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    I had some free time tonight before classes and busted this out as well as I possibly could. Updates won’t be as quick as I would like, but this story will be worth the wait, I promise! I hope you all like it!


So, I’ve already spent some time torturing Hotch. I guess I need to move on. One of the other characters that I absolute adore is Reid. Here goes my attempt at a Reid story. I hope you enjoy! Any suggestions for future stories would be extremely helpful. There aren’t a lot of prompts for Criminal Minds and anything would be appreciated. 


    Prompt- Reid is sick on a case and tries to hide it. Nothing gets past Hotch. Cue unit chief trying to help an embarrassed and sneezy Reid back to health. 


    Dr. Spencer Reid of the BAU stepped out of the elevator and immediately felt himself shiver, despite the air conditioning not being on. He struggled to suppress them to the best of his ability by pulling his jacket tighter around his scrawny body. 


    “Hey, Pretty Boy!”


    Reid turned in the direction of his teammates. They were all clustered around Morgan’s desk, laughing at something that one of them had said. Reid feigned a smile as he walked over to them. The smile quickly vanished when he felt an incessant itch in his sinus cavity. He lifted his hand and rubbed at it as discretely as he possibly could while still trying to join his teammates.


    “How was your weekend,” JJ asked him cheerfully. “Morgan was just telling us about his exceptional weekend.”


    Morgan reached over and nudged her playfully. “Yeah, well, that has to beat just hanging out with your family,” he argued.


    “Apparently your family isn’t as cool as the rest of ours,” Prentiss added.


    Reid struggled to pay attention to what everyone else was saying. He instantly lifted a hand and rubbed at his nose a little harder. The tickle that had plagued him the entire morning. He had rubbed it into submission earlier, but now he didn’t seem to be so lucky. It was absolutely burning in a spot that he couldn’t quite reach with his fingers on the outside of his nostrils.


    Suddenly, the itch demanded to be felt. He instantly wrapped his fingers around his nose and clamped it close. “ItchsSHew! IcHsShew!


    JJ turned to face Reid in worry. “Bless you,” she offered lightly.


    Reid gave a small sniff. Just those two sneezes seemed fairly unproductive, but in reality, his nose was already starting to fill. He blinked his eyes gratefully at her, not wanting to draw too much attention to himself, especially in his condition.


    JJ opened her mouth to say something to him when the door from Hotch’s door opened. He walked toward them swiftly. “Just got a call from Colorado. They have a multiple family abductor.”


    “That’s an interesting one,” Morgan pointed out as he sprang to his feet from the desk that he had been sitting on.


    “That file didn’t come past my desk,” JJ began.


    “Direct call. No one reported them missing and all they heard was family concern. I’ll explain it more on the jet. Wheels up in twenty,” Hotch announced swiftly.


    Relief washed over Reid that they weren’t having a meeting beforehand. However, that meant a few hours on a jet, confined, with his team. If they didn’t find out that he was ill in the flight then it would be nothing short of a miracle.


    “Hey, earth to Reid,” announced Rossi as he placed his hand on Reid’s shoulder.


    Reid jumped and Rossi immediately lifted his hands. “Hey, it’s alright. I just wanted to make sure that you heard is all,” Rossi told him.


    Reid swallowed a few coughs that threatened to bubble from his chest. He blinked his eyes in surprise. “I-I’ll be right back,” he stammered as he made a beeline for the restroom.


    He instantly closed the door and made sure that no one else was in there. Once he was in the clear, he allowed his body a few precious moments of privacy.


    He coughed wet and painful, the sound bubbling up from his chest and into his throat. He lifted his elbow around his face in a desperate measure to contain whatever germs he was riddled with. While still being very much of a germaphobe, it was quite difficult to be completely disgusted when it was himself. He tried to push those thoughts away as he continued to cough.


    Unfortunately, the coughing caused the mucus in his nose to shift and almost run freely down his upper lip. He lowered his elbow for his face and reached for a paper towel. However, an itch spread through his nose so quick that Reid wasn’t able to lift a hand to his nose to cover it.




    To Reid’s dismay, the sneeze had been very forceful and very messy. It caused thick, gooey mucus to just gush down his nose and make a complete mess of his upper lip. He brought the paper towel to his nose and started to mop up the mess while trying not to be squeamish about it himself. That was when his gaze locked on the mirror, speckled with his spit and snot.


    “Oh, dno,” complained Reid to himself. With his free hand he reached out to pull some more paper towels and tried to wipe at it. It just smeared and Reid decided that it would be best to just leave it and try not to be embarrassed about it.


    Reid was just about to lower the paper towel from his face when he felt his nose prick again. This time he held it tightly against his nose while his eyes watered and breath started to hitch. 




    “Reid,” a voice questioned as the bathroom door opened slowly.


    Reid felt like he was going to die of embarrassment when he saw Morgan standing there with his hands in his pockets. “You almost ready? Hotch sent me to get you.”


    Reid couldn’t answer. He stood there a moment more before be pitched forward once more. “IchsShew! IchSHEw! IchsShew! IcshShew!”


    “Bless ya,” Morgan offered as Reid rubbed the paper towel under his nose, too embarrassed to actually blow. “You sure that you’re feeling alright?”


    “I’b fide,” answered Reid, the congestion making his consonants soft.


    Morgan nodded slowly. “Uh huh.”


    Reid quickly threw the paper towels away before he washed his hands quickly and in as warm water as he could possibly tolerate. He dried his hands before he tried to push past Morgan. “Hey,” Morgan began as he gripped Reid’s shoulder gently. “Are you sure that you’re okay? If you’re sick then it’s okay to say it. Everyone is entitled to sick days.”


    “Didn’t you say that Hotch was waiting,” pointed out Reid as he pulled away from Morgan.


    Morgan reluctantly released Reid and allowed him enough space to escape from the door. Morgan stifled a sigh as he watched him go. “What am I going to do with you, kid?”


To Be Continued.....

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  • Wolfwings22


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yes!! so happy to see a reid story ♥️♥️♥️ honestly i die of happiness everytime i see someone has written about him, he's my fav and i especially love sneezy!reid. my baby 💕 loved this part and i'm really excited to see more!! 

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On 8/29/2018 at 4:22 PM, Wolfwings22 said:


    Reid couldn’t answer. He stood there a moment more before be pitched forward once more. “IchsShew! IchSHEw! IchsShew! IcshShew!”

I love this spelling

On 8/29/2018 at 4:22 PM, Wolfwings22 said:

    “I’b fide,” answered Reid, the congestion making his consonants soft.

I love this little congestion 

On 8/29/2018 at 4:22 PM, Wolfwings22 said:

Morgan reluctantly released Reid and allowed him enough space to escape from the door. Morgan stifled a sigh as he watched him go. “What am I going to do with you, kid?

I love Morgan's concern. So sweet to his "little brother"

um...yes I read this...just, like, five times. Not obsessing. Nope. 😅

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On 8/29/2018 at 5:05 PM, zen said:

yes!! so happy to see a reid story ♥️♥️♥️ honestly i die of happiness everytime i see someone has written about him, he's my fav and i especially love sneezy!reid. my baby 💕 loved this part and i'm really excited to see more!! 

I’m so glad that you’re liking it so far! I’m still relitvely new to this fandom so I hope I do it justice.


On 8/30/2018 at 8:43 AM, ReidSeeker said:

*happy dance*

I thought that you would be excited about this story!


