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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Office sneezes that make me irrationally irritated


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When you work in an office you get to know each other's sneezes. Sometimes they are nice and you look forward to them...our IT guy sneezes a lot and it's great! He's gorgeous, athletic, smart, funny, nice. And his sneezes  are big, full throated classic "ACHOO!" ones, often with a little exasperated "ugh" at the end. Love it! 

However others are not so nice and they make me out-of-proportion irritated! One woman on our media team has a girly sneeze that just pisses me off. It's a ridiculously high pitched "ih-CHIWWWW!" where the "CHIWWW" is not actually sneezed but spoken. So it's sort of stifled but not. Like she stifles the actual sneeze and then does this showy, girly, spoken "CHIWWW!" Like, for why? If you're going to stifle, why tag on this "pay attention to me" fake bit at the end???? Sneeze like a real person, not a squeaky toy! I'm sure some love this type of sneeze, so enjoy the description if you do! She is (of course) skinny and cute. Long dark hair, although you think she'd be blonde, and a perfectionist who is terrified of failure.

Here's another, guy on our policy team. Big, lanky, outdoorsy, sexist guy. His sneeze is like "huhNNNNggghhhh!" and it seriously sounds like he is gagging! This pisses me off because of my emetophobia and like WHY do you have to sneeze in the least sexy way imaginable

Wasn't sure whether to post here, in observations, or snake pit!




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Hahaha, oh yeah, I know the feeling! I used to have a classmate whose sneeze sounded like he said "KRG", kind of far back in his mouth. Like, what even is that? :rofl:Now, it was a guy so I wasn't interested anyway, but he was a friend of mine so I felt bad about being SO IRRITATED every time he sneezed. :lol: I thought about (jokingly) tell him to sneeze like an actual person, but then he might have asked why I never sneezed instead, so I put that to rest. 

Edited by Chanel_no5
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5 hours ago, Chanel_no5 said:

Hahaha, oh yeah, I know the feeling! I used to have a classmate whose sneeze sounded like he said "KRG", kind of far back in his mouth. Like, what even is that? :rofl:Now, it was a guy so I wasn't interested anyway, but he was a friend of mine so I felt bad about being SO IRRITATED every time he sneezed. :lol: I thought about (jokingly) tell him to sneeze like an actual person, but then he might have asked why I never sneezed instead, so I put that to rest. 

That’s hysterical! Glad I’m not alone !

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None of this sounds irrational or out of proportion to me.  :laugh:  My least favourite sneeze in the whole world is when people add that extra uneccessary shriek at the end.  I'm not saying the entire world needs to start sneezing according to my personal preferences but if that sneeze type disappeared I wouldn't miss it.  :D

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4 hours ago, SleepingPhlox said:

None of this sounds irrational or out of proportion to me.  :laugh:  

Ha! I feel validated! 😅

2 hours ago, •.*°•☆. Q .☆•°*.• said:

omg, odd man out here. i love all sneeze. bless you office members! lol

Bless YOU, you awesome sneeze lover! Good thing not everyone is as cranky as I am!

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10 minutes ago, Demon327 said:

Does anyone else get pisssed off because you can't see which person in the cubicle farm just sneezed?

(My workspace is more of a collection of shared offices close together than a cubicle farm, but) yeah, it's so frustrating. I often find that it's a good time to print something out, or go to the bathroom…coincidentally happening to see who's currently around on my way there.

On 9/13/2018 at 9:31 AM, superimmunegirl said:

WHY do you have to sneeze in the least sexy way imaginable

This, too, is frustrating 😑

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