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What can I do to get off moderator queue? It takes about 1 week for my posts to be made visible when I'm updating my fics which is fairly inconvenient and demotivating when trying to write stuff for other members to enjoy

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In order to get removed from moderator preview, the staff need to be in collective agreement that the member has posted positively and hasn't broken any rules or accumulated any further warnings whilst on moderator preview. If any more warnings are accumulated, then this can set back the time it takes for the restriction to be removed. 

It shouldn't take a week for posts to be approved, and I can only apologise on behalf of the staff if that has been the case previously. We endeavour to review these posts within 24 hours of them being posted, but this isn't always possible, given that the staff members have other commitments away from the forum and are not always in a position to do this. But rest assured, waiting a week isn't the norm, and it shouldn't be the case going forward. 

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1 hour ago, PuddinPop said:

In order to get removed from moderator preview, the staff need to be in collective agreement that the member has posted positively and hasn't broken any rules or accumulated any further warnings whilst on moderator preview. If any more warnings are accumulated, then this can set back the time it takes for the restriction to be removed. 

It shouldn't take a week for posts to be approved, and I can only apologise on behalf of the staff if that has been the case previously. We endeavour to review these posts within 24 hours of them being posted, but this isn't always possible, given that the staff members have other commitments away from the forum and are not always in a position to do this. But rest assured, waiting a week isn't the norm, and it shouldn't be the case going forward. 

I waited for a thread where I asked a simple question to be approved for a good couple days, before coming to the site one day and seeing that it had been deleted and have not received any email or what have you explaining why. Care to explain why...?

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23 minutes ago, JolliLolli said:

I waited for a thread where I asked a simple question to be approved for a good couple days, before coming to the site one day and seeing that it had been deleted and have not received any email or what have you explaining why. Care to explain why...?

This is because we repeatedly asked you to contact us using the Contact Us feature with an updated email address (as you yourself stated you no longer used the one in your profile) and we never heard anything back, therefore we do not currently have any means of contacting you in regards to such issues. If you can update us with an email address you use (do not post it in this thread; please use the Contact Us feature) then we can advise you of such things in the future. 

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4 minutes ago, PuddinPop said:

This is because we repeatedly asked you to contact us using the Contact Us feature with an updated email address (as you yourself stated you no longer used the one in your profile) and we never heard anything back, therefore we do not currently have any means of contacting you in regards to such issues. If you can update us with an email address you use (do not post it in this thread; please use the Contact Us feature) then we can advise you of such things in the future. 

Maybe it's just me and my shitty memory, but I don't remember ever saying that I don't currently use the e-mail in my profile. Sure it's not the main email that I primarily use, but I still have access to it and check it whenever I'm looking for an explanation for shit like this. That also still doesn't answer my question as to why the thread was deleted in the first place. 

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2 minutes ago, JolliLolli said:

Maybe it's just me and my shitty memory, but I don't remember ever saying that I don't currently use the e-mail in my profile. Sure it's not the main email that I primarily use, but I still have access to it and check it whenever I'm looking for an explanation for shit like this. That also still doesn't answer my question as to why the thread was deleted in the first place. 

It's actually here in this thread: 

And I do apologise, but I cannot remember such a thread, given the time that has passed. It would also be preferable not to discuss this in public. If you can advise us using the Contact Us feature which email is best for you to use, then we can address any concerns that you have there. We would also appreciate it if you could keep things civil. Referring to our methods as 'shit like this' openly isn't entirely appropriate, regardless of your opinion on the matter. Thank you. 

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Thanks PuddinPop

Hopefully one day I'll be free to post as per usual ;)

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