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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Aliens, I can Handle (Torchwood, because there is no such thing as enough)


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It occurs to me that anyone not familiar with Torchwood but reading these anyway may find the relationship dynamic between Jack and Ianto a bit odd.  During the show, they went from strangers, through boss/employee,  with benefits, through an incident of profound betrayal, and built an actual relationship in fits and starts thereafter.  Per my own head canon, Jack has a powerful imperative  hard wired into him to connect with people and he connects with all of his people, not just the ones with whom he has a physical relationship.  The intensity that is Jack Harkness is befuddling at the best of times to the mere mortals passing through his time stream.  He does ultimately make a different kind of relationship with Ianto, that is deeper and more intimate.  (This is of course explored to much greater depth in fanfic, than in canon  because that's what we do).

For purposes of fetish fic, I tend to skip around a bit on where they are in their relationship, and use the whole h/c angle as a means to say, "Oh, I guess we are in *this* stage of a relationship." So, if that relationship--between Jack and Ianto-- seems inconsistent when I write stuff, it's probably because I am writing to a different spot on the timeline.  Maybe that makes a difference, maybe it doesn't.   Maybe I should stop thinking and just make those boys sneeze for us.

This might be all there is for this.  Or, if it has someplace interesting to go, it might not.  Sort of just a fluffy bit of nothing, where Ianto isn't feeling his best and Jack takes him home. (and how serious are we when your boyfriend takes you home sick?  And stays? Even if he might get sick, too?  These are the questions that keep me writing this stuff).



Ianto Jones, tucked in the back office of the Tourist Information Center, behind a beaded curtain, paused his task (totaling monthly expense reports for each of the members of Torchwood 3) drew an audible breath and sneezed, just once. The sneeze had been threatening for a while now, building from a vague sense of discomfort gradually into a much more focused point of sensitivity. Frankly, Ianto had expected it to do a much better job of shaking loose the growing sense of irritation in his sinuses than it had done. He sniffed, annoyed, and sat back in his chair, pinching the bridge of his nose, willing back the insistent tickle back, until the danger of a second sneeze passed, at least for the moment. He coughed, lightly, instead, and frowned as he swallowed a mouthful of lukewarm coffee. He coughed again and closed his eyes, focusing on the rhythm of his pulse as it thumped through the heaviness in his head, and allowed himself to admit (if only to himself) that he was coming down with a cold.

He had spent the morning trying to wash away the barest tickle in his throat, and for a while, he’d convinced himself that the soup and Chinese take out they’d had for lunch had done the trick, but since then, he’d found himself feeling just a bit heavy and slow, just a bit unfocused. He had the firm conviction that this...annoyance...would be considerably less of an impediment to him, if only there was something just a little more pressing going on than tallying up expense reports. Or, maybe something just a little more interesting. All he needed was just some distraction to take his attention away from the persistent twinge in the back of his throat, and to help him shake off the fog in his head and the irritation from his sinuses. A good weevil chase, perhaps, or an alien invasion. Almost anything could be more interesting than expense forms. He sniffed.

Not that he felt he could complain, really. After all, this was just a cold, and really, he didn’t feel all that bad. Bit of a headache, maybe. A tickle in his throat. And the whispery sense that he was going to sneeze again, sometime relatively soon. Just a cold. It amounted to nothing special, but still, it seemed he just couldn’t bring himself to attend properly to the mundane task of tallying up numbers from Owen’s stupid wadded up receipts.

He sniffed again, annoyed that breathing properly through his nose was not quite as effortless as it should be, as it had been this morning. He pushed himself back from the desk, then stretched. As if that might loosen his sinuses a bit, or maybe clear some of the fog in his head.

It was his own fault, he knew that much. He hadn’t really needed to drop in on his sister on Monday afternoon, and hadn’t been specifically invited. But he’d been in the area, close enough to feel guilty about the messages he hadn’t returned, so he thought he would surprise her. And she’d been delighted to see him. So delighted, she’d insisted he stay for dinner, and he had done, and she’d made lamb and leek stew and it had been years since he’d had it and it tasted so much like when mum used to make it.

Of course, David and Misha had been delighted to see their uncle, and had used him extensively as a jungle gym. He hadn’t given a second thought to Misha’s runny nose. Kids were always down with one thing or another, and frankly, she hadn’t seemed the least bit slowed down.

He never dreamt that Misha’s nursery school sniffles would affect him, a full grown adult, and Torchwood agent. He fought aliens, after all. He beat aliens. Aliens, he was beginning to think somewhat ruefully, had nothing on a preschooler with the sniffles.