On 8/31/2018 at 8:47 PM, 2SHY222 said:

Eeeek a Reid story!!!❤️ ❤️ ❤️  he's my absolute favorite 😍 thank you 

No problem! I hope that you like this story!


I’ve been beyond busy, but I had a few moments to write this. There may be some mistakes, but I’ll try to edit it soon. Anyway, I hope you all like this story and let me know! I’ll try to post another part soon, but I can’t make any promises. Hope you like it!



    Reid stepped onto the jet and immediately made his way to one of the chairs toward the back with his gaze lowered to the ground strategically. He sat down and pivoted his head toward the window with his head rested back at an angle. He breathed through his mouth heavily since his nose was clogged with congestion once more.


    Once Morgan arrived on the jet, they took off. The rest of the team talked quietly about the case and a possible profile and where they would look first. Usually, Reid would be in the thick of it, spitting off some facts about one thing or another. Yet, he was the farthest away from the team.


    JJ stood up, but Moran shook his head. “JJ, just leave him be,” Morgan requested.


    “Clearly something is wrong with him,” argued JJ worriedly. 


    Morgan turned his attention over to Reid. His head was now slightly slumped forward onto his hand. However, Morgan doubted that he was actually asleep. “He’s sleeping right now. Just let him rest it off,” Morgan suggested.


    JJ reluctantly sat back down and attention was turned back to the case. Morgan was well aware that Hotch was looking at him quizzically while stealing another glance over to Reid periodically.


    You owe me, Pretty Boy, Morgan thought. He wasn’t even sure why he was covering for him. He knew the rule about working a case while sick. It was never a good idea. It could put the one who was ill, or the rest of the team in danger. Hotch was always talking about that. Reid was stubborn, though, and never wanted to be treated like a child. 


    They continued to talk quietly for a while before Reid shifted in his seat. He snuffled deeply before his nose wrinkled. “IchsShew!”


    Eyes turned to him and that gave JJ her in. She rose up from her seat and walked over to him. She picked up a blanket as she passed and draped it around Reid’s shoulders. Reid jolted the rest of the way awake as he lifted his gaze to meet JJ’s eyes. “JJ,” he rasped.


    “How are you feeling,” she asked sweetly.


    Before Reid could answer, his nose started to twitch again. He lifted his arm that was draped in the blanket to his face. “IthcsHSew! IchsShew! IchsHew! IcsShew! IchSHEw!”


    “My goodness, bless you,” exclaimed JJ as she turned. She was about to call out for someone to grab her tissues, but Hotch was already on it. 


    He returned from the bathroom with a box of tissues. He passed them over to JJ, knowing that Reid would probably feel more comfortable with her company than his. JJ took the tissue box before she pulled out a few tissues from the box and handed them over to Reid. Reid reluctantly took them and pressed them against his streaming nose with keeping the blanket over his face as well.


    “Allergies,” Reid mumbled.


    JJ nodded, trying not to smile. “Right, got it. Well, I’ll keep these here,” JJ began as she set the tissues on the table in front of him. “If you need anything else just call. Try and get some more sleep. It’s another hour or so before we arrive.”


    “Okay, thags, JJ,” Reid snuffled as he grabbed more tissues and rubbed them against the streaming undersides of his nostrils. 


    JJ leaned forward and squeezed Reid’s knee comfortingly. She headed back over to the rest of the team and sat down. Her gaze was still on Reid and she noticed that Hotch was staring at him worriedly as well. “You’re not honestly thinking of having him work the case like this?”


    “I wish that he would’ve told me how bad he was feeling before we left,” pointed out Hotch when he was sure that JJ was the only one listening. Rossi was sitting with Morgan while Prentiss was reading a book on the couch. 


    “We all know your rule when it comes to illness or injury, but you also know Reid. He doesn’t want to be thought of as weak. That’s why he didn’t say anything to you or anyone else for that matter,” replied JJ thoughtfully.


    Hotch nodded in agreement before he looked back down to his work, although his focus wasn’t all into it. Eventually, his curiosity and general compassion got the best of him. He set down his work and noticed JJ smiling at him under a compassionate eye. Hotch nodded to her before he headed back over to Reid. He sat down across from Reid and watched him mumble in a feverish sleep.


    Hotch continued with his work until Rossi announced that they were less than twenty minutes from touchdown. Hotch then leaned forward and shook Reid’s shoulder. “Reid, wake up.”


    Reid took in a massive intake of air with his head swiveling around as he snuffled heavily. “Hotch,” he rasped, instantly realizing that it was his boss who was standing in front of him, not JJ.


    “Easy, Reid,” chided Hotch as he leaned forward and grabbed the tissue box. He stretched out his hand toward Reid. “And blow your nose. I can hardly understand you.”


    Reid’s cheeks burned bright red in embarrassment. He reluctantly grabbed a few tissues from the box and brought them up to his twitching nose. He blew his nose weakly and quietly, not nearly the full force this his nose needed, but he certainly wasn’t going to do anything that disgusting in front of Hotch. He felt gross enough as it was.


    Hotch seemed to sense that as he straightened and grabbed his file. He left Reid to wake up on his own. Reid was well aware of all eyes on him as he struggled to wake up without causing his nose to run too badly. He had thought that he could hide his cold symptoms from his team for a least a little while. Unfortunately, whatever he had causing him so much discomfort on the inside was certainly starting to present himself on the outside.


    When the plane finally touched down, Reid tried to compose himself as much as possible. He stood up slowly and allowed the blanket to fall from his shoulders. He took a few tissues and tucked them into his pockets for later use. He wasn’t like Hotch. He didn’t carry handkerchiefs, but he was honestly rethinking that. The way that his nose was running, he did not want to be caught without something to blow his nose in.


    “Okay, Morgan, Prentiss, and Rossi can go down to the first murder sight. Reid, you and-“


    “IthcshshShew! IchshSHew!” Reid let out two ticklish sneezes before he trust a hand into his pocket and brought it up to his nose and clamped it tightly. “Tchshxxh! Ithcsxxh! Ithcxxh!


    Eyes turned to Reid immediately and Reid felt himself red even more if that was possible. “Bless you,” Prentiss told him gently to break the ice.


    “I’b sorry,” Reid began as his nose continued to flood into the tissues. “I’b sorry, Hodtch. Condtinue.”


    Hotch cleared his throat. It took all of his self control not to reassure Reid that he had nothing to be sorry for. He was afraid that that would just make it worse. Instead, he pretended to ignore it and continued on. “Reid, JJ, and myself will stop by the police station and start working there. Everything understand?”


    There were a few nods before Rossi led Prentiss, Morgan, and Reid out of the jet. JJ hung back with Hotch. Hotch knew what was coming. When it came to watching out for the team, JJ could sometimes seem like she was everyone’s mother.


    “Hotch, you’re not honestly thinking of letting him work like that. He should be in bed,” pointed out JJ with her arms crossed over her chest defiantly. 


    Hotch picked up the files and realized that JJ was almost glaring at him. “I’m well aware, but if I’ve learned one thing about Reid, he’s going to have to do this on his own. I need him to say something first.”


    “Reid is stubborn and doesn’t want to be thought of as weak. He won’t say anything,” JJ protested.


    “Then I’ll just keep a close eye on him. No field work and nothing too strenuous. Don’t worry, JJ. I know Reid,” Hotch reassured.


