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Sneeze Fetish Forum

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Hey everyone, I'm 28 years old guy, writing from Texas. So quite a lot of soul-searching and trying to come to terms with myself as a person led me into this forum. I'm more into the care-taking aspect, especially when it comes to (relatively) harmless, brief ailments like allergies, colds and motion sickness, all of which I'm something of a sufferer myself! I'm happy to have found this place of like-minded people and looking forward to having some fun with all of you. 

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4 hours ago, Travel said:

So quite a lot of soul-searching and trying to come to terms with myself as a person led me into this forum

Well they do say that Travel broadens the mind....

Welcome to the forum!



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Hi and welcome to the forum! :)

You'll find that many of us here are into the caretaking aspect, so I'm sure you'll have a good time and lots of interesting conversations here!

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