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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sneeze Fetish Secret


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I've had a sneeze fetish for as long as I can remember. I have not told anyone about the fetish except for my twin sister. I've always wanted to tell my boyfriend but i'm worried he'll think it's really weird haha. The purpose of this post is to see if anyone else on here has told others about their sneeze fetish, specifically their significant others and how they reacted. Anyone wanna share their stories? 

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I've told a number of partners over the years, and the story has always been the same: a little confusion at first, but an absolute willingness to indulge me with the fetish in some form or another.  I would think that rejection from a significant other/partner would be the exception, not the norm.

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I feel happy for you, that you had the courage to tell your twin sister. I myself have never talked to anyone about it. For one reason, as I am uncertain how the one who will know about it will respond / react? Maybe cause I won't find the right words, or a suitable moment? Though, I would only share it only with a boyfriend, partner. Most of all, I think until I haven't found yet this person I can trust termless I will keep it for me as it is something very private.

The decision whether you tell another person is always up to you. You should feel comfortable with it and your 'secret' should be in good hands.

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I've told one partner before and they were amazing about it. They thought it was cute and really interesting and loved being a part of it. 

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Thanks for all of the feedback! It has made me feel more comfortable but I think I am going to wait a bit longer until I am completely ready to tell him. 

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