    JJ pursed her lips into a line before she shook her head and headed off the jet. Hotch gathered the rest of the case report before he picked up the box of tissues and pulled out a few for Reid later. Contrary to his team’s ideals, he could be comforting and soft when he needed to. 


    I’ll just give Reid some time and hope that he doesn’t work himself into the ground.


To Be Continued.....

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*pauses happy dance*

On 9/6/2018 at 12:51 AM, Wolfwings22 said:

Hotch nodded to her before he headed back over to Reid. He sat down across from Reid and watched him mumble in a feverish sleep.

Oh sweet fevered angel

On 9/6/2018 at 12:51 AM, Wolfwings22 said:

  “I’b sorry,” Reid began as his nose continued to flood into the tissues. “I’b sorry, Hodtch. Condtinue.”

Oh no, more congestion...yes, "condtinue", don't look over here.

On 9/6/2018 at 12:51 AM, Wolfwings22 said:

    I’ll just give Reid some time and hope that he doesn’t work himself into the ground.

I just love him...he's gonna cause he's Reid 😍

*resumes happy dance*

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/6/2018 at 11:33 AM, caramelfuzz said:

Ahhhhh this is so amazing!!!!! I can't wait to see what happens!!

I’m so glad that you’re enjoying it!


On 9/9/2018 at 12:33 AM, ReidSeeker said:

*pauses happy dance*

Oh sweet fevered angel

Oh no, more congestion...yes, "condtinue", don't look over here.

I just love him...he's gonna cause he's Reid 😍

*resumes happy dance*

I thought that you would like it and I’m so glad that you like it!

19 hours ago, turtlesneeze said:

This is great!



Sorry it’s been a little while. I meant to update earlier, but I’ve been very busy in college and have been having some health issues and a surgery. However, I’m going to try to write a little bit more since I love this story so much and it’s so fun to write about! I’ve also been watching a lot for Criminal Minds since I couldn’t do much else for a little bit. Anyway, I hope that you all like it and let me know what you think! As always requests and prompts are welcome to keep me from totally going stir crazy!


There’s definitely some fatherly Hotch with Reid. Hope you like that!




    Sure enough, not even two hours into working, Reid was already working himself too hard. He was struggling to come up with a geographical profile, something that he had done dozens of time before. His head just felt like it was full of cotton and nothing made sense.      


    The more flustered Reid became, the more his body seemed to be wanting to remind him of his illness. Every minute or so his entire body would shake with a coughing fit that would just scorch his throat like he swallowed fire. The coughing would cause congestion to run down his face. He had been using the tissues that he brought to wipe at his nose when no one was watching, but the tissues were basically useless now.


    Reid stared at the bored that made no sense to him anymore when he felt his nose start to run again. He lifted his almost completely useless tissue to his twitching nose. He touched it to stop the running, but that just caused the itch to blossom and spread. To Reid’s dismay, he felt the overwhelming urge to sneeze and there was nothing that he could do about it.


    “IchshSHew!” Reid barely had time to cup his hands over his nose, almost embarrassed by the echo. “IthcsSHew! IcshSew! IcshSHew! IchsSHew!


    Reid felt his cheek burn in embarrassment. He didn’t dare remove his hands from his nose. He was about to stand up and try to locate a bathroom, since he really didn’t see a better option, when he felt a hand land partially on his shoulder and force him back down. Reid glanced up and felt panic rise inside him when he realized that it was Hotch standing over him.


    “Hodtch, I-“


    He trailed off as Hotch produced a handkerchief and passed it over to Reid. “Here,” he told him softly.


    Reid shook his head madly. “Dno, I cand’t, Hodtch. I jusdt dneed to find the restroob and-“


    Hotch stifled a sigh and looked into Reid’s eyes. They were guarded, hurt, and embarrassed all at the same time. “Here,” he repeated as he set the handkerchief down on the table that Reid was sitting at. “Then, I want you to come with me.”


    “On the field,” Reid asked hopefully.


    Hotch shook his head. “I’m afraid not. Back to the hotel. You’re in no condition to work right now,” he replied in a no nonsense tone.


    Reid almost gasped as he took the handkerchief from the table and tended to his nose and hands to the best of his ability. He was just pleased that Hotch wasn’t watching. “I can still work, Hodtch. I probise.”


    “I know that you can. That doesn’t mean that you should,” Hotch pointed out firmly. “Now, let’s get going. The others should meet us back there after they’re finished with the medical examiner. We’ll start fresh tomorrow.”


    Reid still looked like he wanted to argue, but he didn’t have the energy for it at the moment. Instead, he folded Hotch’s handkerchief around his nose and sniffed miserably. He grabbed his messenger bag and reluctantly followed Hotch out of the police station.


    “I’ll wash dis and then gibe id back,” Reid announced madly as he sniffed pathetically, trying not to get Hotch’s handkerchief any snottier than he already had.


    Hotch offered Reid a small smile. “That’s what they’re for, Reid. It’s alright. I have plenty at home, you know,” Hotch told him as he opened the door to the police station.


    As soon as the air temperature changed, Reid’s nose instantly protested. Reid lifted his elbow around his face and stood there for a moment. Hotch realized that Reid wasn’t behind him and came back around to the youngest member on his team.


    “Reid,” he began gently.


    Reid squeezed his eyes shut as his breath gave a ticklish hitch. “IthcSHsHew! IcSHew! IthcSHSew! IchsSHew!” The final sneeze was a messy exposition that filled the crook of his elbow. Reid’s cheeks flushed in embarrassment as he realized that his boss was standing right beside him and all that he could do was breathe loudly through his mouth with his head still crashed in his elbow.


    Hotch noticed Reid’s embarrassment as he rested his hand on Reid’s shoulder. Reid immediately stiffened while Hotch stifled a sigh. “Reid, the handkerchief is for you to sneeze into. Use it,” Hotch told him before he drew away from him after sensing how nervous he was.


    He groaned as he turned away from Hotch and dug in his pocket for Hotch’s handkerchief. He brought it out and pressed it against his nose. He didn’t dare blow, but he did clean up his nose and upper lip before he tried to clean up the crook in his elbow. It wasn’t great, but it was better than nothing.


    He swallowed thickly before he delved into a hacking fit. He brought his fist to his mouth to cough into as he made his way to the SUV. He reluctantly climbed into the passenger side with Hotch in the driver’s seat. He shivered before he placed a hand over the elbow that he had sneezed into. There was still a wet spot from his sneeze on his long sleeve shirt and he didn’t want Hotch to see it.


    Hotch forced his eyes to stay on the road. However, when he looked back to back up the vehicle, he caught sight of how flushed Reid’s cheeks were and how bright red his nose was. The edges were slightly chapped and leaked with moisture. Reid realized that Hotch had stolen a quick glance and brought up the now soaked handkerchief to his nose and wiped at the undersides.


    “Hotdch, I can still work,” argued Reid, his voice clogged with congestion.


    Hotch shook his head as he steered the car toward the highway. “I’m sorry, Reid. You’re in no condition to work. You need to get some rest. We can manage without you for a few days.”


    “Days,” echoed Reid with his eyes widening in shock. “I will be fide by toborrow.”


    Hotch looked down at the glove compartment and opened it. Reid’s eyes traveled toward him. “There should be some tissues in there.”


