bandanna scenario!  Which, is anyone who has RP'd with me really surprised?  I mean, Shane (and Trae, for anyone familiar with the second in command of the legion of sexy OCs) use bandannas as a handkerchief all the time!  I don't do nose blows personally but the use of a bandanna...something about that is just amazing

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