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Sneezing buzzed?


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So as it just happened to me I was wondering if it happened to others.

I have had a drink or three tonight and just sneezed. It seemed quite a bit more forceful and less restrained then my normal sneezes.

Has anyone noticed the same when they had had a few?

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Definitely! After several drinks I get this feeling like there's a stray hair tickling my face and I'll start rubbing my nose and eyes. If I keep drinking after that point I'm guaranteed a few sneezes (esp. if I'm drinking red wine). 

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Yup, has happened to me too. Not every time I drink, or even frequently, but it does happen from time to time. Red wine in particular - Pinot Noir and Garnacha being the main grapes in the wines I know for sure has caused this - but non-clear alcohol in general has caused it. And those sneezes are indeed way more unrestrained, although I'm not sure whether that has to do with the cause itself, or if it's just the fact that everything you do is more unrestrained after a couple of glasses of wine. :lol: 

In part I think this may be hereditary; both my parents have sneezing fits after drinking more than a little bit of alcohol. But let's not talk about that. :dead: 


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hello light, how are you? I never - never drink alcohol and therefore I can only guess - I have read before that drinking alcohol can make you sneeze. Maybe it's because the alcohol promotes your blood circulation and your nose becomes more sensitive? Especially wine contains histamine, which could be another reason. I hope you feel better now and.. bless you😊

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yeah, sometimes I’ll get sneezing fits after I’ve drank a bit, and they’re always a little different than my regular sneeze (mostly due to the circumstances, I imagine :P)

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Thank you all for sharing your experiences. I quite enjoyed the other night, there were a few more sneezes and they we all stronger then my normal ones. 

Rum was most what I drank but I will have to see if wine or other things work any differently next time. 

I don’t drink that regularly but I’ll keep this post updated when it happens again. :)


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22 hours ago, beijoseternura said:

hello light, how are you? I never - never drink alcohol and therefore I can only guess - I have read before that drinking alcohol can make you sneeze. Maybe it's because the alcohol promotes your blood circulation and your nose becomes more sensitive? Especially wine contains histamine, which could be another reason. I hope you feel better now and.. bless you😊

Thank you for the “Bless You.” :)

I’m doing well even though life is crazy busy.

I hope things are well with you too. :)


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