    Reid flushed even more if that was possible. He reluctantly reached in and grabbed a handful and brought it up to his nose. He took in a tiny breath before he blew his nose as softly as possible. Just the little bit caused an enormous amount of gunk to flood from his nostrils.


    “You’re going to have to blow harder than that,” chided Hotch with his trademark frown.


    Reid felt like he could just disappear. I am not having this conversation with my boss! I’m not exactly speaking, but I’m still listening to it! He looked down and continued to sniffle, trying to do so as discretely as possible, hoping that Hotch would just leave it.


    Hotch realized how mortified Reid was and tried to backtrack. “I’m sorry. I forgot that I’m not talking to Jack.”


    The blush still rose high in Reid’s flushed cheeks. “Id’s ogay,” snuffled Reid as he lifted his hands and pressed his fingers against his sinuses as they flared in pain.


    “That being said, you should still blow your nose. That might help your sinus headache,” Hotch insisted with a firm, yet understanding voice.


    Reid gulped before he brought more tissues up to his nose and discarded the damp ones into his pocket. He blew his nose with a little more force than previously. He filled the tissues almost immediately and clamped them against his nose to catch the gunk. He tucked that into his pocket as well. He sat upright for a few moments before his eyes started to droop as exhaustion pulsed through him. 


    “Rest,” chided Hotch as he noticed Reid starting to drift off, but not wanting to allow his body the rest that it desperately craved. “We’ll be at the hotel in a bit. I’ll wake you when we’re there.”




    “Just rest, Reid. We can talk about this later. Right now you’re not thinking clearly. Relax,” Hotch soothed.


    As much as Reid would’ve liked to argue that he was fine and didn’t need to take a nap like a toddler, but his body was effectively working against him and it wouldn’t be long before he either would try to fall asleep on his own or pass out. He sighed to himself before he broke into a small fit of coughing. He pulled his arm around his mouth to catch the sputtering coughs. He swallowed painfully and turned in the seat so that his face was almost pressed against the window. His eyes began to close before he finally drifted off into a fitful sleep.


To Be Continued.....

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13 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

His head just felt like it was full of cotton and nothing made sense.  

I just really like this 

13 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

To Reid’s dismay, he felt the overwhelming urge to sneeze and there was nothing that he could do about it.

I like this

13 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Reid shook his head madly. “Dno, I cand’t, Hodtch. I jusdt dneed to find the restroob and-

So congested sweet baby

13 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

    “On the field,” Reid asked hopefully.

Haha nice try

13 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

how flushed Reid’s cheeks were 

Yay, fever! ...um...I mean...oh no 

13 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

    “Days,” echoed Reid with his eyes widening in shock. “I will be fide by toborrow.”

Better watch it, Hotch! This will backfire if you freak him out!

13 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

His eyes began to close before he finally drifted off into a fitful sleep.

He's such a sweet little angel 

13 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Sorry it’s been a little while. I meant to update earlier, but I’ve been very busy in college and have been having some health issues and a surgery. However, I’m going to try to write a little bit more since I love this story so much and it’s so fun to write about! I’ve also been watching a lot for Criminal Minds since I couldn’t do much else for a little bit. Anyway, I hope that you all like it and let me know what you think! As always requests and prompts are welcome to keep me from totally going stir crazy!

I hope you are feeling better and back into swing with school. Thank you so much for the update!

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On 9/23/2018 at 6:25 AM, ReidSeeker said:

I just really like this 

I like this

So congested sweet baby

Haha nice try

Yay, fever! ...um...I mean...oh no 

Better watch it, Hotch! This will backfire if you freak him out!

He's such a sweet little angel 

I hope you are feeling better and back into swing with school. Thank you so much for the update!

You’re comments are always so sweet and I’m so that you’re liking my story thus far. I hope you continue to enjo it and I can’t wait for more of your kind comments!


On 9/27/2018 at 8:20 PM, 2SHY222 said:

Magical simply magical 😍😍😍

I’m so glad that you think so! I hope you like the next bit.


Okay, here’s a quicker update. I had some free time and my break is coming up so I should have more time to write. This part has a ton of messy sneezing so if that is your thing, enjoy! Hope you all enjoy!


    “Reid. Reid, wake up.”


    Reid moaned as he felt someone shake his shoulder. Reid opened one eye and noticed that it was Hotch shaking him and drew back in shock. “I’b sorry.”


    “There’s nothing to apologize for,” Hotch began. He paused before he grabbed another bundle of napkins from the driver’s side and handed them to Reid. “Here.”


    Reid grasped the napkins and brought it to his nose, realizing that his nose had been freely running down his face. He flushed in embarrassment as he cleaned up his nose quickly. “Thags. Sorry.”


    “Reid, there is really no need to apologize. You’re sick, you can’t help it. Now, let’s go,” chided Hotch as he opened the driver’s side door and headed out of it. 


    Reid followed in suit with a bundle of tissues pressed against his nose. He gave a few wet sniffles as he followed Hotch into the lobby. Immediately the change in temperature seemed to tickle his nose. He fumbled for the napkins, but they were quite soaked through and he quickly settled for using his hands, placed over his nose and mouth, as he breathed heavily. 


    Hotch halted when he noticed that Reid has done so as well and waited patiently as Reid’s breath started to hitch. He suddenly pitched forward into his hands. “IthsSHew! IthCHSew! ItSHew! IthcSHew!


    He delved into a flurry of rapid sneezes, muffled only by his hands. It was extremely messy sounding and Reid’s cheeks flushed in embarrassment. He couldn’t think of anything worse than sneezing in front of Hotch. Then again, that would be sneezing in front of Hotch in a lobby around other people and that’s exactly where he found himself at in that moment.


    Hotch seemed to sense his embarrassment. “Bless you. Are you alright?”


    Reid said nothing. His eyes jammed shut once more as he slightly dipped forward. “ItcHsSHew! IthcSSHew! IchsHSew!”


    Hotch grasped Reid’s forearm in the middle of the fit and steered him toward the bathroom by the checkin desk. He raised his hand when he caught the worried eye of the older women at the desk. “He’s fine,” he replied sternly and quickly so that he could cause Reid as little embarrassment as possible. He led him over to the bathroom and he disappeared inside.


    Hotch made sure that no one was in there before he steered Reid toward the sink while his hands continued to clamp over his nose and mouth as he continued to sniff rapidly. Hotch pulled out a few paper towels and handed them over to Reid. Reid reluctantly grabbed them with his eyes downcast. “Dond’t loogk.”


    His boss turned around as Reid pressed the paper towels under his streaming nose. He blew his nose softly at first before he folded the paper towels back over his nose and repeated the process with more power. Once he was finished, he began to wash his hands vigorously. He sniffed back the ever present congestion while a few coughs bubbled out of him before he could stop it.


    “You good,” Hotch asked as he crept over to Reid when he heard the water stop running.


    Reid nodded slowly. “Yeah, I’m sorry. Thatd was really gross. I’b sorry.”


    “There’s nothing to be sorry about. You’re sick. You can’t help it.” Hotch cleared his throat. “Let’s get you back up to the room. Some sleep will do you good.”


    Reid nodded once more as he lifted his elbow to cough into it painfully. He walked toward the door with Hotch following. Reid made a beeline for the elevator in an effort to see as less people as possible. He disappeared into it so quickly that Hotch almost had to jog to keep up. The two of them stood shoulder to shoulder as it started to rise.


