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Sneezy Cold


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I'm not super into colds like some of you, but I have to say, waking up in the middle of the night and realizing that I was getting a cold was kind of intriguing because I don't get sick very often. This cold is also exclusively in my nose/sinuses; none of the other icky symptoms which is nice. 

For those that are interested in the details, I was feeling kind of off yesterday, but I didn't have a bad sore throat like I usually do at the start of a cold so I thought nothing of it. Then last night I kept having dreams about not being able to breathe, and woke up at about 3am totally stuffed up. I got up to blow my nose and stifled a sneeze that followed the blow. I had a hard time sleeping after that, and probably got up 10 more times to blow my nose (I'm not a nose blower, so this is saying something). 

This morning I woke up feeling soooo sneezy. My husband was still home and I didn't think I'd be able to stifle them because the tickle was so strong (I don't let sneezes out around him), so I tried to hold them in until he left. My eyes were watering and I was hitching involunarily, the tickle burning all the way from the back of my sinuses to the tip of my nose. As soon as he left I sneezes a quick, wet triple. 

Since then I've been sneezing about every 10-15 minutes. There isn't much down time between the sneezes; as soon as I sneeze I can feel the next one slowly starting to build. My sneezes are usually pretty controlled and girly, but these are super wet and forceful with no vocalization. I just sneezed as I was typing this paragraph, and I didn't even have time to cover because it came on so suddenly and ended up spraying my hair (ew).

I'm not that sneezy of a person, so I'm actually enjoying this (whereas I usually don't enjoy colds because they usually settle in my chest). I've never sneezed in front of my husband, so I'm hoping tonight will be the night, especially since these sneezes feel so uncontrollable. Also... If anyone is wondering, my sneezes sound like a medium volume eh-tschhhew (a pretty typical sneeze, but different than my usual ahh-ktschh-oo). 

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If anyone is interested, I sneezed 36 times in the first hour I was awake this morning. I've never sneezed this much from a cold, this is insane!😂

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7 hours ago, Oceanmountains said:

If anyone is interested, I sneezed 36 times in the first hour I was awake this morning. I've never sneezed this much from a cold, this is insane!😂

I'm definitely interested. Bless you times a lot, lol. How many did you end up having for the day?

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27 minutes ago, ThePokeFan599 said:

I'm definitely interested. Bless you times a lot, lol. How many did you end up having for the day?

Haha thank you! Probably around 55-60. It slowed down quite a bit after this morning because I loaded up on decongestants so I could function. 

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Thank you @Jeff1! Sadly I wasn't able to... I had to leave the room to stifle quite a few times because I was too nervous to sneeze in front of him, and wasn't sure I'd be able to stop the sneezes (even with the mental block) because the tickle was so strong and persistent! There were a few failed stifles that I definitely thought he'd hear, but he didn't. 

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1 hour ago, Jeff said:

What brand and color tissues were you using for your nose blows? Hope you feel better soon!

Generic and white. I've gone through so many though, both trash cans have heaping piles in them haha. My nose is so raw! I'm starting to feel a lot better though, thank you. 

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Bless you! Thanks for the obs! 

A tip for using your cold to get over the mental block: when you feel like you have to sneeze and your husband is around, try going to a different part of the room and turning away from him and then just focusing on the sneeze and relaxing. When I had a sneezy cold, that's how I was able to sneeze in front of my boyfriend for the first time. Have fun and feel better!!

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13 hours ago, Lauren said:

Bless you! Thanks for the obs! 

A tip for using your cold to get over the mental block: when you feel like you have to sneeze and your husband is around, try going to a different part of the room and turning away from him and then just focusing on the sneeze and relaxing. When I had a sneezy cold, that's how I was able to sneeze in front of my boyfriend for the first time. Have fun and feel better!!

Thank you Lauren! Thanks for the tip, sadly I still wasn't able to though. The intensity of my mental block never fails to amaze me... 

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