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asking for your advice..?


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Hello, I hope you all are well :)
I wanted to ask you for an advice. First a short explanation for you, so you can understand the situation better:
Two weeks ago I had a doctor's visit to a specialist. I am chronically ill since birth, a disease that affects my lungs and bronchia. The doctor said I should do everything possible to avoid getting sick. No colds, no bronchitis, or sinus infections - all diseases that could affect the lungs.
I should avoid it as it could progressively worsen my disease.
Last night, I had a very severe sore throat, and I have noticed that I had a sore throat almost every night for the last few weeks, and I've been up half the night, wondering what I could do to avoid getting sick.
Could you give me an advice, help on how to prevent a cold, please?
I'm not asking for medications, special therapies, just for your advice.
I appreciate each opinion very much and thank you a lot for your answers. Have a nice day :)
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Well, my best (and only) advice to soothe a sore throat and a cough is to gargle salt water. Just mix salt with water, I can't give the exact measurements but I'm sure you can find them online, and gargle with it several times a day. It really does make it feel better. :)

Good luck, hope you avoid getting sick! 


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One important thing in your situation is to get sleep. You said you were up half the night wondering how you can avoid getting sick. I understand why you’d worry, as it seems like a severe situation. But do not worry. That’s one of the worst things to do. Worrying doesn’t help at all. I’ve learned that the hard way.  Also, sleep is very important when you want to stay healthy. Try to stay calm and relax. Do whatever you can to calm yourself down when you start to worry: whether it’s listening to music, playing a game, chatting on the phone, etc. I’ve found that if I’m stressed or worried by nighttime and having trouble sleeping because of it, listening to some peaceful music by my favorite artist on my phone at a low volume in the background while my phone is on charge helps me fall asleep.

Wash your hands (or in case you’re somewhere where you can’t do that, carry around hand sanitizer, as it’s better than nothing) after being in crowded places or around someone who may be ill. And get some apple cider vinegar with the “mother” if you can. Mix it with some water. I’ve found that it is very helpful. It tastes terrible because of the vinegar, but just hold your nose and drink it through a straw. It’s really good for a sore throat and for your immune system in general.

I hope you stay well!

Edited by I love Alan Rickman
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Hey hun, inform your family and friends that they cannot be around you when sick. If they  live in the same house as a sick person then they still need to stay away from you until the relative is healthy. Stay away from babies, the elderly, and animals. It will be pretty embarrassing, but you can wear a mask when you go out to crowded places and doctor appointments where other people are sick. Avoid areas where there is dust or smoke that could irritate your lungs and strenuous exercises that could overwork your lungs. 


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I think the best way to avoid ill health is to cultivate good health.  Proper sleep every night, a diet rich in nutrients and low in processed sugar, regular exercise if your condition doesn't preclude it, exposure to sunlight to get that good ol'vitamin D, avoid high levels of stress, lots of water.

Of course you have to minimise your exposure, and nothing is a guarantee against illness but it helps to keep the body in good nick so it can defend itself better. :)


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@Chanel_no5, @I love Alan Rickman, @SleepingPhlox Thank you for all your advices and good wishes, that's so nice. I try to pay attention to your counsels. I try salted water, or apple vinegar. Sufficient sleep and low stress, as far as possible, are important to everyone. Many thanks for your help.
It's a good suggestion, thank you. But I think a mask will not help much because my lungs are destroying themselves, this way I could convey it best, I guess.
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@beijoseternura You’re welcome. Just make sure you are using the apple cider vinegar with the mother as I said, or else I don’t believe it will work at least not as well. That’s what has the vast amount of the good things for your body. It should say right on it if it has it. Hope you’re doing well!

Edited by I love Alan Rickman
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