    Reid sniffled as the elevator came to a stop, but it wasn’t at their floor. A maid stepped into the elevator with a cart of cleaning supplies. She nodded to them and Hotch did the same. Reid had other things on his mind. His ever so irritated nose had started to run again and it was making his nose tickle. He gave a small sniff that only succeeded in spreading the need to sneeze. He tried to fight it off for a few seconds, moving his nose around, holding his breath, rubbing at his nose with his finger, but in the end, the sneeze won out.


    “IthcShew! IchsSHew! IchShew!”


    Reid sneezed into his raised elbow with his body turned over to face the elevator and away from the women and Hotch alike. The sneeze had been wet, but not nearly as messy as the previous ones had been.


    “Bless you,” exclaimed the women kindly. “That’s some cold that you have.”


    Reid blushed in embarrassment, but couldn’t find his words. Luckily, he didn’t need to. Hotch broke in before he could. “Thank you, ma’am.”


    Just then, the elevator dinged on their level and Reid hurried out. Hotch followed and picked up a box of tissues on a counter before following Reid to his room. They had a box of tissues in the room already, but Hotch was sure that they would certainly need more. 


    Reid took out his room key and headed in the room. Hotch followed in suit before Reid entered the bathroom quickly. Hotch sighed as he set the tissues on Reid’s bed as he heard the water running and a few congested and painful sounding blows. He emerged from the bathroom with his nose ruby red and a slight fever flush to his cheeks.


    “Thags for briggig be back, Hodtch, budt, you can leave,” Reid told him as he sagged down on his bed. He lifted his hands to his face and rubbed on either side of his sinuses. 


    “I’m not going anywhere, Reid. I’m going to stay until you start feeling a little better,” Hotch informed as he lifted his briefcase onto the bed across from Reid and took out the case file and other documents that he needed. 


    Reid’s eyes nearly bugged from his head. “Y-You dond’t dneed to do thadt, Hotdch. I can take care of byself.”


    “You should’ve thought of that when you decided to come on a case when you knew you were sick. So, until a time comes that you don’t have a fever you can’t work the case,” answered Hotch as he met Reid’s mortified gaze.


    “I don’t have eh...huh....a fevhuhhhIthcsSHew! IthcshSEHw!” The force of the sneeze snapped him forward into his hands. He had a brief pause and grabbed a bundle of tissues and forced it against his streaming nose. 


    “Bless you,” Hotch offered.    


    Reid held up once finger as an itch spread deep within in nose. “IthsSHew! IcshSHew!”


    “Bless you again,” murmured Hotch as he pulled out more tissues and stretched out his hand toward his youngest agent.


    Reid immediately reached out his hand and grasped the tissues before discarding the sopping ones beside him. “T-ThaIthcsSHew! Thags. IthcsSHew! IchsSHew!”


    “And again.”


    Reid squeezed his eyes shut and willed the tickle to leave him alone. He sucked in another breath and pitched forward once more. “ItcSHew! IthcsSHew! IchsSHew! IchsSHEW!”


    One final, messy explosion finally sent the tickle fleeing from Reid’s nose. He sniffled a few more times in the aftermath as he rubbed at his nose reverently against his much abused nose. “Ugh, sorry.”


    “Reid, there is really no need to apologize. It’s alright,” murmured Hotch as he reached into his pocket and grabbed his keys. “I think we’re going to need some supplies. Do you want any food?”


    Just the thought of eating caused Reid’s stomach to churn uncomfortably. He shook his head. “N-No thanks, I’m good,” he stammered.


    “Very well,” Hotch replied, although there was no way that he wasn’t going to pick up some food. “Try to get some rest. That’s how you beat this.”


    Reid chuckled and it instantly turned into a painful cough. He grumbled for a moment before he threw the covers back and tried to climb under them. “Is thadt whadt you tell Jack?”


    “Oh, um yeah, sorry. I didn’t mean for it to come across like that,” he confessed with a hint of embarrassment in his own tone.


    Reid yawned painfully before he turned onto his side. “It’s ogay. Jack is lucky to have a dad like you,” he mumbled softly as he started to drift off quickly.


    Hotch smiled before he headed for the door. It may be a long night, but for Reid, it was always worth it.


To Be Continued....

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1 hour ago, Wolfwings22 said:

    “Reid. Reid, wake up.”

Oh, sleepy boy...

1 hour ago, Wolfwings22 said:

He couldn’t think of anything worse than sneezing in front of Hotch.

Aw, poor angel

1 hour ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Reid reluctantly grabbed them with his eyes downcast. “Dond’t loogk.”

How cute...poor shy baby. Just want to wrap him up

1 hour ago, Wolfwings22 said:

“I don’t have eh...huh....a fevhuhhhIthcsSHew! IthcshSEHw!T

I like how Hotch just doesn't even argue with him. He knows he doesn't have a thermometer on hand to prove it, so he's like "Fine, then, I'll wait"

Also I love the interrupted speech

1 hour ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Reid chuckled and it instantly turned into a painful cough. He grumbled for a moment before he threw the covers back and tried to climb under them. “Is thadt whadt you tell Jack?”


2 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

    Reid yawned painfully before he turned onto his side. “It’s ogay. Jack is lucky to have a dad like you,” he mumbled softly as he started to drift off quickly.


    Hotch smiled before he headed for the door. It may be a long night, but for Reid, it was always worth it.

Oh! Oh! So sweet! Oh my gosh! This just...my heart swelled. Oh gosh so sweet. 😍 x a million! I love this soooooo much!

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Poor Reid. I totally understand how you feel. This part is my favorite 😍 could you possibly include some Reid and Morgan brotherly moments...I love their bromance 

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On 10/1/2018 at 12:49 AM, ReidSeeker said:

Oh, sleepy boy...

Aw, poor angel

How cute...poor shy baby. Just want to wrap him up

I like how Hotch just doesn't even argue with him. He knows he doesn't have a thermometer on hand to prove it, so he's like "Fine, then, I'll wait"

Also I love the interrupted speech


Oh! Oh! So sweet! Oh my gosh! This just...my heart swelled. Oh gosh so sweet. 😍 x a million! I love this soooooo much!

Thanks so much for your kind comments! I’m so pleased that you’re liking it so much and enjoying all the cuteness that I’ve put in there!


On 10/3/2018 at 5:12 PM, 2SHY222 said:

Poor Reid. I totally understand how you feel. This part is my favorite 😍 could you possibly include some Reid and Morgan brotherly moments...I love their bromance 

I will see what I can do!😁


Sorr for the wait. School has been crazy and my health hasn’t been the best, but I had a free moment and managed to bust this out. Hope you all enjoy!




    Hotch came back almost 45 minutes later with a few bags full of supplies to deal with any respiratory infection. He was hoping that this would just be a simple cold, but from the way that Reid had started sporting a fever and rubbing at his sinuses, he was sure that it wasn’t going to be that simple. This seemed like it was going to be brutal.    


    He rounded the slight corner to see Reid laying on his side with his mouth partially open as contested snores filled the room. Hotch set the bags down and walked over to Reid. He frowned when he saw the sweat starting to collect on his forehead and upper lip. Despite that, he was shivering as well. He mumbled periodically under his breath, terror seeming to fill him.


