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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Does your fetish change your perception on getting sick?


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A few weeks ago my SO came down with a pretty bad cold and I had to make that decision of whether to keep cuddling/kissing them or whether to avoid them so I wouldn't get sick. And it got me thinking, because I think a very small part of me may have actually wanted - or at least was indifferent - to get sick. I have a pretty strong immune system and I'm not really a sneezy person at all, so if I come down with something that's the only time I'll really get to sneeze. And I love being taken care of by my SO when I'm sick too! Although I must say, even though it may be exciting for the first few days, as soon as I start to feel really bad I start to regret my poor choices haha!

I think this definitely has to do with this fetish (especially the sneezing and caretaking parts!), so I was wondering if your fetish changes the way you think about getting sick? 


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I totally feel the same way! Like 100%. It's so weird because I'm somewhat of a germaphobe, yet I get so sneezy when I'm sick and I love that aspect. I'm always very conflicted about this.

There was one time about a year ago I purposely caught a cold because I wanted to sneeze around my husband (he was just my boyfriend then), but it turned out to be one of the worst viruses I've ever caught! Three weeks of the most painful bronchitis and sore throat I've ever had, plus a week of COMPLETELY losing my voice. It was absolutely miserable... I've been more cautious about my cold-catching endeavors since then😫

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My feelings about being sick are totally intertwined with and affected by my fetish! First, it is colds I am turned on by, allergies don't do it for me, so my fetish is specifically about illness (although the sneezes are the focus).  As a practical matter, my philosophy is that if your partner is sick, you're either going to catch it or you're not. And more often than not, I don't catch his colds and he doesn't catch mine. So why hold back? And as far as the fetish goes,  my partner is never more appealing to me than when he has a cold, plus I like the risk and contagion of kissing someone with a cold. I don't like actually being sick though, just the idea of it! So if I do get sick I don't love it, but afterwards, thinking back on my cold and how I got it, it is a turn on. ("I kissed him all over and he gave me all his cold germs and I bragged that I never get sick, but then suddenly - ACHOO!!!")


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I think the whole fetishy thing for me is almost exclusively related to illness hahah. I do really like to be sick. I don't really mind feeling miserable, I like being taken care of, but at the same time I tend to get really embarrassed when I'm sick. Like if I have to go out in public (classes, work), I feel like everyone just thinks I'm a gross ball of contamination lol. I have a thread where I tried for yearssss to get myself sick. It used to be a pretty big obsession for me haha. My immune system is also freakishly strong, so I get sick like... once every 3 years or so. No matter what I tried in that 20+ page thread though, I never actually got sick. Despite trying to contaminate myself with people's used tissues or just experimenting with pretty stupid stuff like forcing myself to only sleep a few hours a night, forcing myself to sleep in / wear like drenched socks and other clothes that I had stuck in the freezer, etc, etc... hahaha. It never worked. When I finally got sick, it was just kind of coincidence, I wasn't even trying. 

I also enjoy being around people that are sick to some extent. It can be a really love or hate kind of thing for me. Like with family or even my bf now (cus he's like family at this point), it's kind of torture and I hate it hahah. But with some friends or strangers, I'm intrigued and think it can be cute, and I really like the caretaking aspect of being sick (taking care of something and especially being taken care of).

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I will say that having this fetish makes it a little less miserable to be sick when I am, but overall, I don’t feel any desire to actually get sick. Especially since it seems like, lately, the only time I get sick is right before I have an important vocal event...not fun. -.- The thought of being taken care of by an S/O or friend or something is really nice though, and it’s especially nice to think about when I am actually sick, but I don’t know if I would actually enjoy that in real life either. Maybe once I have a serious relationship with someone, I’ll be able to find out, but for now just the fantasy alone is nice enough. Being sick would probably be a lot more fun if I felt like I had the -time- to be sick, now that I think about it, but of course I can never get sick in the summer when I don’t have to deal with school on top of work.

As for the other way around, I’m pretty germaphobic despite the fetish, partially because I just don’t want to risk getting sick and having to deal with being miserable. Like if I ever spend the night at a friend’s house when they’re sick, I get super weird about what I touch and washing my hands, etc. It’s probably a little ridiculous lol. And again, as much as I LOVE to fantasize about taking care of someone I like, I don’t know if I would be too keen on it irl because of being a germaphobe. But that’s another thing that could change if I was in the actual situation, with an S/O I really care for. 

So yeah, I guess the fetish hasn’t changed how I view getting sick very much. I will say that having it makes it SO much worse when a family memeber gets sick, ughhh...

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Actually, I usually never sneeze when I’m sick, which sucks because I have literally all the other symptoms...

So I’m still a pretty big germaphobe, and I usually try my best to not get sick when I can help it. I think the only thing that may have changed because of the fetish in terms of getting sick would be that I’m not as reluctant to spend time with someone else who is sick(although I try to refrain from touching them and all that), especially if they’re cute and they’re sneezing a lot 😅

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On 9/3/2018 at 11:56 AM, Pixieflower said:

Actually, I usually never sneeze when I’m sick, which sucks because I have literally all the other symptoms...

Me too, it's so tragic! 😂 Once in a while I do get that symptom...nice when it happens... but it's usually all about the horrible sore throat and annoying coughing, not fun at all!

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I can relate to this, in the sense that I am a bit germophobic- but when in the past I had a girlfriend who said "I'm coming down with a cold, maybe I should try not to get you ill." my heart just jumped and I said "Oh honey, I'm tempted to just cuddle you and catch it."

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