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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Can I have a sneeze fetish and be Christian?


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Hey guys! Hope you're having a wonderful day!

Anyways, the title says it all--it's pretty obvious that I have a sneeze fetish, yet I'm also a devout Christian. So....what? Is it okay for me to be this way? Is it okay for me to even be on this site? 🤷‍♂️ I'd also appreciate it if any other Christian fetishists could share their experiences. 😊

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I have not thoroughly read the Bible, but I am a Christian, and I can't imagine why this fetish would be a problem. You're not hurting anybody, you didn't choose to have a fetish, and I don't remember seeing anything about fetishes being a sin (again, have not read the Bible).

Honestly, I think you're all right.

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*waves* Hi, fellow Christian, here, with some personal thoughts! I would say that the answer is yes, but be careful!!

God has created the majority of us with sexual desires, and additional things like a sneeze fetish can be real gifts that we can thank and praise him for (generally in a private setting- some forms of gratitude are best expressed quietly). But as with most forms of worldly enjoyment, especially sexual ones, we need to tread carefully.

Not all Christians will agree with me on this point, and not all Christians could engage with something like this healthily (not that I have ever done so perfectly). I'd encourage you to spend some time reading 1 Corinthians 6:12-20, and possibly also chapters 14 and 15 of Romans as you consider your choices, and examine your own motivations: if you're pressing forward while ignoring a big pile of unaddressed guilt, for example, that's not healthy. Take a step back and re-assess.


(What follows is going to be advice on negotiating the forum/this fetish as a Christian, especially a young Christian. It's entirely up to you how seriously you take it, and all opinions are mine)

Assuming your forum age is correct, that's another reason to tread carefully. It's normal and fully understandable to be exploring your own feelings and developing self at this time, but make sure you're not rushing into situations or conversations that aren't appropriate (Song of Songs is actually a really useful book of the Bible to read when thinking about these things! It can be tricky to understand in places, but that is something you can talk about with Christians you respect, and there are plenty of good resources out there [be judicious when selecting them, though- there are also some weird books on Song of Songs out there]).

In particular, be aware that in using this website you are engaging in a space that is predominantly sexual for the majority of people here. If that makes you uncomfortable, take some time to think about why: it might well be that you want to keep all aspects of your sexuality within a private space, to be enjoyed as part of the whole package of sex and with the same limitations. In which case, while your fetish is not wrong, this site may not be for you.

If you do keep using this site, be aware that this is an environment where a lot of people around you will be engaging with their sexuality without reference to Christianity (as is to be expected, let's be honest). so, as a Christian in this place, it is your responsibility to yourself to choose which conversations to take part in, and which aspects of site activity to engage with (for example, in areas such as Sneezing in the Media, you will have to make a judgement call with regard to what things are appropriate to discuss when dealing with real people. Or perhaps you need to consider the sort of conversations that might be had privately on this site and be clear with yourself where the 'line' is when it comes to discussing/exchanging a form of sexual material with others)

Keep an eye out to be sure that you're not being taken advantage of/led astray by others (especially older forum members- treat us as you would adults in real life, particularly with regard to conversations that contain sexual content for people on this site [even if it wouldn't seem like that to non-fetishists])- but tbh that's just general advice, it would apply even if you weren't Christian.

In terms of not letting your use of this site affect your Christian walk- how important is this site to you? How much time is it consuming day-to-day? How easy would you find it to go without it for a few days? These are the sorts of questions you should be asking to make sure you're not making fetish interactions an idol. Keep assessing your use of the site to make sure it's not starting to take precedence over serving God for you. If you think it might be, take a break!

Make sure this site never becomes the primary thing you do with your life/care about. If you find you're thinking about the forum or fantasizing about sneezing more than you're thinking about anything else, that's probably a sign that you need to take a break and do other stuff. Sexual things shouldn't be dominating your whole life.