He could feel another sneeze building deep in his sinuses. A tickle, that worked its way into a twinge, that swelled into an insistent ache, intensifying with every breath. It took its time building, giving him plenty of time to prepare, so thank goodness for that. Handkerchief in hand, eyes closed, he drew a deep breath, then another. Hahhh—CHHHHT! …..hehhh- SHHHHT! The sneezes were powerful, shaking him bodily. Making his head throb, just a bit more loudly. Still, they didn’t shake the tickle. HNGXXXXT!!!! They did seem to set his nose to running slightly. He sniffed against the wetness. He blew his nose. And then he coughed. Definitely coming down with a cold.

He supposed he should be grateful that the rift was quiet today, and he wasn’t out in the wind and wet, but he couldn’t quite help but believe that a little dose of adrenaline would help him route the thick, foggy feeling he couldn’t otherwise seem to shake, that was making it impossible to care about receipts and the expense report. Even a visitor to the Tourist Information Center might be a welcome distraction, but the weather seemed to discourage the tourists, this rainy, chill Thursday of a day, and Ianto was left feeling slow, and distracted and a bit stuffy and sniffly, uselessly waiting for another sneeze.

He coughed again, slightly, against the tickle in his throat, and began to give thought to heading down into the hub in search of something warm to drink. He imagined that a nice cup of tea might be just the thing to soothe his throat, and that breathing in the steam would quiet the tickle in his nose. Then maybe, he could find the focus to finish his tasks.

The trek down to the hub actually seemed to get his blood pumping, and he was pleased when that seemed to free his sinuses from the stuffy sniffly feeling. He decided (firmly) that he felt a bit better for the walk down through the cogwheel door, into the central hub and to the small kitchenette. He set to work filling the kettle, and measuring out tea leaves. Then, he sniffled again.

He closed his eyes and leaned against the counter, for just a minute, waiting for the water to heat, and felt himself suddenly sapped of energy. He sniffed again, and thought to himself that he was even starting to sound like a nursery school student, as he fumbled in his pockets for his handkerchief. He blew his nose into the increasingly damp fabric. And then blew it again. And coughed. He had the presence of mind to suppress a groan, but only just. He hated being ill.

He glanced down at his watch. It was only half three. The afternoon was stretching on, interminably, in the way that a day does when one can’t seem to get anything done. Except sniffle. Or cough. And wait for the next sneeze. The kettle began to whistle, and Ianto sniffed again.

He had intended to just get himself some tea and head back to his work, but the walk back up to the tourist office seemed suddenly daunting. Besides, he reasoned, he’d come this far and he hadn’t seen Jack in a while. Without really meaning to, he found himself hovering at Jack’s office door, cradling his tea. Jack was on the phone, and he almost didn’t enter, but Jack waved him in, gesturing for him to sit.

Ianto settled into a chair across from Jack’s desk and sipped his tea, and silently dabbed at his nose with his handkerchief. He sat for a few minutes, until he realized this call may take some time, and he really didn’t have anything he needed to tell Jack, and that he didn’t really want to just sit here, sniffling into his tea in Jack’s office. In truth, he wasn’t even sure why he’d come here, apart from the fact that Jack’s office was so much closer that the Tourist Information center, and Jack’s office contained Jack. Still, it would hardly do to sit in a lump in Jack’s office, sniffling, until he had to sneeze again, so Ianto rallied his energies and moved to go, but Jack waved him back, so he gave up, and let inertia pull him back down into the chair to sip his tea and wait for Jack to finish.

He closed his eyes, once again counting the rhythm of his pulse in his head, thinking he should maybe take a couple paracetamol against the ache in his head, before he headed back to his numbers. But Jack had wanted him to wait, so he would do that, listening vaguely in on Jack’s one-sided conversation.

He must have dozed off. Because suddenly, Jack was no longer on the phone, and wasn’t at his desk. Instead, Jack was crouching next to Ianto, pulling Ianto’s dangerously tilting teacup away. Ianto sniffed, in abrupt surprise, then blushed deeply at how wet the sniff was, and how disoriented he was by Jack’s sudden appearance by his side.

Hey, you,” Jack said, softly, with maybe the barest hint of fond amusement.

Ianto sniffed again, and mumbled, “Sorry.”

You okay?” Jack asked with genuine concern.

Ianto sniffed again. “I’m fine, Si...ss. Het-SHHHH!

Jack didn’t flinch at all, as Ianto sneezed again, heavily, this time into his rumpled handkerchief. Het-CHMMPH!!

You sound...a little less than fine,” Jack suggested, gently.

Ianto sniffed wetly, the pressure in his sinuses making his eyes tear a bit. He sniffed again, as his nose seemed determined to overflow.

