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A Westworld Drabble for Chanel!


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So, a long while ago (4 months or so?) I told Chanel I'd whip up something Westworld/Theresa for her and I finally did it! I'm making good on my end of a trade!

I didn't forget about you, Chanel! The muse just didn't strike, and you've been pumping out SUCH GOOD material of your own, I was a little overwhelmed trying to get as good a feel for the characters as you so clearly have.

It isn't much, just a short drabble, but I still hope you like it! (I have a few more ideas for future Westworld drabbles, so it's possible this isn't it from me...)

* * *


A hum of interest, followed by the sound of Bernard’s stylus tapping against the screen of his tablet fervently.

“Hahh’ESSCHHhhew! Bernard, stop that.”

“Stop what?”

“Examining me. Getting ideas for the hosts. Stop it.”

“Sneezes are so interesting, the way your body reacts completely involuntarily. Those involuntary actions are some of the most difficult to program—they can’t look programmed, calculated. They’re completely organic.”

Theresa heaved a sigh, a hand moving up to pinch the bridge of her nose. “I am not a fuuhhcking model—hh! HAESCHHhhew! Hih! Hah’AESCHhh! For how to program your fucking hosts.” She plowed through the sentence with enviable determination despite her desperately itchy nose.

A tissue fluttered beneath her nose, Bernard’s hand outstretched, brandishing the limp square of white until she snatched it, from his fingers with too much force. He didn’t seem to notice, instead scribbled something delicately onto the tablet grasped in his hands before gazing at her once more. His eyes were embers, glowing with fascination.

“Unless that has anything to do with the new story arc, I suggest you stop whatever it is that you’re doing.” She grumbled, voice muffled by the tissue.

“Actually…” Bernard looked apologetic.

Theresa heaved a sigh. “Don’t tell me.”

“It’s a simple plot device. It’s not a part of the main storyline, but if a guest chooses—"

“I said don’t tell me, Bernard,” Theresa repeated, but the hard edge of irritability had softened into resignation. She pinched the bridge of her nose hard, leaving angry pressure points against the already pink tinge of her nose.

He lowered his eyes, slightly abashed.

A moment passed.

“Alright, fine. Since these fucking antihistamines seemingly haven’t kicked in yet, you get one more sneeze. Then I don’t want to hear another word about this.”

He instantly jumped to attention, his grip on the stylus tightening as he watched her features for a sign of an impending sneeze.

Her breath hitched once, twice. “Ehh! Aaeehh…?” She gave a huff of frustration, meeting his hopeful gaze with watery eyes. “Well I never said I could do it on command.”

“It’s alright—this is actually giving me quite a lot to go on. Every detail matters.”

Theresa rolled her eyes—or would have, if the sneeze hadn’t come back right at that moment and torn her annoyed expression into one of desperation. “Ehh… AASCHOO! Hih! AAEESCHOO! Hihh’EESCHOO!!” The last was so powerful she was tossed forward, her stomach muscles straining with the effort. “Fuck!”

As Theresa blew her nose into the tissue, Bernard enthusiastically scratched down notes. He met her gaze again, straightening his glasses with a half-smirk.

“I believe that’s plenty for now. Thank you.”

She pursed her lips. “I should hope so.”

Edited by Zwee
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AAAAAAAHHHHH!!! :dribble::boom::stretcher: 

Ahem. Let me try again. But I'm in SUCH a fetishy mood today and this was.... :drool: 

7 hours ago, Zwee said:

She plowed through the sentence with enviable determination despite her desperately itchy nose.

Oh that's Theresa alright, wouldn't let a silly little thing like an allergy attack stop her from saying what she wants to say. 

7 hours ago, Zwee said:

“Unless that has anything to do with the new story arc, I suggest you stop whatever it is that you’re doing.” She grumbled, voice muffled by the tissue.

“Actually…” Bernard looked apologetic.

Theresa heaved a sigh. “Don’t tell me.”

Awww, do I detect a slight hint of embarrassment here? Tucked away and hidden behind layers of annoyance? :naughty: 

7 hours ago, Zwee said:

She gave a huff of frustration, meeting his hopeful gaze with watery eyes. “Well I never said I could do it on command.”


7 hours ago, Zwee said:

As Theresa blew her nose into the tissue, Bernard enthusiastically scratched down notes. He met her gaze again, straightening his glasses with a half-smirk.

“I believe that’s plenty for now. Thank you.”

I love how she graciously allows him "one more sneeze" and how enthusiastic he is! :lol: Also, I would probably thank her for sneezing too, though for a very different reason... :whistle: 

I LOVE this so much, THANK YOU!! You definitely had nothing to worry about, they're spot on, both of them! :heart: 

And I haven't forgotten about you either, I'm not finished yet but I shall be as soon as I can!! ^_^ 


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On 8/30/2018 at 4:56 AM, Chanel_no5 said:

I LOVE this so much, THANK YOU!! You definitely had nothing to worry about, they're spot on, both of them! :heart:

You're welcome!! I haven't written anything in ages (it was actually nice to have a reason to) so it's a huge relief that it turned out okay!

I'm so happy you enjoyed it!

On 8/30/2018 at 4:56 AM, Chanel_no5 said:

And I haven't forgotten about you either, I'm not finished yet but I shall be as soon as I can!! ^_^ 

No worries at all! I took 4 months to do yours! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But I am definitely looking forward to it!!

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