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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Ares (VloggingBlonde Boyfriend)


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Ares Bond (the boyfriend of YouTube vlogger VloggingBlonde) supposedly has sneeze attacks quite often, it’s mentioned in one of her videos. I don’t suppose anyone happens to watch her videos and knows of any he sneezes in?

I know for a fact he sneezes twice in one vlog, but I can’t remember which one! 

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@1.24 and 1.45 :) 

Don't think i know of anymore but i liked the one of her sneeze prank because he blessed her, obviously not real but yeah lol 

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48 minutes ago, sneezingbeauty said:

@1.24 and 1.45 :) 

Don't think i know of anymore but i liked the one of her sneeze prank because he blessed her, obviously not real but yeah lol 

You are my actual hero! Yeah that’s the one I was thinking of, there’s bound to be more out there it’s just finding the time to watch through everything.

Thank you so much for linking me back to that, I really appreciate it!


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I watch her, too, for like 4 or 5 years. I posted these sneezes when they happened, but there are none from her, except the fake sneeze. She sneezed thrice once but she cut those out. And on her bridal shower, she said she kept sneezing, probably from the wine they tasted.

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