    Hotch stretched out a hand and rested it on Reid’s forehead. Heat radiated under Hotch’s hand and he instantly withdrew it when Reid’s eyes snapped open and terror seemed to wash over him. He suddenly gasped for breath that turned into a painful series of harsh coughs that Reid struggled to cover with a fist.


    “Easy, Reid, easy,” chided Hotch as he sat down beside Reid and helped him sit up. He swung his legs over the side as he continued to shake. Hotch couldn’t tell if it was in cold or shock or maybe even both. Now was probably not the time to ask. “You’re okay. You’re okay.”


    “Can’t....breathe.....” Reid managed to choke out painfully. He swallowed as he began to hyperventilate, his breath coming in shallow gasps as black dots showed in the corners of his vision.


    Hotch stretched out a hand and applied just enough pressure that Reid felt it and it was uncomfortable, but also so that it didn’t hurt. “Yes you can. You’re just panicking. Everything is okay,” Hotch soothed, imagining exactly what he would say if he was talking to Jack. 


    Reid managed a few deep breaths, but they were quickly replaced by the shallow breaths again. His nose began to run out of control and his breath was punctuated by painful coughs. His eyes were slightly narrowed and streamed with tears.


    Hotch tightened his grip even more. “Copy me, Reid. In through your nose and out through your mouth slowly. Pause in the middle and calm down,” Hotch chided. He took in a small breath through his nose and out through his mouth. He did so a few times before Reid even began to copy him. It seemed to take forever before Reid was finally able to breathe without a cough accompanying him. The shaking slowed down as well as the tremors coursed through his body.


    “Better,” Hotch asked.


    Reid gulped and nodded. “I’b sorry. I dond’t dknow whadt cabe over be,” Reid confessed. He lifted his hand and rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably.


    “It’s alright. You just panicked a little. It’s nothing that we haven’t experienced before,” Hotch reassured gently.


    Reid nodded again for a slow heartbeat when his nostrils flared without warning and he pitched slightly to the side before he could compute what was happening. “IchShew! IchsSHew!


    The two sneezes came almost on top of each other and Reid hadn’t had time to cover or even turn away. He felt the mist spray his arm and his arm was right next to Hotch’s. He had no doubt that he had just sneezed all over his intimidating boss like some toddler who didn’t know how to cover their own mouth. Reid felt tears leap into his eyes again as he wished that a hole could just open and swallow him into the earth. He forced himself to look up and meet Hotch’s gaze.


    “Hodtch, I’b so, so, so sorry. I didn’dt feel I’d and then id was there and-“


    “Reid, it’s alright. I have a son, remember? I’ve been sneezed on plenty of times. It’s okay,” Hotch told him. He tried to make his voice as soothing as possible. Truthfully he hadn’t even really felt it since he was wearing long sleeves. He just wanted to spare Reid the humiliation that he was feeling. Perhaps treating him like Jack wasn’t such a horrible idea.


    Reid sniffled dejected. “Yeah, I-I guess so,” he mumbled as he lifted his wrist to rub at his drippy nose.


    Hotch raised an eyebrow and Reid quickly withdrew his hand, still sniffling. Hotch stood up and walked over to the bag of supplies. He pulled out a box of tissues with the lotion on them. He ripped the paper off the top and pulled out a few. He handed them to Reid and Reid took them gratefully. Hotch set the box between them as he sat back down next to Reid.


    Reid clamped the tissues over his nose and blew. It was a horrible, wet explosion that soaked the tissues right through. Reid tried to disguise it as he folded the tissues and settled for just rubbing the wet nostrils. He gave one final sniff with the tissues clamped in his hand.


    Hotch reached over for a trash can and set it near Reid’s feet. “Thags,” Reid rasped as he threw the tissues away. He gave another sniff and then swallowed thickly.


    “I got you some medicine. I’m thinking Tylenol and DayQuil. First I’d like to see how high your fever is,” Hotch told him as he went for the bag of supplies once more. He brought out the medicine and then a thermometer.


    Reid’s eyes widened. “You really godt a therbobeter?”


    Hotch couldn’t help but chuckle. “Dad radar can only do so much. I know that you have a fever, but I’d like to know how high,” he pointed out as he brought the thermometer and the medicine over to him. He pulled the thermometer out and turned it on. He began to hand it to Reid, but Reid pivoted away.


    “Reid,” Hotch began before he noticed that there was a reason.


    Reid held up one finger to Hotch before he grabbed more tissues from the box. He folded them and thrust them over his nose just in time. “IchsSHew! IchsSHew!”


    “Bless you,” Hotch offered as he sat on the bed next to Reid.


    “IthcsSHew! IicshsEHw!”


    “Bless you again.”


    “IchsSHew! IchsSHew!


    “And again.”


    Reid willed the fit to stop, but the ticklish feeling was still there. It plagued him and almost tortured him. He had been tortured before, but this sneeze was toying with him in another way and it was beyond frustrating.


    Hotch noticed that Reid was just gearing up for another fit and reached over to take the soggy tissues from his hand. Reid let out a small whimper of refusal before Hotch plucked more tissues from the box and pressed them into Reid’s hand. He threw away the used tissues just as Reid bucked forward once more.


    “IChsSHew! IchsSHew! IchsSHew! IchsSHEw!


    With one final, ticklish sneeze, the fit was finally over. Reid coughed in the aftermath and into the tissues. He threw the tissues away before grabbing even more. He gave a very wet and productive blow. He didn’t even care that Hotch was sitting right beside him anymore. All he wanted to do was just curl up again and sleep through this entire ordeal.


    “Bless you,” Hotch murmured softly. “Are you alright?”


    “Yeah, sorry,” wheezed Reid as he swallowed thickly.


    “There’s nothing to be sorry for. Here,” Hotch offered as he extended the thermometer toward Reid once more, hoping for no more interruptions.


    Reid took the thermometer and stuck it in his mouth and under his tongue. It was strange to just be sitting there so close to Hotch with a thermometer forced under his tongue in completely silence. Reid fiddled with his fingers for a few moments until the thermometer finally beeped. He went to take it out, but Hotch was quicker and gingerly pulled it from his mouth. 


    “101.5,” Hotch announced as he set the thermometer down. “Not too great. Let’s see if we can get that down a little.”


    Reid sniffled once more. “Please don’t say a freezing shower. My mother used to make me take them anytime I had a fever. Did you know that fevers are actually your bodies way of making living conditions too warm for the bacteria or virus and-“


    “Reid,” Hotch began slowly.


    Reid clamped his mouth shut with another painful gulp. “Yeah, right, sorry.”


    “Let’s get some medicine into you and then you can get some more rest,” Hotch replied, ignoring Reid’s apology as he poured him a up of DayQuil. He handed it over and Reid downed it right away. He slightly grimaced at the taste before he set the cup aside and shook his head to clear the haze that he felt.


    Hotch handed him two Tylenol and Reid swallowed them down try. They aggravated his rapidly increasing sore throat, but he didn’t complain. Hotch had already done so much for him. It was more than anyone had done for him prior. Hotch seemed to sense this.


    Reid pulled the covers down and slipped back under them. He looked up at Hotch as he approached and sat on the bed beside Reid’s. He pulled out the case notes and the ME’s report. Reid’s eyes widened as he sat up, the covers falling from him. “Hodtch, whadt are you-“


    “I’m staying here,” answered Hotch as he flipped a folder open. “Someone has to look after you in case that fever spikes.”


    Reid shook his head. “Hodtch, I’ll be fide. I can take care of byself,” he argued hotly. 


