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How do you feel about snot?


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I'm just curious on how other people prefer or don't prefer snot with sneezing. Personally, I don't really like excess amounts, or snot rockets or anything like that. What do you like?


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No. Nope, nope, nope!

I sort of like to "hear" mess, but not see it, if that makes sense. If I see it, I throw up in my mouth a little. :lol: 


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41 minutes ago, Chanel_no5 said:

No. Nope, nope, nope!

I sort of like to "hear" mess, but not see it, if that makes sense. If I see it, I throw up in my mouth a little. :lol: 


That makes perfect sense. That's exactly the same with me

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57 minutes ago, Chanel_no5 said:

No. Nope, nope, nope!

I sort of like to "hear" mess, but not see it, if that makes sense. If I see it, I throw up in my mouth a little. :lol: 


:yes: I don't mind handkerchiefs or blowing, but I do NOT want to * see* the mess. And honestly I also have that reaction if I see it. 

Just ummmm... nope, nope.

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I like the concept to a degree. Sn*t is a curse word IMO. Mucus is better, but not by much. The more vague you can get in describing, the better. It's also better for me if it's described as more clear or watery (spray, discharge) than thick. And sn*t is as thick as you can get.

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My preferences differ depending on whether it's IRL or not. 

IRL: absolutely not. I don't want to see it or hear it. Just the thought of it is enough to make me feel a little nauseous. 

Fics/fantasies: bring it on. I love reading about stuffy-ness, congestion, sneezing causing stuffy-ness, noses running. Basically any and all aspects of irritation caused by a sneeze, that gets me going. My only line in fiction is masses of detail about colour or consistency. Mentions, fine. But that's it. Basically anything in fiction is good for me, but if anyone so much as sniffles near me, it makes me pretty uncomfortable :lol:

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I usually don't mind mentions of mess, but it's definitely not something I actively seek out. If it's brought up in a story, I'm usually like "uh okay lol" and don't think much of it. The only times I can't put up with it is when it's unrealistically excessive which both distracts me and kills my suspension of disbelief. Mostly I really can't handle the word uh "snot"? Ugh. It's such an ugly word.

I mean, listen, whatever pushes your buttons, I guess. But damn. It's just too much sometimes. :/

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For me, I don’t like mess at all. Even spray is a bit too much for me, especially IRL. However, I don’t find it all that disgusting either, since everyone has it I guess. But it definitely does NOT turn me on in any way. It’s more like I’m slightly grossed out by mentions or the sight  it, but usually I just turn away or quickly read over the part where mess is mentioned and forget about it.

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I can't stand mess of any kind at all; and have a hard time regardless or whether I see it, hear it or read about it. :(

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Not disgusted at all/pretty much normally immune. Don't care either way, but never want to see it. 

Snotty blows/congested nose blowing will me on.

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5 minutes ago, Asexy said:

Not disgusted at all/pretty much normally immune. Don't care either way, but never want to see it. 

Snotty blows/congested nose blowing will me on.

Snotty blows/congested nose blowing will turn* me on.

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I definitely like hearing snotty nose blowing, but I'm not sure about seeing snot.  I don't mind seeing (clear) snot after it gets blown into a tissue.  However, I would hate to see snot hanging out of someone's nose.

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I hate hate hate hate it. I hate the sound of it. I don't mind a little spray, but I really hate it when people blow their nose in front of me.

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Its polarised for me: a pretty big 'yes' to Clear and Accidental; a damn large 'no' to Deliberate and/or coloured. 

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  • 5 weeks later...

Thanks for all the responses everyone! My curiosity has been cured (for now):laugh:


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  • 3 years later...

I like spray quite a bit and really don't mind it when it's my boyfriend... But with anyone else it really grosses me out!

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