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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Popular sneeze myth debunked... Or is it?


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I'm sure most of you have heard the myth that sneezing is 1/8 of an O, right (I'm not spelling it out because this is PG, but I'm sure you can infer what I'm referring to)? Some people say 1/10 or 1/16, but whatever. I've heard this brought up many times in the past, but someone recently brought this up again and got me thinking about it all over again. It's been debunked by scientists, but at the same time it makes so much sense to me. I heard that myth when I first realized I had the fetish, and it seemed like a valid explanation. The sensation is so similar that it's uncanny (in my experience anyways).

However, I know many people that truly hate sneezing, so it's obviously a myth in most cases. I just wonder if there's some underlying truth to it, and "we" are the select few that get to experience sneezes in that way. There are so many similarities between the two when you really think about. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? 

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Nah! It's not 1/8th an O. What it is, is, and this is my theory personally (there has been a TON of friendly debate on here over why it is we lucky few get to experience sneezes in all their sizzling hot glory) is that since a sneeze and an O are both part of the autonomic nervous system, and bc human brains/bodies sometimes develop in such a way that signals are crossed, the brains of we fetishists interpret sneeze and arousal in similar enough ways for sneeze to be in itself arousing to (some of) us. (some of us don't actually like to do the deed ourselves, only to watch or listen to others. this is not me, but it is most of my friends, lol.)

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@Quing Nerd, that's super interesting that you brought up the possiblily of signals being crossed because that's another plausible theory my husband and I have wondered about. I read an article once about crossed signals being a very probable explanation for foot fetishes, and that theory makes even more sense in our cause due to the autonomic nervous system logic. 

I'm curious though; how do you think this logic applies to those who don't enjoy their own sneezes (only others)? Is it possible that it still has to do with their nervous system, but their brain is just responding differently to the odd "wiring" and only choosing to associate sneezes with O's (rather than experience them that way)? It would be so interesting if there ended up being a proven scientific explanation, but then again there are sooo many fetishes out there that will most likely never be biologically explained. 

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i think it's still just a conflation of arousal and sneeze, just with an outward focus rather than an inward one :)

sort of how some people get in "the mood" when they see signs of arousal in their partner, only instead of arousal it's sneeze

i mean again this is just what i'm speculating! i haven't studied this or anything. but it would make the most sense to me out of any other theories i read or have seen talked about.

Edited by Quing Nerd
fixed spelling
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Hmm... I think it’s definitely not 1/8 of an O, maybe it’s not part of it at all. However, I do agree that there’s a lot of similarities between the two. I’m actually surprised that our fetish is so rare, I would expect a there to be a lot more sneeze fetishists out there since our fetish really does seem to make sense when you think about it that way.

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On September 15, 2018 at 3:00 PM, Pixieflower said:

Hmm... I think it’s definitely not 1/8 of an O, maybe it’s not part of it at all. However, I do agree that there’s a lot of similarities between the two. I’m actually surprised that our fetish is so rare, I would expect a there to be a lot more sneeze fetishists out there since our fetish really does seem to make sense when you think about it that way.

Right?! Long before my husband knew about my fetish, he was telling me how amazing sneezing feels and how much he loves sneezing. For a second I thought he might have the fetish, but then I realized it wasn't sexual for him at all. How can a sneeze feel sooo good to some people, but not be associated with an O in their minds? Haha it confuses me... 

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12 hours ago, Oceanmountains said:

Right?! Long before my husband knew about my fetish, he was telling me how amazing sneezing feels and how much he loves sneezing. For a second I thought he might have the fetish, but then I realized it wasn't sexual for him at all. How can a sneeze feel sooo good to some people, but not be associated with an O in their minds? Haha it confuses me... 

So I think that is it, association.

Unless a person has a sneeze that is painful for some reason I would think that most everyone has the same build up and release sensations when they sneeze. I think that the difference is that most do not associate those feelings with enjoyment but rather nuisance. For most people a sneeze is just something they have to do from time to time or that they are pledged with when they have allergies and therefore never stop to really let themselves feel how good the build and release actually is. I think that there are a good number of people that if they actually stopped to think about it would find they do find sneezes pleasant if not enjoyable.  

While i think some actions are naturally sensual I think others are do to an association that the persons mind has made. How some people enjoy having there neck kissed and others not. 

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