In terms of your fetish and everyday life: be thankful to God that he's given you this relatively harmless source of enjoyment. With that in mind, have boundaries. Don't be a total creep when it comes to people with illness/allergies/whatever. And if you find yourself obsessing over someone in real life, wondering what their sneeze is like, always watching/hoping, etc, bear in mind Matthew chapter 5, particularly verses 27-30 (again, if this is tricky, there are plenty of excellent resources on this. Try a 'commentary' on Matthew for some good general explanation- I'm sure someone at your Church will be able to recommend a good one!). Consider if your behaviour is starting to become like that which Jesus warns against here and if so, again, take a step back and work on filling your life with things that give God better service, and on self-discipline.

So yeah.

Short answer: yes, God gave you this to enjoy, you shouldn't feel guilty for having this fetish. But as with all such good things (money, talent, love of sports, artistic gifts, etc) make certain you aren't mis-using his gift or letting it become an idol to you. And keep praying and reading his word! The closer you are to Him, the easier it will be to make good decisions.

I hope this made at least some sense!

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3 hours ago, RiversD said:

*waves* Hi, fellow Christian, here, with some personal thoughts! I would say that the answer is yes, but be careful!!

God has created the majority of us with sexual desires, and additional things like a sneeze fetish can be real gifts that we can thank and praise him for (generally in a private setting- some forms of gratitude are best expressed quietly). But as with most forms of worldly enjoyment, especially sexual ones, we need to tread carefully.

Not all Christians will agree with me on this point, and not all Christians could engage with something like this healthily (not that I have ever done so perfectly). I'd encourage you to spend some time reading 1 Corinthians 6:12-20, and possibly also chapters 14 and 15 of Romans as you consider your choices, and examine your own motivations: if you're pressing forward while ignoring a big pile of unaddressed guilt, for example, that's not healthy. Take a step back and re-assess.


(What follows is going to be advice on negotiating the forum/this fetish as a Christian, especially a young Christian. It's entirely up to you how seriously you take it, and all opinions are mine)

Assuming your forum age is correct, that's another reason to tread carefully. It's normal and fully understandable to be exploring your own feelings and developing self at this time, but make sure you're not rushing into situations or conversations that aren't appropriate (Song of Songs is actually a really useful book of the Bible to read when thinking about these things! It can be tricky to understand in places, but that is something you can talk about with Christians you respect, and there are plenty of good resources out there [be judicious when selecting them, though- there are also some weird books on Song of Songs out there]).

In particular, be aware that in using this website you are engaging in a space that is predominantly sexual for the majority of people here. If that makes you uncomfortable, take some time to think about why: it might well be that you want to keep all aspects of your sexuality within a private space, to be enjoyed as part of the whole package of sex and with the same limitations. In which case, while your fetish is not wrong, this site may not be for you.

If you do keep using this site, be aware that this is an environment where a lot of people around you will be engaging with their sexuality without reference to Christianity (as is to be expected, let's be honest). so, as a Christian in this place, it is your responsibility to yourself to choose which conversations to take part in, and which aspects of site activity to engage with (for example, in areas such as Sneezing in the Media, you will have to make a judgement call with regard to what things are appropriate to discuss when dealing with real people. Or perhaps you need to consider the sort of conversations that might be had privately on this site and be clear with yourself where the 'line' is when it comes to discussing/exchanging a form of sexual material with others)

Keep an eye out to be sure that you're not being taken advantage of/led astray by others (especially older forum members- treat us as you would adults in real life, particularly with regard to conversations that contain sexual content for people on this site [even if it wouldn't seem like that to non-fetishists])- but tbh that's just general advice, it would apply even if you weren't Christian.

In terms of not letting your use of this site affect your Christian walk- how important is this site to you? How much time is it consuming day-to-day? How easy would you find it to go without it for a few days? These are the sorts of questions you should be asking to make sure you're not making fetish interactions an idol. Keep assessing your use of the site to make sure it's not starting to take precedence over serving God for you. If you think it might be, take a break!

Make sure this site never becomes the primary thing you do with your life/care about. If you find you're thinking about the forum or fantasizing about sneezing more than you're thinking about anything else, that's probably a sign that you need to take a break and do other stuff. Sexual things shouldn't be dominating your whole life.

