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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Lots of Blowing


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Thought people here might be interested in this.

Had a big noseblowing “session” recently after a terrible allergy attack. I’d completely soaked through my first handkerchief and only had one more on me, so I decided to save it. I went into the staff washroom, alone in there as it is only for one person at a time, and splashed some water on my face. I desperately had to blow my nose - it was running constantly and sneezes were still coming, each one shooting mess down my face. I thought - why use toilet paper that’s just going to irritate my nose further? Keeping the water running (so I wouldn’t have to touch the tap) I cupped my bare hands around my nose and blew hard. It sounded super snotty and actualy honked a bit (unusual), and quickly filled my hands up. I rinsed them off and blew again, the warm contents of my nose again quickly filling my hands and making a similar sound. I repeated this a few more times. Each blow triggered several sneezes, which would fill my nose back up. It felt like it’d never end! Finally though, my sinuses started to clear up a little. I went home fairly soon after that but was frequently blowing my nose , into hankies, for the rest of the day.

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Wow, that would make me feel some type of way if that happened to me...lol

 >\\\<  thanks for sharing this!

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