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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Recently discovered bisexual


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I'm 25M and recently realized that I'm bisexual. I think it makes sense looking back, especially because I have been drawn to both male and female sneezes with my fetish. I'm curious-- is anyone else here bisexual, and what kind of sneeze preferences do you have?

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Wow, congratulations! I'm bisexual too, and I don't exactly have a preference, I love female and male sneezes equally ❤️ 

 Recently I've been reading more male stories because there was a time where I ignored male sneezers and focused more on female ones, but I want to see the best of both worlds, you know? 

 And yeah, I can't exactly say much, facet already said everything :laugh: I'm so happy for you, congratulations again! :hug:

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Yay team bisexual! I’m bi, for a while tried to convince myself I was somehow bi when it comes to the fetish but not “in real life”? Idk. Dark times.

Anyway, my preferences tend more towards the kind of sneeze or the kind of story vs the gender of the sneezer? But I guess I lean towards male sneezes, moreso in wavs than in stories. I’d say I lean towards being attracted to men/male bodies? I guess? I think it’s more about not being into the gender expectations of most heterosexual relationships, and also queer people being more open to dating other queer ppl (I don’t even know that I’d *want* to be in a relationship with a cishet girl, not that any are offering, lol.)

But yeah, I just like big, loud, powerful sneezes. That tends to be more of a male thing but definitely not exclusively. Fiction-wise I’m much more into HOW the story is written than anything else, and if I like the writing style, I can definitely get really into a story featuring sneezes from any gender. That’s more or less how it breaks down for me!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I... might be bi? I’m not really sure anymore. I thought I was straight but lately I’m thinking I might actually be bi (and just lean more towards men than women). I’m really unsure right now, so...

But for me, either way, I mostly prefer male sneezes. I only like female ones in certain scenarios when it comes to fiction, if that makes sense? As for real life, I guess I’m slightly more inclined to male sneezes, but not that much. It depends on the sneeze and the sneezer.

On 9/12/2018 at 11:13 PM, Mr. Black Cherry Berry Tea said:

I’m bi, for a while tried to convince myself I was somehow bi when it comes to the fetish but not “in real life”? Idk. Dark times.

Me, having just typed that I enjoy female sneezes as well sometimes: *sweats nervously lol*


So yeah. Put me down as a tentative “mostly prefers male sneezes but some female sneezes can be great.” I say tentative because I’m really not sure if I’m actually bi or not.

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On 10/4/2018 at 4:57 PM, CeruleanBlue said:

I... might be bi? I’m not really sure anymore. I thought I was straight but lately I’m thinking I might actually be bi (and just lean more towards men than women). I’m really unsure right now, so...

But for me, either way, I mostly prefer male sneezes. I only like female ones in certain scenarios when it comes to fiction, if that makes sense? As for real life, I guess I’m slightly more inclined to male sneezes, but not that much. It depends on the sneeze and the sneezer.

Me, having just typed that I enjoy female sneezes as well sometimes: *sweats nervously lol*


So yeah. Put me down as a tentative “mostly prefers male sneezes but some female sneezes can be great.” I say tentative because I’m really not sure if I’m actually bi or not.

I think it's A-Okay not to know for sure-- I went a good while not knowing, and then a little while wondering before I decided that I am indeed bisexual. Just give it some time :)

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