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your eye color..?


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Hello everyone I hope you are fine?   I love eyes and their expressions - it is said they are the reflection of your soul and your heart.

I wanted to ask you what is your eye color?

I have grey eyes and people with grey eyes are said to be vulnerable, unobtainable and shy but just as affectionate and faithful.
Which trait is associated with your eye color and do they apply for you? Thanks a lot to all who answer my question.

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I have grey eyes too. Which I like, because apparently only 3% of the population have grey eyes, and it makes me feel special ^w^ 

Though there are variations in what constitutes as grey. Mine are more blue-grey, like a sort of murky steely colour. Depending on the light, they can look more blue or even more green. Different eye makeup can bring out more specific colours in them too (purples make them appear more green and blacks/greys make them appear more blue). 

I'm not sure about the science in regards to personalities when it comes to eye colour. I am definitely not shy, and wouldn't consider myself to be unobtainable either :lol: but even if it isn't completely true, it's always fun to read about the spiritual conceptions of eye colour~

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hello, @PuddinPop thank you for your reply. I have a dark blue circle around my iris, the rest is 'completely' grey.. it is a bit difficult to describe. That's nice, you are not shy or unobtainable 😊 - but different as you - all traits apply with me. You are right, different eye make-up make your eyes look different. I like to use golden colors then my eyes look more darker grey - if I use a pink, rosy / blossom one they look brighter and pale. Yes, you're right only 3 % share our eye color - for example I am the only one in my family. But I always appreciate it if someone tells me that he / she likes my eye color. Have a nice day 😊

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My eyes are hazel and I'm kind of irrationally proud of that 😄

The personality descriptions I found when I looked this up seem to describe hazel eyes as pretty extroverted, which I am not. (I'm shy and unobtainable, my eyes should be grey!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

This might sound unbelievable but i promise it is true.

My eyes change color. 

If i'm feeling down they are brown. (sorry, didn't mean to rhyme there. ;))

But if I'm in a good mood or very happy they are green.

It's odd but kinda cool as i get to have two different colors. :)






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17 minutes ago, Light said:

If i'm feeling down they are brown. (sorry, didn't mean to rhyme there. ;))

You mean you don't feel blue, you feel brown? :rofl: 

I know several people whose eye colour seems to change depending on what colour they're wearing. Happens to me too with certain colours. Which is awesome when I take photos because I don't need filters to get really radiant blue eyes, I just need to wear blue or white, and preferably stand against blue background. ^^


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  • 2 weeks later...
On ‎9‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 8:44 PM, Light said:

If i'm feeling down they are brown. (sorry, didn't mean to rhyme there. ;))

But if I'm in a good mood or very happy they are green.

😊 about 10 years ago my eyes were rather dark grey over time they have become much brighter. But I do not know why it happened?? I hope you are very happy today - green is a rare eye color

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Ice blue!

So I looked it up and apparently people with blue eyes are attractive with a calm and peaceful personality. Uh, I hope that's true....😉

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Dark brown to the point of black. Apparently...

“People with eyes that are so dark brown, they sometimes appear black have one of the rarest eye colors. As such, they are often perceived as mysterious or secretive, yet a study in Current Psychology reported by Medical Daily showed that people with darker eyes are generally seen as more agreeable.”

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  • 3 weeks later...

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