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Uncontrollable coughing


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Thought you might enjoy this - I've recently been ill  and very, very congested with a bad bout of sinusitis. It's finally starting to clear up, which means my cough is getting drier.

The problem now is that it's sometimes impossible to stop once it starts, and because nothing's coming up I just can't stop coughing. 

Today I was at work, talking to a colleague, when I suddenly had a tickle in my throat. I said, "Excuse me" and coughed a bit to clear it, covering my mouth with my hand, but it wouldn't go away, and the coughing got worse. I choked out "Hold on ...shit" in between coughs and gasps, trying not to sound like I was dying. My chest hurt. I could feel the blood rushing to my face, and tears forming in my eyes. I usually try to hide illness (which I haven't been able to do lately) but she was watching me the whole time I was crumpling into a breathless mess.

She was understanding though, and said a couple of times, "It's ok, cough it up." Finally the cough loosened, and I managed to cough up a bit of phlegm. "Ok, I think I'm done."



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She actually said "it okay, cough it up"?!!  Oh dear. People aren't embarrassed the way we can be, are they?;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

She did! I've always thought she was a bit of a germaphobe - I guess she was just waiting patiently for the rest of the information :P

Though I'm not sure what exactly I'd have done if I'd been in her position...

Incidentally, my cough is practically gone now, but still lingering a bit. Residual irritation/asthma. Carrying rescue inhaler around like a security blanket. 

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On ‎5‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 8:38 AM, notreallyhere said:

Thought you might enjoy this - I've recently been ill  and very, very congested with a bad bout of sinusitis. It's finally starting to clear up, which means my cough is getting drier.

The problem now is that it's sometimes impossible to stop once it starts, and because nothing's coming up I just can't stop coughing. 

Today I was at work, talking to a colleague, when I suddenly had a tickle in my throat. I said, "Excuse me" and coughed a bit to clear it, covering my mouth with my hand, but it wouldn't go away, and the coughing got worse. I choked out "Hold on ...shit" in between coughs and gasps, trying not to sound like I was dying. My chest hurt. I could feel the blood rushing to my face, and tears forming in my eyes. I usually try to hide illness (which I haven't been able to do lately) but she was watching me the whole time I was crumpling into a breathless mess.

She was understanding though, and said a couple of times, "It's ok, cough it up." Finally the cough loosened, and I managed to cough up a bit of phlegm. "Ok, I think I'm done."



I had this exact problem two months ago; I actually started coughing at the opera, which was embarrassing, and suppressing the coughs was torture.  I ended up going to the doctor the very next day for antibiotics.

So, yeah, I know something about uncontrollable coughing.  I hope yours finally cleared up.


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  • 2 weeks later...

It might have cleared up if only I hadn't caught a cold last week ... 

Luckily nothing seems to be infected this time, and it's just a straightforward, uncomplicated, cold. It came literally out of nowhere - I went from "perfectly fine"  to "don't feel so well" within about an hour last Wednesday evening. Woke up coughing and congested the same night, and felt miserable the next day, which was of course the day I was supposed to travel with friends. 

Anyway, I'm recovering from my cold - I'm quite pleased, as I've been much less sick with this than I was with the sinusitis episode - but the coughing continues. Not nearly as bad. Less coughing overall, and less uncontrollable. No longer keeps me up at night.

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On 5/23/2018 at 4:54 PM, Elektra said:

She actually said "it okay, cough it up"?!!  Oh dear. People aren't embarrassed the way we can be, are they?;)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Update: I'm still sick. I thought I was recovering, but on Tuesday I couldn't finish a sentence without coughing. I went to see a doctor, who said my lungs were clear, and it was probably inflammation and asthma from the previous cold and sinus infection/bronchitis.

Between Wednesday and Thursday, my itchy, tickly dry cough turned into a deep, chesty, rattling, horrible-sounding wet cough, with thick nasal congestion and wheezing. I don't even know what's wrong any more. 

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Just a suggestion, but throw away your toothbrush. My friend had strep twice because she used the same toothbrush after she was better. I hope you recover quickly! 

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Sorry to hear that:-(  *pats you on the back*

I've had that cold for a week now (maybe because it went from wet and rainy to horribly hot overnight, and now it's over 30°C everyday), and it seemed to be better, but it's moved into sinus infection and seems to get stuck there. So...green  gunk spitting every morning (sorry for the details) And today, despite no bronchitis, I felt really oppressed and heavy on the chest, like I couldn't breathe. I had to cough every other 30 seconds or so, but it was non productive and did little to relieve the weight feeling on my chest.

Hope we all get better soon

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2 minutes ago, Elektra said:

Sorry to hear that:-(  *pats you on the back*

I've had that cold for a week now (maybe because it went from wet and rainy to horribly hot overnight, and now it's over 30°C everyday), and it seemed to be better, but it's moved into sinus infection and seems to get stuck there. So...green  gunk spitting every morning (sorry for the details) And today, despite no bronchitis, I felt really oppressed and heavy on the chest, like I couldn't breathe. I had to cough every other 30 seconds or so, but it was non productive and did little to relieve the weight feeling on my chest.

Hope we all get better soon

Awwww, that sounds awful.  I’m working on a nasty cold myself.  Used a humidifier last night to clear my sinus congestion (and snotted like crazy), but the chest congestion is...feels like someone’s sitting on my chest.  The cough is productive, it’s just there seems to always be more in there.

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