    “Sorry, Reid, but no. I just need to make sure that you’re okay,” Hotch replied.




    “It’s going to go a lot easier if you don’t try to argue about it. I’m staying no matter what you say. I can work the case from here and if they need me then they’ll come and get me. It’ll go a lot easier for you if you just get some sleep,” Hotch told him firmly in a no nonsense tone.


    Reid clamped his mouth shut as he gave a few weak coughs into his fist. “Ogay,” he wheezed as he got back under the covers and laid down, too tired to actually argue with his boss anymore. He yawned loudly as his eyes began to close.


    Hotch couldn’t help but smile. Reid was stubborn, but not as stubborn as Hotch.


To Be Continued.....

Link to comment
18 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

from the way that Reid had started sporting a fever and rubbing at his sinuses, he was sure that it wasn’t going to be that simple. This seemed like it was going to be brutal.

My poor angel

18 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

I’b sorry. I dond’t dknow whadt cabe over be,” Reid confessed. He lifted his hand and rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably.

Oooh the congested spelling--loooove it


poor Reid..every reason to panic, really. Normally sleeps alone and a hand on you? Definitely startling and fever-dreams don't help 

18 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

nothing that we haven’t experienced before,” Hotch reassured gently.

Good man, Hotch

18 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Reid’s eyes widened. “You really godt a therbobeter?

Oh goodness this sentence 

18 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

IchsSHew! IchsSHew!

This is just good spelling right here

18 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

He didn’t even care that Hotch was sitting right beside him anymore. 

That's right, my little hun-bun, give in

18 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Reid sniffled once more. “Please don’t say a freezing shower. My mother used to make me take them anytime I had a fever. Did you know that fevers are actually your bodies way of making living conditions too warm for the bacteria or virus and-“

Aw...poor baby, a little bit panicked 

18 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Someone has to look after you in case that fever spikes.

That would be fant- uh, *cough* terrible. Yep. 


Thanks for the update! I was so excited to see it! Don't worry, Thanksgiving will be coming to give you a little school break :) hope you are feeling better!

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1 hour ago, ReidSeeker said:

My poor angel

Oooh the congested spelling--loooove it


poor Reid..every reason to panic, really. Normally sleeps alone and a hand on you? Definitely startling and fever-dreams don't help 

Good man, Hotch

Oh goodness this sentence 

This is just good spelling right here

That's right, my little hun-bun, give in

Aw...poor baby, a little bit panicked 

That would be fant- uh, *cough* terrible. Yep. 


Thanks for the update! I was so excited to see it! Don't worry, Thanksgiving will be coming to give you a little school break :) hope you are feeling better!

I am so excited for Thanksgiving break I can’t even express it! Hopefully then I’ll be able to write a lot more and give more regular updates like I used to. On another note I’m feeling a little bit better thanks to some new medication. I’m glad that you enjoyed this and are loving all the fluff that I’m putting in there! I hope you continue to enjoy it until the very end! 😄

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Oh. My. GOD. I am currently dancing as I'm reading this, it is so GOOD. The congested spelling, the constant apologies from Reid, Hotch going into dad mode almost immediately--AHHHH. 

Also, you included something like this in the past few updates, but the whole format of this:


 “Bless you,” Hotch offered as he sat on the bed next to Reid.


    “IthcsSHew! IicshsEHw!”


    “Bless you again.”


    “IchsSHew! IchsSHew!


    “And again.”



JUST GETS ME GOING. I can just imagine it coming from Hotch, and maybe even at some point Reid being like "there's even more, you might as well just stop while you're ahead because you aren't going to be able to bless them all."

Anyways, so excited to see what you have coming next!!!

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On 10/12/2018 at 9:14 PM, turtlesneeze said:

Sooooo GOOD!!!!

I’m so glad that you like it!


On 10/20/2018 at 1:34 AM, forgivemeforihavesneezed said:

Oh. My. GOD. I am currently dancing as I'm reading this, it is so GOOD. The congested spelling, the constant apologies from Reid, Hotch going into dad mode almost immediately--AHHHH. 

Also, you included something like this in the past few updates, but the whole format of this:


JUST GETS ME GOING. I can just imagine it coming from Hotch, and maybe even at some point Reid being like "there's even more, you might as well just stop while you're ahead because you aren't going to be able to bless them all."

Anyways, so excited to see what you have coming next!!!

Awe that is so nice. I’m always glad to see everyone enjoying this story so much! There will certainly be more fatherly Hotch to come as well as some comfort for the rest of the team. I hope you enjoy the next bit!



Again I’m sorry for being a slow update. I had it half done for a while and then life took over once more. I have a few important tests coming up, but after that I’m hoping to be more regular in my updates. Thanks for your patients and I hope you enjoy!



    Reid had only been asleep two hours when Hotch noticed Reid start to wake up. Reid mumbled ever so slightly as his eyes opened. He sniffed experimentally before he lunged for the tissue box. In his haste, he accidentally knocked the box to the ground. Reid tried to pull himself slightly off the bed to grasp the tissues, but the change in pressure caused his nose to practically flood and a renewed tickle to spread through him.


    Reid sucked in a heavy, hitching breath before he sat back in the bed quickly and folded his hands over his nose and mouth. "IchsSHew! IchSHew!"


    "Bless you," Hotch offered as he knelt down and grasped the box. He set it on the bed as Reid continued to sniffle with his hands over his nose. Hotch pulled out a few tissues and offered them to Reid. Reid thought about taking them, but he shook his head vigorously.


    "IchsSHew! IchsShew! IchsSHew! ItcSHsSHew!"


    "Bless you again," Hotch told him with the tissues still in his hand.


    "Ugh, thags." Reid sniffed once more before he rose to his feet. "Excuse be." With that he headed to the bathroom and closed the door. He heard the sound of water running as well as a few very congested blows. A rattling cough topped it off before Reid came back into the room, looking even more tired than before. His skin was even paler than usual while his nose was beet red and chapped while his cheeks were flushed with fever.


    "I'b sorry, Hodtch, agaid. I didn'dt realize they were cobig so fasdt," explained Reid as he slumped down on the bed with his eyes downcast. 


    Hotch set the tissues down on the nightstand so that Reid wouldn't knock them off again. "It's not your fault. You can't help. There's nothing to apologize about."


    Reid didn't say anything as he lifted a and to rub at his throat. He swallowed painfully once more and slightly grimaced. Hotch caught sight of it and tilted his head. "Is your throat hurting you?"


    "Dno," Reid replied quickly.


    Hotch slightly raised an eyebrow before it turned into a small glare. "Reid."


    "Okay, baybe a liddle," Reid answered bashfully as he looked down at his lap. He worked his nails against each other uncomfortably. 


    Hotch nodded as he closed the case file and leaned forward. Reid immediately leaned backwards with his eyes widening. "I'm just going to see if your lymph nodes are swollen," Hotch explained.


    Reid gulped as he nodded. Hotch pressed the tips of his fingers against either side of Reid's neck. He felt the slightly swollen lymph nodes under them. He drew back before he leaned back and grasped his briefcase. He rummaged around before he brought out a flashlight. 


    "Open," he told Reid.


