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Obs at Greek Restaurant


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Ok so I had to compose myself after this one... There's a cute little family-owned Greek restaurant that my friends and I go to fairly often since it's near our school and the food is outstanding. It sells Greek street food and it's one of those places where you order and they prepare the food right in front of you (like a Subway sort of). Anyhow so the family that owns it is a mother, father, daughter, and two sons. One of the sons, I'll call him M, is a very, very attractive man, and my friends and I discuss this whenever we go. I'm horrible with ages but my gut says he's around 24-26? He has close-dark hair, olive skin, and he has that kind of knowing smile like you have some sort of inside joke (idk how to describe it but its hands down the most attractive part of him). The whole family speaks in Greek to each other, and he has a slight and very attractive accent as well. He and his brother work taking orders and then preparing the food while his father cooks in back, his sister cleans, and his mother works the register. Needless to say the order process is my favorite part; my heart flutters whenever it's my turn (what a dork I am). 

Anyhow, on to the good stuff. So my friends and I went to this place as usual, but when I walked in, my heart stopped as I looked at the food counter and didn't see M there. His brother was now working alongside his mother, and instantly I was thinking, "Oh no, where did he go?" Clearly my friends were thinking the same thing, and one tapped me on the shoulder and pointed to the register. There he was; he and his mother had evidently switched places and I wondered why. Throughout the order process I continued casting furtive glances his way. I made a post before about how I have this weird thing about guessing if people are unwell or not, and my radar was buzzing. I told my subconscious to calm down and that I was probably being too hopeful. 
We got to the register, and as he was tallying up what we had purchased, I couldn't help but notice that he looked pale and his eyes looked tired. Then, he read out our total and it happened. He said "excuse me", took a step back from the register, and sneezed a forceful, masculine "HaCHUHHH" behind the back of his hand. He looked up, dazed, and said "Sorry" in the breathiest voice. I almost melted. He sniffed and looked up at the overhead ceiling lights. His breath hitched audibly once, a "Hehhh" but then faded away fruitlessly. At this his father, who had been bustling around in back, came by and slapped him on the shoulder and said something in Greek. M only laughed a tired, congested laugh in response and took our change. 
At this point in the year it could be either allergies or a cold, but my fetish mind was rooting for cold. I mean, his mother obviously didn't want him sneezing in the food, which was much appreciated. Anyhow, it was quite the sight to see and a little fantasy come true :) 
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This was adorable! Lovely obs! Feel bad he lost the second one, but what a great observation! Thanks for sharing in detail!

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Hello groundcontrol,

Your observation was so nice to read, thank you. I liked your descriptions of the situation, so accurate and precise.
You have described that very nicely. It seems like a little dream of you came true :) 

In Greek, bless you after someone sneezes means γείτσες it is pronounced 'jitses'. That's the way it should sound.
The word health means υγεία and you pronounce it like 'ygeía'.  
Which is one of the most beautiful words for the noun health. Thank you for sharing your observation with us.
Yassas :byewave:

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On 5/5/2018 at 0:29 AM, rockbell said:

ahhhh this is so cute!! 


On 5/5/2018 at 9:12 AM, Sneesee said:

This was adorable! Lovely obs! Feel bad he lost the second one, but what a great observation! Thanks for sharing in detail!


On 5/5/2018 at 4:53 PM, Tippy said:

Omg, what a dream come true haha! Thanks for sharing!!

Glad you all seemed to enjoy it as much as I did ahahah :) 


On 5/6/2018 at 9:37 AM, beijoseternura said:

Hello groundcontrol,

Your observation was so nice to read, thank you. I liked your descriptions of the situation, so accurate and precise.
You have described that very nicely. It seems like a little dream of you came true :) 

In Greek, bless you after someone sneezes means γείτσες it is pronounced 'jitses'. That's the way it should sound.
The word health means υγεία and you pronounce it like 'ygeía'.  
Which is one of the most beautiful words for the noun health. Thank you for sharing your observation with us.
Yassas :byewave:

Thank you for the mini Greek lesson!! Maybe that's what his father said after the sneeze, but I couldn't tell you. I'll be on the lookout should this happen again :) 

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On ‎13‎.‎05‎.‎2018 at 2:59 AM, groundcontrol said:

Thank you for the mini Greek lesson!! Maybe that's what his father said after the sneeze, but I couldn't tell you. I'll be on the lookout should this happen again :) 

you are welcome :) my neighbor is from Greece, and he once told me - in some regions of Greece / maybe on the Islands, too?, the one who sneezed may wish for something. And those who were present when he or she had to sneeze must fulfill the wish. It's like a promise that you can not regene on. Maybe his father's answer has something to do with it :)

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