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a question for all sneezefic authors..


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Hello, this question is for all 'sneezefic, or sneeze related stories' authors.

I wanted to ask you, how do you bring the topic 'sneeze' into your stories?
I myself have already written some stories / fanfic's - in one I often mentioned coughing, shortage of breath, hoarseness, a husky / harsh voice. But I never dared to write about a sneeze topic.
How do you describe, or would describe it in your own stories?
Are you planning ahead, do you write a script, take notes, where do you get your inspiration from?
Do you just write about the 'main sneezing' or you describe things like a facial expression of your charakters, build ups and how they feel like or a tickle, about any triggers like allergies or colds, etc.
I'm happy about every answer. Thank you all and have a nice day :) 
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Hi! It’s always nice to see another author interested in sneezefic stories. As for how you incorporate it into your stories, that’s up to you. Most of us use prompts that give everyone an overview about what to story is going to be about. Me personally, I just write. I don’t outline or anything, but you can. There are different techniques for every story.

Writing a sneezefic can be like writing any other story. You can come outright at the beginning with it, or you can build into it. How you describe it is also up to you. You can describe the feeling in intense detail, ot you can just come outright with the sneezing. Inspiration can come from just about anywhere. Mine usually come from prompts, but sometmes I can come up for a plot by myself. If you look around, then you should be able to find some prompts to help you collect your thoughts and place them together. I’m a huge fan of fanfic writing too.


I hope that this helped. If you have anymore questions, don’t hesitate to ask! :D


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So i guess for me it starts with an inspiration of some kind.

Some stores, start with a sneezing scenario or situation that i think would be fun and that i myself would enjoy reading if someone else wrote it. Then I kinda work backwards to see how i can bring my characters to that point. An example would be my "Sneezy tails of an English Maid" story is an example of one that started that way. I wanted to write about a maid trying not to sneeze while serving at party so then i had to figure out how to make the situation happen in an at least somewhat believable way. 

Another way is from inspiration of a character or world. In that case i establish rules of the world and/or the charters personality then it makes it easier for the sneezing to come up naturally.  Examples of this would be my story, "Carrie's first hunt" and "A little pepper fairy's big adventure." If you have access to the adult stories then "A Club called Bless You" is another example.

It could be a world were every one likes sneezing, or maybe no one ever does and a person discovers it one day.  

I think the key is to write something you think you would enjoy reading. 


As for the sneezes themselves its kinda the same. If you like buildups then include them in your story. If you like allergy sneeze over colds sneeze then write about them. 

You may find that after a while the story almost seems it write itself.   

I hope this helps a bit. Feel free to ask any other question you may have. I'd also be happy to give you my thought on your stories too if you like. 


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Hey boo!

As far as sneezes go, I usually describe whatever the healthy person sees. Also, I describe it from the sneezing person’s viewpoint. You can decide between spelling the sneezes out or just mentioning that someone sneezed. And you can add all the other stuff you like that comes with a cold. 

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@Wolfwings22  Thank you a lot for your answer.
I feel happy for you - you're one of those authors who have the talent to write a story down, and the words seem to come by themselves. In such moments, you let your heart speak without much thought and the result in the end even surprises you many times, do you understand what I mean? Unfortunately, I do not belong to these authors, and I need a plan for each chapter. I keep a close watch at the following points.
What do I want to tell readers? What is the exact action of the individual chapter?
Do I want to leave the end, or some questions open? Which details should I not forget in any case?
Which ones can I omit, as it would be 'too much'?
Feelings, details and expressions are very, very important to me. You can color your story this way.
Thank you, I think your advice with a slow development is very good. As I wrote before, I mentioned coughing in one of my stories, and it took me a long time to find the right words, adjectives, even in my native language.
Thank you for your help. I would like to read one of your stories one day :) 
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Hello @Light
thank you for your answer. You have left me a bit speechless - I have never spoken / written to a male author before, so I am all the more pleased that you are writing too and your answer has been very helpful.
I think you're right, I always try to write a story, to write about a topic that I would like to read myself too, something that speaks from my heart.
I did not had good experience with feedback, so I kept a lot for myself because I was very uncertain about it.
Unfortunately my stories do not write themselves as you wrote, I am very happy for you when it is so easy for you and you have many ideas and you can implement them but I always need a lot of inspiration.
Yes, I have posted a story here called campainha branca - Cristiano Ronaldo fanfiction, you can find it in stories, but it's a non sneeze fanfic -
so, I think it won't find many readers and it describes a quite serious topic. I just posted a little part and hadn't time to write more the last days.
But it was more than important to me to write about it. If you want to read it, the decision is up to you, of course. 
I have written a few fanfictions about him and to get my inspiration it betimes takes me hours - to properly describe him I look at some photos to discover certain facial features such as striking or soft, features such as scars, some irregularities, characteristics such as freckles or demure lips.
Or I listen to interviews just to describe the accent of his voice, or his eyes, his facial expression - yes, it sounds a bit curious.
But that's the way it works best.
I love to tell something through the eyes of the other characters.
For example I describe the female main character through the eyes of a male main chracter. That is one of the most beautiful ways to write for me, I don't know what you think about it?
I think every author describes himself / herself a bit with the stories he or she writes.
20 hours ago, Light said:

"A little pepper fairy's big adventure."

A pepper fairy? Where did you get this idea from :)?

I am so sorry my answer is long - I hope you have a nice day and thank you a lot for your help.

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On 5/9/2018 at 11:01 AM, beijoseternura said:
Hello @Light
thank you for your answer. You have left me a bit speechless - I have never spoken / written to a male author before, so I am all the more pleased that you are writing too and your answer has been very helpful.
I think you're right, I always try to write a story, to write about a topic that I would like to read myself too, something that speaks from my heart.
I did not had good experience with feedback, so I kept a lot for myself because I was very uncertain about it.
Unfortunately my stories do not write themselves as you wrote, I am very happy for you when it is so easy for you and you have many ideas and you can implement them but I always need a lot of inspiration.
Yes, I have posted a story here called campainha branca - Cristiano Ronaldo fanfiction, you can find it in stories, but it's a non sneeze fanfic -
so, I think it won't find many readers and it describes a quite serious topic. I just posted a little part and hadn't time to write more the last days.
But it was more than important to me to write about it. If you want to read it, the decision is up to you, of course. 
I have written a few fanfictions about him and to get my inspiration it betimes takes me hours - to properly describe him I look at some photos to discover certain facial features such as striking or soft, features such as scars, some irregularities, characteristics such as freckles or demure lips.
Or I listen to interviews just to describe the accent of his voice, or his eyes, his facial expression - yes, it sounds a bit curious.
But that's the way it works best.
I love to tell something through the eyes of the other characters.
For example I describe the female main character through the eyes of a male main chracter. That is one of the most beautiful ways to write for me, I don't know what you think about it?
I think every author describes himself / herself a bit with the stories he or she writes.

A pepper fairy? Where did you get this idea from :)?

I am so sorry my answer is long - I hope you have a nice day and thank you a lot for your help.

Your welcome. 

I think you are right about authors putting a bit of themselves into there work. I would say that’s the case for most.

I like how you said your describe characters through the eyes of other characters. It is a nice perspective to use. If anything that is a place I can improve on. I do not always describe what my characters look like well enough I think.

As for where I got the idea for the pepper fairy, I wish j could say it was completely original but it was actually from some art work that some one drew. It showed a few scenes of a fairy trying to make others sneeze and I found t really cute and wanted to write a story about it. 

Did you read the pepper fairy story? If so I would like to know how you liked it. 

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What works quite well for me in terms of "daring to go THERE", i.e. including all those lovely details that turn a story into pr0n for us, is telling myself "I am the only one who's ever going to read this shizz, so I can do whatever the hell I like" and then I just imagine the most perfect scenario I can possibly come up with and try to catch it in words. Then, if the scenario works in words, yahtzee! time to edit it for the chosen few here on the forum. If it doesn't work... oh well, back to the drawing board inside my mind.

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Hello @Light
thank you for your reply. You could start by describing what one of your characters sees? So you avoid long enumerations that might be a bit bland for the readers? I once posted the following phrases and copied them again for you, as they might be an advice for you too? I would be happy about that. That's how I would describe it, when I tell through the eyes of the other character.

- gleaming tears moistened her blue gray dappled iris and he wondered if the sadness in her eyes was his blame?
- he eluded himself from her bitter sweet embrace and her eyes rested on the faded, fine scars that contrasted with his sun-tanned skin.
Don't worry - maybe you did not invent the pepper fairy yourself, but it's just as much work to get yourself inspired by a painted picture, so you can make a story out of it. Always remember, you had the idea for your story and you wrote it down yourself.
And yes, last night I read the first apron, thank you a lot for sharing it with us. I would like to write you a review under your story? Is it true.... you named all three fairies with a name to remind your readers of a sneeze?
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