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Sneeze Fetish Forum


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Hey guys! I haven't posted in years, but I have an obs to share with you. :) (Changed my username recently because I didn't want to risk people finding fetish stuff while looking up my DA username.)

I’ve always felt so embarrassed about my own sneezes and would hold them back even when alone. Luckily I don't have allergies and don't sneeze often. I could go months without sneezing, and years without sneezing around other people. But this past year I’ve been trying my best to overcome that mental block. Spontaneous sneezes are healthy and normal, and it’s not good to feel so awful about something so natural and so unremarkable to other people.

Well, last night I felt an itch in my nose while trying to fall asleep. I could have just rubbed away the itch, but I’ve grown to enjoy the feeling of a good sneeze when I’m alone. I actually didn’t expect to sneeze though. It was such a minor itch.  But all of the sudden I was inhaling for a sneeze I wasn’t quite prepared to cover. I hastily brought my wrist to my nose in attempt to cover what ended up being a very wet sneeze. “Huhh-KTSSHHW!!” It wasn't messy with mucus, but it was wet with spray. I had to grab a tissue to dry my wrist and attempt to dry the part of my blanket that had gotten hit.

Even though I was alone, I felt a bit embarrassed at how wet and loud the sneeze was. It felt really relieving though. I kept muttering “ah, that was a good one,” as if to justify it being so wet and loud. I guess I'm still working about not feeling embarrassed about this stuff. I've gone a long way though!

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2 minutes ago, cyclo said:

I kept muttering “ah, that was a good one,”

It certainly sounds like a good one :D Allowing yourself to sneeze naturally when alone is a good way to increase your confidence about sneezing when in public.

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7 minutes ago, NoV said:

It certainly sounds like a good one :D Allowing yourself to sneeze naturally when alone is a good way to increase your confidence about sneezing when in public.

Definitely! I started letting myself sneeze around my college roommate this year, which was a big step in the right direction. And obviously it's no big deal at all to her, just as it wouldn't be a big deal to anybody else. I'm workin' on it!

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18 hours ago, cyclo said:

Definitely! I started letting myself sneeze around my college roommate this year, which was a big step in the right direction. And obviously it's no big deal at all to her, just as it wouldn't be a big deal to anybody else. I'm workin' on it!

Nice! It sounds like you're making good progress in overcoming the mental block. 

My first year in college, I didn't have a roommate, but I remember feeling so accomplished even when I could let out a sneeze if I knew people might hear me in the hallway or the next room. But sneezing with your roommate in the room - that's impressive :D

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Omg you are so brave... I'd like to get to the point of feeling comfortable with it at some point too. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

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