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Do you want a cold?


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Black Friday is a big deal in retail. It usually brings crowds to many stores right after a big holiday spent with family and friends. The coming together of so many people in the middle of cold and flu season results in the perfect conditions for colds to flourish and spread. This is exactly what happened at a retail store I worked at one year. 

About mid week the following week, I had a morning shift with a manager named Rachel. She was really cool and had a quirky, fun personality to go with her beautiful nerdy look. She wore glasses and had dirty blonde hair. She was shorter at 5'3" and had a very nice athletic figure. When I came in for that morning shift, I could see from a mile away she was sick. Her nose was a bright red and it could not hide on her pale skin. She said, "Goo Mordding" in the most congested voice I had heard from her. Before I could reply back she said, "Yes, I hab a cod." As the day past, I did not really see her much in my shift as I worked in a different part of the store. I did overhear her conversation to her husband about being sick and debating to schedule a doctor's appointment. Cue to when I was leaving for the day. I had clocked out and went to tell Rachel I was leaving. She standing next to another manager at the time. Rachel then out of the blue said, "Do you want a cold?" I was mesmerized. My heart rate immediately shot through the roof and I could not say anything. She then added, "Come on. Its the cool thing to do. Everyone is doing." I almost exploded. What do I say? What do I do? As I was gathering my composure, the other manager saved me and told Rachel, "Leave him alone. Stop messing with him." I was relieved I did not need answer that. I walked away as they carried on their conversation. I started thinking as I was walking. What would she have done if I said yes?! 

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Wow strange...that's the most unusual thing I've ever heard but I'd probly just die if someone said that to me!  If you'd said yes she might've just laughed it off

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She was definitely joking, if you'd said yes she'd either have assumed you were playing along or gotten creeped out.

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