Just a little bit of a head cold, I think,” Ianto admitted, sniffling, and pausing to wipe his nose and dab at his eyes.

I think there’s nothing little about that cold, Ianto. You should go home.” Jack’s tone was kind, but firm.

Ianto sniffed. “No, Sir, really, I’m fine,” Ianto insisted, automatically. “I just...”

Ianto,” Jack said, standing and offering him a hand. “I promise, there’s nothing going on here so pressing that you can’t take off a couple hours early.”

Ianto made to protest, but gave it up for a sneeze instead. And another. And another.

Jack waited until he had recovered enough to blow his nose, and nod, in agreement or in defeat, whichever, before suggesting, “Why don’t I drive you home?”

Ianto blushed deeply. “Really, Sir, I’m fine. It’s just...a…Het’SHHHHH cold.”

Jack nodded, “One that really does seem to be getting the better of you, you know.” He said this, as he laid a hand alongside Ianto’s face, frowning.

Despite himself, Ianto leaned into the coolness of it, forgetting to protest.

Just let me get my coat,” Jack said, leaving Ianto to sort out that this wasn’t a discussion, it had already been decided.

Edited by Jelloicious
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4 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

For purposes of fetish fic, I tend to skip around a bit on where they are in their relationship, and use the whole h/c angle as a means to say, "Oh, I guess we are in *this* stage of a relationship." So, if that relationship--between Jack and Ianto-- seems inconsistent when I write stuff, it's probably because I am writing to a different spot on the timeline. 

This is a perfect explanation and goes for my stories as well...

Having said that, this is wonderful. The description of the interminable descent into misery is so vivid and dynamic. I love the whole first paragraph. It completely sets the tone for everything that follows. And I love the reiteration of him waiting for the next sneeze.

5 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Or, maybe something just a little more interesting. All he needed was just some distraction to take his attention away from the persistent twinge in the back of his throat, and to help him shake off the fog in his head and the irritation from his sinuses. A good weevil chase, perhaps, or an alien invasion. Almost anything could be more interesting than expense forms. He sniffed.

Oh dear.


5 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

It amounted to nothing special, but still, it seemed he just couldn’t bring himself to attend properly to the mundane task of tallying up numbers from Owen’s stupid wadded up receipts.

I love this detail about Owen's receipts, because they totally would be a wadded up mess. LOL


5 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

He never dreamt that Misha’s nursery school sniffles would affect him, a full grown adult, and Torchwood agent. He fought aliens, after all. He beat aliens. Aliens, he was beginning to think somewhat ruefully, had nothing on a preschooler with the sniffles.

Oh no. Sad.


5 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

In truth, he wasn’t even sure why he’d come here, apart from the fact that Jack’s office was so much closer that the Tourist Information center, and Jack’s office contained Jack.



5 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Ianto sniffed, in abrupt surprise, then blushed deeply at how wet the sniff was, and how disoriented he was by Jack’s sudden appearance by his side.

Poor baby!


5 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Hey, you,” Jack said, softly, with maybe the barest hint of fond amusement.

This is cute and sweet.


5 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Ianto blushed deeply. “Really, Sir, I’m fine. It’s just...a…Het’SHHHHH cold.”

Jack nodded, “One that really does seem to be getting the better of you, you know.” He said this, as he laid a hand alongside Ianto’s face, frowning.

Definitely Not fine.


5 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Just let me get my coat,” Jack said, leaving Ianto to sort out that this wasn’t a discussion, it had already been decided.

Yes Ianto, let him take you home and care for you.

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18 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

The sneeze had been threatening for a while now, building from a vague sense of discomfort gradually into a much more focused point of sensitivity. Frankly, Ianto had expected it to do a much better job of shaking loose the growing sense of irritation in his sinuses than it had done.

Don't you just want to scoop him up and squeeze him?? *composes self* I like that he's been waiting for it and now he's, like, disappointed at the sneeze for not doing a good job lol

18 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

He never dreamt that Misha’s nursery school sniffles would affect him, a full grown adult, and Torchwood agent. He fought aliens, after all. He beat aliens. Aliens, he was beginning to think somewhat ruefully, had nothing on a preschooler with the sniffles.

100% true. My friend's kid got me sick a few times and at least once pretty severely. But they're so freaking cute so you have to forgive them

18 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

He glanced down at his watch. It was only half three. The afternoon was stretching on, interminably, in the way that a day does when one can’t seem to get anything done.

I feel this

18 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

He had intended to just get himself some tea and head back to his work, but the walk back up to the tourist office seemed suddenly daunting. Besides, he reasoned, he’d come this far and he hadn’t seen Jack in a while.

I can feel that, too. Plus, you're right there, might as well take a peek at that sweet little button 

18 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Hey, you,” Jack said, softly, with maybe the barest hint of fond amusement.