In terms of your fetish and everyday life: be thankful to God that he's given you this relatively harmless source of enjoyment. With that in mind, have boundaries. Don't be a total creep when it comes to people with illness/allergies/whatever. And if you find yourself obsessing over someone in real life, wondering what their sneeze is like, always watching/hoping, etc, bear in mind Matthew chapter 5, particularly verses 27-30 (again, if this is tricky, there are plenty of excellent resources on this. Try a 'commentary' on Matthew for some good general explanation- I'm sure someone at your Church will be able to recommend a good one!). Consider if your behaviour is starting to become like that which Jesus warns against here and if so, again, take a step back and work on filling your life with things that give God better service, and on self-discipline.

So yeah.

Short answer: yes, God gave you this to enjoy, you shouldn't feel guilty for having this fetish. But as with all such good things (money, talent, love of sports, artistic gifts, etc) make certain you aren't mis-using his gift or letting it become an idol to you. And keep praying and reading his word! The closer you are to Him, the easier it will be to make good decisions.

I hope this made at least some sense!

I'm not the OP, but this is a great, great response.

I'd add that, as a Christian, I tend to emphasize more the caretaking aspect of the fetish.  For me the whole issue is probably a little easier, though, as I'm asexual anyway.

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7 hours ago, RiversD said:

*waves* Hi, fellow Christian, here, with some personal thoughts! I would say that the answer is yes, but be careful!!

God has created the majority of us with sexual desires, and additional things like a sneeze fetish can be real gifts that we can thank and praise him for (generally in a private setting- some forms of gratitude are best expressed quietly). But as with most forms of worldly enjoyment, especially sexual ones, we need to tread carefully.

Not all Christians will agree with me on this point, and not all Christians could engage with something like this healthily (not that I have ever done so perfectly). I'd encourage you to spend some time reading 1 Corinthians 6:12-20, and possibly also chapters 14 and 15 of Romans as you consider your choices, and examine your own motivations: if you're pressing forward while ignoring a big pile of unaddressed guilt, for example, that's not healthy. Take a step back and re-assess.


(What follows is going to be advice on negotiating the forum/this fetish as a Christian, especially a young Christian. It's entirely up to you how seriously you take it, and all opinions are mine)

Assuming your forum age is correct, that's another reason to tread carefully. It's normal and fully understandable to be exploring your own feelings and developing self at this time, but make sure you're not rushing into situations or conversations that aren't appropriate (Song of Songs is actually a really useful book of the Bible to read when thinking about these things! It can be tricky to understand in places, but that is something you can talk about with Christians you respect, and there are plenty of good resources out there [be judicious when selecting them, though- there are also some weird books on Song of Songs out there]).

In particular, be aware that in using this website you are engaging in a space that is predominantly sexual for the majority of people here. If that makes you uncomfortable, take some time to think about why: it might well be that you want to keep all aspects of your sexuality within a private space, to be enjoyed as part of the whole package of sex and with the same limitations. In which case, while your fetish is not wrong, this site may not be for you.

If you do keep using this site, be aware that this is an environment where a lot of people around you will be engaging with their sexuality without reference to Christianity (as is to be expected, let's be honest). so, as a Christian in this place, it is your responsibility to yourself to choose which conversations to take part in, and which aspects of site activity to engage with (for example, in areas such as Sneezing in the Media, you will have to make a judgement call with regard to what things are appropriate to discuss when dealing with real people. Or perhaps you need to consider the sort of conversations that might be had privately on this site and be clear with yourself where the 'line' is when it comes to discussing/exchanging a form of sexual material with others)

Keep an eye out to be sure that you're not being taken advantage of/led astray by others (especially older forum members- treat us as you would adults in real life, particularly with regard to conversations that contain sexual content for people on this site [even if it wouldn't seem like that to non-fetishists])- but tbh that's just general advice, it would apply even if you weren't Christian.

In terms of not letting your use of this site affect your Christian walk- how important is this site to you? How much time is it consuming day-to-day? How easy would you find it to go without it for a few days? These are the sorts of questions you should be asking to make sure you're not making fetish interactions an idol. Keep assessing your use of the site to make sure it's not starting to take precedence over serving God for you. If you think it might be, take a break!

