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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Hi! Newbie here :)


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Hi! I’m pretty new to this Forum — this is the first time I’ve posted :) This past weekend was actually the first time I’ve ever spoken with ANYONE about my fetish, which was super exciting— met him online and he has the fetish too, so we’ve been having fun. I also just figured out how to induce!

I am a 33 y/o woman and have had the fetish as long as I can remember. I like male and female sneezes — I’m actually looking for a woman to chat/sneeze with :) so if you are over 25 and want to chat, hit me up! I’d love to “meet” you.

I also sometimes like my own sneezes — just figured that out when I sent a short clip to this guy. So that’s been a fun discovery.

Fetish aside, I am a musician (singer) and part time music teacher living in NYC!

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Welcome to the forum, sneezynyc1885! It's great having new members, and I'm sure you will enjoy being part of our community!

To enhance your time here, if you could find a few minutes to look at read before posting — it contains lots of information and frequently asked questions that will help you understand how things work on the forum. You will also be able to see which areas you can currently access and which will become available to you when you are "fully validated" a bit further down the line. In that regard, the validation system is explained in how do I get validated?

If you have any questions that are not covered in the links, feel free to ask the staff using the "contact us" feature right at the top of the page.

We look forward to seeing you around, and enjoy the forum!

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Welcome to the forum!

I hope you enjoy being a member here.




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