    Reid reluctantly did as he was told and opened his mouth. Hotch showed the light in his mouth and it hit the back of his throat. He frowned when he saw the anger redness of the throat. He turned the light off and set it on the edge of the nightstand. "It looks pretty red and angry. That's probably what's been giving you so much pain," Hotch explained. "Something hot to drink might make that feel just a little bit better. Would you like some tea?"


    "Coffee," requested Reid in a rasp.


    Hotch shook his head. "Sorry, Reid. Tea is good for you when you're sick and the last thing that you need to caffeine," he pointed out as he grabbed the room key and put on his shoes. "Need anything else?"


    Reid shook his head, causing his nose to run freely. He reached over to grab the tissues as he gave himself a wet, productive blow. "I'b ogay."


    Hotch didn't believe him for a second, but he let it drop anyway. He smiled ever so slightly before he headed toward the door. He opened it and disappeared as the door closed behind him.


    Once Hotch was gone, Reid was more than relieved to actually be able to feel like shit for a few moments out from under Hotch's concerned glare. He grabbed even more tissues and brought them up to his twitching nose. He gave another powerful blow, but this one just served to send agony through his twitching nostrils. The pain turned into a strange itch and he moaned as it teased him. He felt on the verge of a sneeze without any actual release.


    Reid felt absolutely ridiculous with his mouse open and tissues perched an inch away from his nose. He sucked in a slight breath through his nose and it pushed him over the edge. "IthcsSHew! IchsSHew!"


    Reid grimaced when he felt the itch still present. He rubbed at the undersides of his moist nostrils with the tissues before he grabbed another bundle of tissues to gear up for part 2 of the fit. "IchsSHew! IcshSHew! IcshSHEw!"


    He sniffled heavily before he felt yet another itch. Reid tensed his jaw in apprehension. "Cobe on," he complained loudly as a cough omitted from deep within his throat. He pleaded that that would cure the itch, but it only took a moment more for it to come back with a meaningful vengeance. 


    "ItchsSHew! IcshSHEw! IcshSHew! IchsSHew!"


    Reid finally felt the itch disappear and he was able to give a few more sniffs before he threw away the used tissues and grabbed fresh ones. He blew his nose heavily before grabbing more tissues. Unfortunately, his nose felt stuffy and hot, but he couldn't seem to dislodge anything at the moment. He was just too stuffed up and it was making his head feel like it was stuffed with cotton.


    Once Reid was sure that he could just lay back in bed, his lungs decided that it was the perfect time to have a coughing fit. He thought about coughing openly, but Hotch would be back soon and that was not an image he wanted his boss to see.


    Reid pressed his head into his elbow as each cough shook his entire frame. His chest ached with the effort to cough and his throat felt like it was being scratched from the inside. Tears started to collect in the corner of his eyes and he felt that at any moment he would just gag and that would lead to vomiting or dry heaving. Neither one sounded that preferable.


    He continued to cough as his stomach churned. He hardly even noticed when the door opened and Hotch appeared with a cup of tea, a cup of coffee, and a small bowl of fruit. When he noticed Reid's predicament, he set it down on the dresser and walked over briskly. Reid tried to stop the hacking, but his body had other plans. It wasn't content with just a few coughs, it wanted to completely embarrass him in front of his boss.


    "Easy, Reid, easy. Take in some small breaths," soothed Hotch as he rubbed small circles in Reid's back. Hotch noticed how sweaty he was and wondered how high his fever was climbing. 


    Reid tried to take Hotch's advice, but it was a struggle. Hotch stood up when the fit wasn't stopping and quickly grabbed a glass of water. He brought it back over to Reid, but Reid's hands were shaking too much and when he grabbed the cup, it started to spill. Hotch took it back despite Reid's moaning protests. Hotch sighed as he lifted the cup to Reid's lips and offered him a small sip of the drink. Reid tried for more, but Hotch didn't want to drink too much too fast and risk choking on it or upsetting his stomach further.


    After what felt like a lifetime, but what was really only a few minutes, Reid's breathing finally came under control. He swallowed thickly with tears streaming down his face.  He looked to Hotch and nodded. "I'b ogay."


    "Right," began Hotch as he reached for the cup of water now that Reid wasn't shaking so bad. He handed the glass to him and Reid took it. He took a few sips before it aggravated his throat and he set it down. Hotch noticed the wince and stood up to grab the tea and fruit. He brought it back over to Reid and passed it over. "This might feel better on your throat."


    "M'not hungry," Reid mumbled as he took the tea in both hands, but didn't take the fruit. He took a few sips of the warm liquid that instantly soothed his sore throat. 


    "Reid, you need to eat something. Your body needs strength to fight this," Hotch told him.


    Reid wrinkled his nose as the steam from the tea caused his nose to run like a leaky faucet. He instantly set the tea down and replaced it with tissues. He blew his nose before he looked back to Hotch. "Do you say the sabe thug to Jack," Reid asked.


    "Is it that obvious," joked Hotch warmly. "It's hard not to put a fatherly spin on things."


    Reid smiled kindly. "Id's ogay. Budt, I'b really dnot hungry," Reid complained.    


    "Blow your nose. I can hardly understand you," Hotch told him as he took residence on his bed. He opened up the case files and pretended to examine them to give Reid some privacy to try to blow his once more.


    Once Reid was finished he reluctantly took a few bites of fruit. Once he had had enough he set it back down with the tea and looked to the TV across from him. "Bind if I wadtch TV?"


    "Go ahead," Hotch told him as he handed the remote, knowing that Reid wouldn't be up for that long to actually watch anything.


    Reid switched on the TV to the nature channel and began to get as comfortable as he possibly could as the room delved into silence.


To Be Continued....

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Oh my gooooooosh...I love this sooooo much! I was watching old episodes on Ion today and was thinking I NEED a Reid fic and here you are! Like you read my mind! And it's so perfect, I am adoring how Hotch is caring for Reid. 

4 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Reid mumbled ever so slightly as his eyes opened.

So adorable... I mean, I know he has nightmares but he seemed to be just dreaming. Sweet 

4 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Reid thought about taking them, but he shook his head vigorously

I can just see this and I love it

4 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Reid didn't say anything as he lifted a and to rub at his throat. He swallowed painfully once more and slightly grimaced. Hotch caught sight of it and tilted his head. "Is your throat hurting you?"

Oh poor baby...and tried to deny it, silly boy

4 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Hotch shook his head. "Sorry, Reid. Tea is good for you when you're sick and the last thing that you need to caffeine," 

Awwwwwww, I mean Hotch is right but was a terrible punishment! 

4 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Reid was more than relieved to actually be able to feel like shit for a few moments out from under Hotch's concerned glare.

Oh I like this bit... I totally can understand this feeling. Plus my poor little angel...feeling so bad 


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*sigh* my phone shut off mid-fangirling here. Come on, phone! ANYWAY, I continue:

4 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

his head feel like it was stuffed with cotton.

I love to have this happen 😈

4 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Hotch noticed how sweaty he was and wondered how high his fever was climbing. 

Oh yes, let's pull out the thermometer (pleeeeeeeaaase)!

OMG I am so happy you posted!! 

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On 10/22/2018 at 7:16 PM, Wolfwings22 said:


    "Blow your nose. I can hardly understand you," Hotch told him as he took residence on his bed. He opened up the case files and pretended to examine them to give Reid some privacy to try to blow his once more.

Fatherly Hotch is baller in this 😍. Please have Morgan in this at some point. Even for a little bit. The father and his sons 😱😊. This is heaven on earth 

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