Make sure this site never becomes the primary thing you do with your life/care about. If you find you're thinking about the forum or fantasizing about sneezing more than you're thinking about anything else, that's probably a sign that you need to take a break and do other stuff. Sexual things shouldn't be dominating your whole life.

In terms of your fetish and everyday life: be thankful to God that he's given you this relatively harmless source of enjoyment. With that in mind, have boundaries. Don't be a total creep when it comes to people with illness/allergies/whatever. And if you find yourself obsessing over someone in real life, wondering what their sneeze is like, always watching/hoping, etc, bear in mind Matthew chapter 5, particularly verses 27-30 (again, if this is tricky, there are plenty of excellent resources on this. Try a 'commentary' on Matthew for some good general explanation- I'm sure someone at your Church will be able to recommend a good one!). Consider if your behaviour is starting to become like that which Jesus warns against here and if so, again, take a step back and work on filling your life with things that give God better service, and on self-discipline.

So yeah.

Short answer: yes, God gave you this to enjoy, you shouldn't feel guilty for having this fetish. But as with all such good things (money, talent, love of sports, artistic gifts, etc) make certain you aren't mis-using his gift or letting it become an idol to you. And keep praying and reading his word! The closer you are to Him, the easier it will be to make good decisions.

I hope this made at least some sense!

Thank you so much! 😊

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Just be careful to not make it the most important thing and perhaps even pray about it. I discovered this forum about 8 or so years ago, but I had this feeling like I had to go to the bathroom from stuff related to sneezing even when I was a young girl. So my feeling is just keep it limited.

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9 hours ago, Scarlet Fury said:

I have not thoroughly read the Bible, but I am a Christian, and I can't imagine why this fetish would be a problem. You're not hurting anybody, you didn't choose to have a fetish, and I don't remember seeing anything about fetishes being a sin (again, have not read the Bible).

Honestly, I think you're all right.


36 minutes ago, blowlovinaspiegurl said:

Just be careful to not make it the most important thing and perhaps even pray about it. I discovered this forum about 8 or so years ago, but I had this feeling like I had to go to the bathroom from stuff related to sneezing even when I was a young girl. So my feeling is just keep it limited.

Thank you all so much for your advice!

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Another thing I'll throw in there is that there are many, many ways of approaching and interpreting Christianity.  So if there is a Christianity that says your fetish is wrong, believe me, there is also a Christianity that says it is OK and you are OK. 

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The problem there is you can fall into the trap of believing in a religion and a god that you've made up to suit your own interests instead of searching for something that is actually objectively true.  Unfortunately, most people do this, and it is a dangerous reason to choose what you will believe or won't believe.

I'd also like to thank RiversD for her very well thought out post, as this is a question I've definitely asked myself before as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As a Christian too, I have sometimes wondered this as well. But I look at it this way, it’s not hurting anyone. It’s something I enjoy in private and I just try to limit how much time I spend thinking about it, etc. so that it is not all-consuming in my life. 

RiversD gives a great answer. 

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  • 3 months later...

I could have posted this at some point in my life.  I think what helped me the most (not with this but other things but would certainly be included here) was reading several Christian authors I respect say that if it is between consenting adults and does not hurt anyone, then of course it is okay.  Our libido was created to be something that brings joy and pleasure.  No guilt needed.  

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Religion plays no role into such mundane fetishes, so you're fine. I don't think the Bible even mentions sneezes at any point.

Trust me, though, I also was confused about whether my fetish was okay back during my early teen years when I was still Christian. I felt like I had to apologize to God every time I thought of sneezes in a sexual way--but as others have mentioned: you're not hurting anybody, Jesus never mentioned this fetish, and I'm certain nobody who wrote the Bible was even aware of the fetish.

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Oh, one other thing I should mention is that I do know a guy on DeviantArt named Mysterysneeze who is very much Christian (even went on a two-year mission, or whatever it's supposed to be called) and has an account mostly about his fetish. I'm sure if a guy like that has a fetish account, involving yourself with this fetish is perfectly fine. :)

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  • 1 month later...

