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Sneeze Fetish Forum


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Hello everybody! I'm newbie in this forum, and this is my first original fiction, I hope you guys like it! 

Also, English is not my native language. If there is any grammar error in my story, I would appreciate it if somebody tell me.


Dusty Evidence

The morning was cool and pleasant in London, perfect for a walk in an open environment. There was not a single cloud in the sky. The sunlight was shining brightly, the citizens walked through woods and admired the arrival of spring. It was as if all people were on vacation and dropped all obligations to observe the environment around them. Well, at least some of them.

Elliot Rodwell, a 25-year-old investigator, and his senior Marie Culbert did not have the option of leaving the office that day. They had a duty to investigate reports of murders with axes that match with a certain serial killer.

"Mrs. Culbert, you know how many murders with axes are registered in general?"

Marie held the corner of her chin, closing her eyelids slightly and then opening them again with a precise glance, answering "Around two hundred".

Elliot sighed with dissatisfaction and scratched his head. They would not come out of there anytime soon.

"I think my picnic in the woods will not happen" 

She grinned as organized the first folders on the gray table. "You're not the only one who is dissatisfied, believe me. But work is work, anyway."

The file directory was surprisingly dusty. The brown shelves were gray, and the air was filled with dust particles. And to make the things worse, the place had no windows. Marie said earlier that windows could cause file-stealing attempts, so this place was more isolated than the others in the same building. 

"This room is very stuffy."

"Complain less, work more" Marie said to her subordinate.

“I will try”


But all said and done, they spent thirty minutes without interrupting each other.
Although Elliot and Marie had a playful way, they were the most harmonious team of the intelligence agency, then their investigations were meticulous and competent, so nothing could hinder them.


Except a sneeze.

“God bless you.” Marie said automatically, without taking her attention away from the folders.

"Ugh ... I'm sorry." He rubbed the bottom of his nose with his index finger.

Elliot returned to his work, seeking information about the victims and the alleged motives, but unfortunately most of them did not have accurate investigation and most of the bodies were from people disconnected from the main case.

"That is challenging, isn’t it?" Marie thought aloud, biting the ends of a blue pen.

Elliot smiled in response, but his eyes lost focus as he turned his attention to the hundredth folder.

Heh...!!” He turned away from the object, pinching his trembling nostrils with thumb and forefinger. “Hh’nggktch! Hih’gnxt!

He sniffed several times to try to relieve the itching, letting out small moans of discomfort on his lips.

Marie looked out of the corner of her eye and, still keeping an eye on the files, threw some pens into Elliot in protest.

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry for the noise!" Elliot instinctively raised his arms in front of his face to protect himself against her 'ammunition' and laughed. "Can I at least take a break to get a tissue? This dusty place is bothering my nose."

"I did not know you were allergic to dust, Mr. Rodwell." Marie raised her eyebrow suspiciously.

“It's a slight allergy, it doesn't bother me so much usually. But I believe that staying in a stuffy, closed place with so much accumulated dust is harder for me ... guh... *sniff*” 

He pulled the collar of his brown shirt to his face, frowning and keeping his nose isolated from the air of the place, waving his hands in the dust-covered files to try to alleviate the situation. Marie frowned with concern when she saw that Elliot's eyes were watering constantly, a sign that he certainly was not joking.

"Take it." She offered a tissue. "Wipe or blow your nose with this if you feel better doing it"

"Thank you very much, Mrs. Culbert" He took it with a sympathetic look, touching his quivering nose with her tissue. “Hekx’nt-ah!”

"First of all, you should stop stifling your sneezing from now on.” She came over and put her hand on Elliot's shoulder. “It is dangerous for an allergic person to hold the allergen inside the nose while it is being expelled.  I'm sorry for being severe earlier but you need to leave them out."

Marie was fifteen years older than Elliot. When she drew his attention to something, Elliot could not stop imagining her as a mother figure. Marie was really worried about him, though she also valued her performance during the investigation.

"It's fine." He replied to her apology. "You're right."

“Unfortunately we can't take the files out of the room, so staying with the dust is inevitable.” She sighed and scratched his head. “You can take a break and breathe some fresh air out there, but only after examining at least fifty files. How many have you examined?”

“T-Twenty... Heh'kshuu!!”

"Do you think you can exam thirty more?" She stared at him with enthusiasm.

"I'll do my best, ma'am." He sniffed in dismay.

“Very well.” She grinned.  “God bless you, by the way.”

“Thank you...” He wiped his nose, sighing quietly.

This will be a long afternoon. He thought

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This is so awesome!!! xDD You did an amazing job with this!!! Are you going to continue?? PLEASE TELL ME YOU WILL!!! ;D Your writing is amazing too! If you never said that English wasn't your native language, I wouldn't have been able to tell hahaha! Great job on this!! :)

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2 hours ago, SeichiYagami said:

This is so awesome!!! xDD You did an amazing job with this!!! Are you going to continue?? PLEASE TELL ME YOU WILL!!! ;D Your writing is amazing too! If you never said that English wasn't your native language, I wouldn't have been able to tell hahaha! Great job on this!! :)

I'm glad you liked! I'm quite flattered by your compliments!! :blushing::blushing:

Unfortunately it was just a one-shot, but I recommend you to stay turned to my other future stories! 

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Jesus this is beautiful!


I could've never been able to tell that English wasn't your first language, I love this!


Good job my friend.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 07/05/2018 at 6:57 PM, Lola! said:

Jesus this is beautiful!


I could've never been able to tell that English wasn't your first language, I love this!


Good job my friend.

OMG! Thank you!! :heart::heart::heart:

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This was amazing!!!!!!!!!! Im sad you wont be continuing it. Lola! is right. You cant tell english isnt your first language!

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