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Where can I find tissues?!?!


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Hello all, I am becoming increasingly frustrated with the lack of tissues available in public, I am sick rn as well as having some allergies and I can never seem to find a box of tissues in public, where are y’all most often able to find a box? Any other suggestions as to how to always have quick access as I am a guy and don’t really have a purse to bring tissue in. All suggestions would be much appreciated!

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9 minutes ago, jamesdear1 said:

All suggestions would be much appreciated!

Start carrying a purse. 

Still the best suggestion I have. :lol: My purse is a fucking survival kit, I wouldn't last a day away from home without it. :lol: Wear clothes with pockets? There are public restrooms, I guess you could go there and use toilet paper or paper towels?  

I think as adults we're supposed to handle the responsibility to have tissues on us if we know we're likely to need them, and not demand that they're available just like that in public places. Just my personal opinion. :) 


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Hello, you could wear clothes which have some pockets?
For example, you could keep your tissues in the inside pockets of your jacket, and if it is too warm to wear a jacket during summertime, then use the pockets of your jeans like you keep your wallet?
In a drugstore, you can certainly buy tissues in a pack of ten and you do not have to 'hark back' on a whole box of them.
Always take 2,3 tissues with you as a precaution. If necessary, there are also public toilets and you can use the paper towels from there.
Hope I could help you.

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37 minutes ago, Chanel_no5 said:

Start carrying a purse. 

Still the best suggestion I have. :lol: My purse is a fucking survival kit, I wouldn't last a day away from home without it. :lol: Wear clothes with pockets? There are public restrooms, I guess you could go there and use toilet paper or paper towels?  

I think as adults we're supposed to handle the responsibility to have tissues on us if we know we're likely to need them, and not demand that they're available just like that in public places. Just my personal opinion. :) 


Great thank you, was not my intention to demand that places have them that would be a little ridiculous! Just asking for some common places, if for example you forget you’re standard tissues, thanks again for the input!

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20 minutes ago, beijoseternura said:

Hello, you could wear clothes which have some pockets?
For example, you could keep your tissues in the inside pockets of your jacket, and if it is too warm to wear a jacket during summertime, then use the pockets of your jeans like you keep your wallet?
In a drugstore, you can certainly buy tissues in a pack of ten and you do not have to 'hark back' on a whole box of them.
Always take 2,3 tissues with you as a precaution. If necessary, there are also public toilets and you can use the paper towels from there.
Hope I could help you.

Great suggestions thank you! Sounds like you speak from years of experience with allergies😂

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No! No, I don't have any allergies. I have just tried to put myself in your position :) I always take a packet of tissues in my purse and then distribute them to people who suffer from allergies.
Like a tissue for you, and one for you :)
At the end of the day when all tissues are used up, I feel kind of happy that I could do something good to other people.
I'm sorry, yesterday I forgot to write: I hope you feel a bit better today - get well soon :)

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You can probably grab a few napkins from a café if the workers are nice, idk. At least here you can in some places all though people generally carry their own tissues. Like suggested above you can also go get toilet paper from a public toilet. These should be like... For emergencies only though, like if you ran out of tissues (you should always make sure you have enough of them with you but not everything can be predicted) or idk, lose your travel pack? You can relatively easy fit 4 travel packs in the pockets of men's slim fit jeans (no, I am not speaking from experince, I'm basing this on what all else you can fit inside the pockets but I vave no reason to assume I would be mistaken), probably more inside the less skin tight kinds, so you shouldn't actually have an issue with running out of them unless you do that sneeze fic thing where you throw away a perfectly useable tissue after sneezing into it once.

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16 minutes ago, Sitruuna said:

unless you do that sneeze fic thing where you throw away a perfectly useable tissue after sneezing into it once.

I laughed so hard at this. 


My suggestion is to bring a handkerchief!!! I win 

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On 5/7/2018 at 4:04 AM, beijoseternura said:

No! No, I don't have any allergies. I have just tried to put myself in your position :) I always take a packet of tissues in my purse and then distribute them to people who suffer from allergies.
Like a tissue for you, and one for you :)
At the end of the day when all tissues are used up, I feel kind of happy that I could do something good to other people.
I'm sorry, yesterday I forgot to write: I hope you feel a bit better today - get well soon :)

Thank you for you’re well wishes feeling better but still a little stuffy, that’s actually super sweet of you and sounds very satisfying from a viewing perspective as well😏

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On 5/7/2018 at 9:41 AM, Sitruuna said:

ou can relatively easy fit 4 travel packs in the pockets of men's slim fit jeans (no, I am not speaking from experince, I'm basing this on what all else you can fit inside the pockets but I vave no reason to assume I would be mistaken), probably more inside the less skin tight kinds, so you shouldn't actually have an issue with running out of them unless you do that sneeze fic thing where you throw away a perfectly useable tissue after sneezing into it once.

Thank you for you’re advice and that is rly good to know, and no I don’t usually lmao

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4 hours ago, jamesdear1 said:

Thank you for you’re well wishes feeling better but still a little stuffy, that’s actually super sweet of you and sounds very satisfying from a viewing perspective as well😏

Hello, jamesdear1 - it is sad that you do not feel well the first weeks of spring. I really hope it will enhance the next days?

This morning I have read your post and I have come up with an idea to your question: You could try this way: stick a note to your apartment door on which you write that you should think of the tissues - if you do not live alone you can create it in a way that only you understand the message :) like a little cartoon or picture with a hidden message just for you? and before you are leaving outside, you will always be reminded to take tissues with you and not get in 'trouble' if you should sneeze outside. I hope it could help a bit. Feel better soon. 

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  • 1 month later...

You could always take a pocket pack of tissues where you go or you could take a handkerchief like what I do

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