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Sneeze Fetish Forum

RP Advice


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So, I've recently gotten into roleplaying. Not just this site, but in many other non-fetish sites as well. So, my question is: How do you sneak fetish scenes into a roleplay? So far, I have a hurt/comfort RP that maaybe could have a bit of sneezing in it, but since I am greedy, I was wondering how to disguise fetish-talk in the RP.

Anyways, could anyone help me on that? Other than that, have a great day and don't die! :) 

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I think if it fits, put it in like any other scene.  The cautions I would advise are:

If the other party doesn't bite, don't push it.  Put it out there but if your partner is not interested, accept that and move on.

Avoid overdoing it.  I can tell you that it is really obvious when someone has a kink they're trying to indulge.  If you're on the fifth sick scene in a story line it might be time to pull back.

I'm not saying that you would   be someone who does those things, but it can be easy to get caught up in the excitement and forget that this is a fetish that others might not get.

But on the plus side lots of people adore caretaking and hurt/comfort, even non fetish people!  So there's a really good chance a fetish scene might be well received if introduced!

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I would say that you should be upfront with your intentions, to be honest... If I was roleplaying something with someone and found out (or grew to suspect, because as SleepingPhlox says it's usually very obvious) that they were inserting their fetishes into the roleplay in order to get aroused from it, I would feel kind of used and grossed out, unless we talked about it beforehand. 

Other people might be totally fine with it, but there's really no way to know until you discuss it with your roleplay partner, so that would be my advice.

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41 minutes ago, SleepingPhlox said:

I think if it fits, put it in like any other scene.  The cautions I would advise are:

If the other party doesn't bite, don't push it.  Put it out there but if your partner is not interested, accept that and move on.

Avoid overdoing it.  I can tell you that it is really obvious when someone has a kink they're trying to indulge.  If you're on the fifth sick scene in a story line it might be time to pull back.

I'm not saying that you would   be someone who does those things, but it can be easy to get caught up in the excitement and forget that this is a fetish that others might not get.

But on the plus side lots of people adore caretaking and hurt/comfort, even non fetish people!  So there's a really good chance a fetish scene might be well received if introduced!

I’ll keep these tips in mind! Thanks! So far, my RP partner hadn’t minded my one sneeze scene that I dared to write, so I’ll hold back for now and probably try another one in a future. 

17 minutes ago, Jejune said:

I would say that you should be upfront with your intentions, to be honest... If I was roleplaying something with someone and found out (or grew to suspect, because as SleepingPhlox says it's usually very obvious) that they were inserting their fetishes into the roleplay in order to get aroused from it, I would feel kind of used and grossed out, unless we talked about it beforehand. 

Other people might be totally fine with it, but there's really no way to know until you discuss it with your roleplay partner, so that would be my advice.

Yes, I totally understood that feeling when I was role playing with another person and they kept on mentioning some kind of yandere fetish. That’s very good advice, thank you!

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Jejune pretty much stole the words out of my mouth (keyboard?). On top of it being a possible boundary infiltrator, it could totally be interpreted as sharking. 

If you're roleplaying in any setting, it is important to communicate. If your partner recognizes that you're involving what might be a fetish, it could be pretty uncomfortable for them to bring this to your attention. Most people aren't prepared to call someone out on fetishism in the middle of a writing project. 

Also? Just from a literary perspective, trying to shove anything into a narrative might halt the progress of your story. If (and this is under the circumstance that your partner understands your intentions with mentioning the fetish and consents) it feels natural, involve it. But don't slow your story down for the sake of kinky inclusion. Unless your sole purpose with roleplay is to get off. If getting off is your sole intention, you should definitely communicate this to your partner as well. 

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Continuously (because I can't edit posts yet), if sexual pleasure is your priority, roleplaying with members of the forum might be your safest bet. Communication in regards to the fetish will probably be a lot smoother here and it's more likely for both partners to be receiving some kind of pleasure; a vanilla's buttons are not likely to be pushed from simply playing into your fantasy. 

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