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Hankies in Germany


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I was talking to a German girl over the weekend and when I saw her use a real handkerchief I commented that that was unusual to see. She told me that actually in Germany it is normal there to use hankies and carry them with you wherever you go

Any German members care to verify this?

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Absolutely not true. :-) 
I know nobody using these. My granddad did, but back in the days, cotton handkerchiefs were common. 
I saw some in the shops lately, I guess it's all about the "no plastic / trying to limit the littering" - movement. But I personally don't know a single person actually using these, and believe me, I would have noticed.

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I would not say that it is as common as this girl suggested.

I know some people using them, but they are usually people over 60. I'd say the habit of using them slowly dies out. I own some and have used them, but never in public and I never carry any with me and don't know any people my age or younger who use and/ or carry them with them.

Edited by Selene
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I am sorry, but no - what the girl told you is not true. Some people may own handkerchiefs, I have never seen anyone carrying them in public, or a shop where you could buy them. I think older people tend to use handkerchiefs here. The only person I know who used a handkerchief was my biology teacher and he was over 50 years old.

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Germans are lovers of tissues. Belgians on the other hand are more comfortable with handkerchiefs, women included.

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I'm off to Germany for a holiday next week. I usually pack handkerchiefs but maybe I should resort to using tissues as I don't want to feel like people are looking at me (any more than I usually do when I blow my nose). I've seen the odd video with germans blowing their noses on handkerchiefs on youtube though. If you put in a search for curry 66 berlin there's a young guy try a really hot currywurst and he then blows his nose really loudly on a hankderchief. I guess he's the exception though.

Does anyone else not use handkerchiefs if they're travelling to a country where people don't use them?

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40 minutes ago, HankyDrawer said:

I'm off to Germany for a holiday next week. I usually pack handkerchiefs but maybe I should resort to using tissues as I don't want to feel like people are looking at me (any more than I usually do when I blow my nose). I've seen the odd video with germans blowing their noses on handkerchiefs on youtube though. If you put in a search for curry 66 berlin there's a young guy try a really hot currywurst and he then blows his nose really loudly on a hankderchief. I guess he's the exception though.

Does anyone else not use handkerchiefs if they're travelling to a country where people don't use them?

I take my handkerchiefs to what ever country I'm travelling to and I also use them

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8 hours ago, HankyDrawer said:

I'm off to Germany for a holiday next week. I usually pack handkerchiefs but maybe I should resort to using tissues as I don't want to feel like people are looking at me (any more than I usually do when I blow my nose). I've seen the odd video with germans blowing their noses on handkerchiefs on youtube though. If you put in a search for curry 66 berlin there's a young guy try a really hot currywurst and he then blows his nose really loudly on a hankderchief. I guess he's the exception though.

Does anyone else not use handkerchiefs if they're travelling to a country where people don't use them?

My tissue/hanky/TP/sleeve usage ratio is all over the place at the moment so no matter what country I was in I would probably end up using all of the above every day anyway

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I live in Berlin and here is my statement: I agree with most of my previous speakers. It´s really not true to say, using of hankies would be common here. The big majority uses tissues. At the other side - nobody must fear surprising views, if he would use a handkerchief in public. People in Berlin wonder about nothing. :-) (And a hanky user would be one of the most harmless "crazy"  things you could see here.... :-) )  Joking apart: There are a few hanky users also in younger age groups, but they are rare. And for my opinion - these are young men than, not girls. (But Im not objective, because Im attracted my male blows only.)

So - welcome in Berlin / Germany -hanky users from all over the world! :-) 

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8 hours ago, Hajo said:

At the other side - nobody must fear surprising views, if he would use a handkerchief in public. People in Berlin wonder about nothing. 🙂

That's so true! :D Also - I wondered from the beginning why anyone should think noseblowing would be gross? I'm sure that's a cultural thing because nobody here in Germany would be ashamed about blowing their nose in public. Sniffling on the other side... that's more something that would be seen as "gross" and impolite. You don't sniffle in public in Germany. You'd try to suppress it or use a tissue to wipe / blow your nose.

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