As a Christian, I’d say it’s perfectly fine as long as you have the right intentions for being on this site. The intention of an action determines whether or not the action can be considered a sin. For example, if I were to hit somebody with the knowledge that what I was doing was wrong yet I still did it anyway out of sheer anger, than it’s a sin. If I hit somebody with the intent on defending myself or others your intention is different, therefore not a sin. 

Though an entirely different example than the situation at hand, it can be related. When you spend time on this site ask yourself “what am I here for?” 

It is against the sixth commandment and one of the seven deadly sins to indulge yourself for sexual reasons, but if that’s not your intent then your fine.

Overall, I would say that if you feel your actions on this site are justified than your perfectly fine. Do not let this dominate your lifestyle, controlling every day with just the fetish on mind. Just remember that your goal as a Christian is to live as Jesus would, so try not to stray away from his example.

In this situation it’s intirely up to you what you decide, my words are just merely an opinion. I guess you could consider your fetish a gift from God, but at the same time do not abuse that gift. Make moral decisions that you deem best fit for yourself and your lifestyle; keeping the intention of your actions in mind.

Listen to your conscience and do whatever works best for you! I’m of course aware that there are many different church communities built within the Christian family, so your specific belief could be completely different from mine😊

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Hi! I’m also a fellow Christian. I’ve thought about this before as well and prayed about it for a while, asking God if my fetish was a sin. I told him if it was wrong to show me and I would drop it and live for him. That was a year or so ago. God has, instead of showing me something to tell me this fetish is wrong, showed me it’s just fine. And he continues to bless me (no pun intended) with some great observations and lets me enjoy them. He’s helped me find my boundaries and what to do as well as avoid. I’d suggest if you’re still nervous about it, don’t hesitate to ask Him yourself. Ask Him how you can use your fetish in a healthy way and stay close to Him. 

I hope that helps you and anyone else who may be in this dilemma. God bless

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I am glad I came upon this thread as I also am a believer. But I will say that you can probably enjoy the material however, don't make it take up all the time that you have. and at your age be careful

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  • 3 years later...

Without a doubt you can. All that’s needed to receive the free gift of salvation is faith in Jesus. A fetish has no power over you or God in terms of stopping you from believing

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  • 2 weeks later...

Personally I am not religious. But I'm pretty sure the bible does not say anything about this kink so I'm pretty sure your in the clear. Besides I don't see how it would be "unchristian"

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I am not a Christian, my religion is quite different, but I have often had the opportunity to discuss with Christian, Protestant, Buddhist, Muslim friends or acquaintances on similar subjects. And I think that no fetishism is really prohibited in any religion as long as it is consensual and does not harm anyone.

Some religions oppose practices such as Bdsm, sadomasochism, rape of animals or human beings. In short, anything involving physical, psychological or emotional pain is generally prohibited in most religions. But we should not put all fetishes in this same category. Many fetishes are very open to the needs and well-being of others.

Our fetish in particular is even perceived as a rather soft and tender fetish because a fetish partner is attentive and caring for his boyfriend or girlfriend who has a cold or is ill. This brings a lot of exchanges of compassion and empathy towards each other. Therefore, yes I think that all religions that highlight these two characteristics will accept our fetishism without any concern. :razz:

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I think it depends on your interpretation. To some people, anything sexual is considered a sin, so that would include this I’m sure. But even then, sinning doesn’t make you un-Christian, since all of us sin all the time. So in my opinion, you can definitely still be a Christian, but if it’s something you consider a sin, it might be something to keep in mind when you pray, attend church, etc.

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2 hours ago, jdoe99945 said:

I think it depends on your interpretation. To some people, anything sexual is considered a sin, so that would include this I’m sure. But even then, sinning doesn’t make you un-Christian, since all of us sin all the time. So in my opinion, you can definitely still be a Christian, but if it’s something you consider a sin, it might be something to keep in mind when you pray, attend church, etc.

It’s important not to use the fetish as a means of lust

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