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sneezing on the phone..?


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hello everyone😊

have you ever been through such a situation? If you call someone / a friend, a relative or at work etc. and they answer your call with a sneeze instead of hello? It happened to me twice. Once I called someone in Turkey and she stifled a fit of 4 squeaky sneezes before she talked to me. I felt very uncertain about it and didn't blessed her and she acted as if nothing happened.

Another situation was with a boyfriend, we were a couple for just one week and he called me in the evening. I answered his call and he sneezed three harsh, loud and wet sneezes before he told me he had a bad cold. Have you ever experienced such situations, too? Thank you.

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48 minutes ago, beijoseternura said:

hello everyone😊

have you ever been through such a situation? If you call someone / a friend, a relative or at work etc. and they answer your call with a sneeze instead of hello? It happened to me twice. Once I called someone in Turkey and she stifled a fit of 4 squeaky sneezes before she talked to me. I felt very uncertain about it and didn't blessed her and she acted as if nothing happened.

Another situation was with a boyfriend, we were a couple for just one week and he called me in the evening. I answered his call and he sneezed three harsh, loud and wet sneezes before he told me he had a bad cold. Have you ever experienced such situations, too? Thank you.

Nice experience with your ex- boyfriend!! Did you get to see him during his cold?

I can't remember experiencing the same...

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hello @Feo I mean, at this time we were in a relationship for a week - not we were only a couple for a week and then we split up. I am sorry if I wrote it in a wrong way. It was not the first sneeze I heard of him, the first sneeze was a single one while we went for a walk, he didn't covered it, there were drops on his yellow T-shirt and it was caused by his hayfever. And yes, I saw him during the cold and his nose was runny and red, he was very sneezy - mostly in fits of 5 or 6 times in a row. Take care.

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I've had this experience before. I called a friend and before she could say "Hello" she had a fit of 6 sneezes. I knew she had allergies and felt bad for her, so I blessed her as she sneezed. But that was the only experience I've had. 

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I once called someone and the first thing I heard them say was "oh, excuse me" which I've always believed meant she sneezed immediately before that and didn''t realise I hadn't heard it.

So close, but yet so far!



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