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Having the flu is such a drag (Kinky Boots - Lola)


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Hey guys! I'm currently kind of obsessed with Kinky Boots (both the musical and the movie) and I've been thinking about Lola with a cold or the flu for a while now. There's no sneezing in this yet - I'm thinking about adding another chapter and if I do there will definitely be sneezing in there.

Oh yeah, Lola is a drag queen, that's why the pronouns change.

Alright, here we go! Please let me know if you think this is worth continuing!



Being Lola takes effort. Simon doesn't usually mind, being Lola is also fucking awesome, but today just putting his makeup and wig on feels like it just cost him half the energy of the day. It's nothing new, being sick does that to him. He gets way too tired way too quickly and when that happens he sometimes just wants to curl up in bed and not move for the entire day.

Well, today is not the day to do that. Today there is work to be done, boots to be designed. He can't lie, he loves it. He loves the way Charlie looks at his designs and damn, the feeling when he sees his drawings come to life and turn into real boots is almost as good as sex. He takes a deep breath, stifles a few coughs against tightly closed lips and touches up his make up again. Can't have a little cold ruining his glamour after all.

When he's finally gotten dressed and put his wig on Simon feels more like Lola and less like crap. Though that might have been the DayQuil, who knows? She takes one last look at the mirror, then gives a little nod. "Let's make boots" she whispers and prays to whatever deity might listen that her voice doesn't sound as shitty to others as it does to herself.


Three days later



Her head is pounding. That's nothing new, it's been doing that for the past four days.

"I don't know what happened, just saw her fall!"

Why is it so dark? She blinks slowly. Oh. Why were her eyes closed?


That's Charlie. She opens her eyes for good, confused for a second. Then she realises she's laying flat on the ground. Not exactly a flattering pose.

She clears her throat and coughs harshly into her fist, slowly sitting up. She blinks a few times against the dizziness and tries to give Charlie her best smile but it comes out half-hearted at best. Christ, she's never felt this awful. She's been alternating between hot and cold flashes all day and everything feels so slow..

"Are you okay?"

She blinks, then shrugs slightly. "I fell"

"Down the stairs, yes. You tripped. You never trip, what the hell happened?"

Charlie takes her hand to help her up and she stumbles against him as soon as he pulls her to her feet. Very graceful. At least he catches her like a proper gentleman as she blacks out.

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On 9/14/2018 at 8:05 PM, HarryPotterGeek said:

What an awesome title!

Thank you! I just couldn't resist😅 I'm glad you like it!

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