I adore this! Soooo sweet, all gentle. 

18 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

You sound...a little less than fine,” Jack suggested, gently.

(Sorry, I can't seem to grab the first quotation mark...it's annoying me) totally adorable. I like this side of Jack

18 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Jack nodded, “One that really does seem to be getting the better of you, you know.” He said this, as he laid a hand alongside Ianto’s face, frowning.

Despite himself, Ianto leaned into the coolness of it, forgetting to protest.

I'd forget, too

18 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Just let me get my coat,” Jack said, leaving Ianto to sort out that this wasn’t a discussion, it had already been decided.

(Ha! Got it!) I like it; decision made, let's go!

18 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Maybe that makes a difference, maybe it doesn't.   Maybe I should stop thinking and just make those boys sneeze for us.

Not sure if it does or not but I appreciate your thoughts on it as well as the work you do for us. You're an excellent storyteller 

18 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

This might be all there is for this.  Or, if it has someplace interesting to go, it might not.  Sort of just a fluffy bit of nothing, where Ianto isn't feeling his best and Jack takes him home. (and how serious are we when your boyfriend takes you home sick?  And stays? Even if he might get sick, too?  These are the questions that keep me writing this stuff).

Noooo, don't leave it here! We have to make sure Ianto gets home and snugged up in his bed!

Also, does it make s difference if your boyfriend is your boss that told you to home? I think pretty serious when he stays to make sure you're ok

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On 9/22/2018 at 11:59 AM, Jelloicious said:

and how serious are we when your boyfriend takes you home sick?  And stays? Even if he might get sick, too?

I think this is stuff you do really well, and always have enjoyed that aspect of your writing! I’m only passingly familiar with the canon, so I can’t speak to its tone or pitch, but I always feel I know precisely how developed the romantic relationship is between them within the first scene of them together in one of your fics. And I adore how you write vulnerable Ianto, and I don’t think that’s likely to change anytime soon. 

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On 9/22/2018 at 4:24 PM, AngelEyes said:

The description of the interminable descent into misery is so vivid and dynamic. I love the whole first paragraph. It completely sets the tone for everything that follows.

Thank you!   The particular point where a character is overwhelmed by enough evidence to admit they are ill is a favorite of mine.   


On 9/23/2018 at 6:00 AM, ReidSeeker said:

My friend's kid got me sick a few times and at least once pretty severely. But they're so freaking cute so you have to forgive them

That's the truth!  (I also find it humorous that this cold amounted to not much of anything for Ianto's niece, but is kicking his butt.  And he doesn't think that's fair at all). 


On 9/23/2018 at 6:00 AM, ReidSeeker said:

I feel this

This is the worst feeling.  Not bad enough to take off, not enough going on at work to focus, and then you spend that whole dissatisfying afternoon not getting anything done.  I believe this is particularly annoying for Ianto, who prides himself on his efficiency.


On 9/23/2018 at 6:00 AM, ReidSeeker said:

I appreciate your thoughts on it as well as the work you do for us. You're an excellent storyteller 

:blush:  Thank you!  

On 9/23/2018 at 6:00 AM, ReidSeeker said:

Noooo, don't leave it here! We have to make sure Ianto gets home and snugged up in his bed!

Well, you know, sometimes in Torchwood, that's hard to do.  But, you're right.  We should at least try.

13 hours ago, queenie said:

I know precisely how developed the romantic relationship is between them within the first scene of them together in one of your fics. And I adore how you write vulnerable Ianto

I'm glad...I'm never sure how that comes across, though I am always thinking about where they are in the relationship, and tend to put them in different places in different stories.



Ianto was embarrassed to have Jack drive him home ill, like some school child. Sure, their relationship had evolved outside of the traditional parameters of boss and employee, and even beyond the physical. Jack was his closest friend. But this whole...carrying him home to tuck him in bed struck a domestic note that they hadn’t reached before in their relationship, and Ianto wasn’t entirely sure they were ready for. Wasn’t sure he was ready for.

Lisa had been an adventurer, but she’d never had much of a domestic streak. Really, she’d been a borderline germaphobe, avoiding Ianto almost entirely when he came down with the flu that one time. Never mind that he’d almost certainly caught it from her in the first place. No, it was always Ianto who was the caretaker. Jack’s single-minded determination to take care of his people, Ianto could deal with. He just wasn’t sure what to do with Jack’s single-minded determination to take care of him.

Normally, Ianto would either determinedly deny a head cold out of existence, or else hide down in the archives as much as possible, until the bloody thing passed, preferably without the notice of his colleagues. Today, he had not managed to do either. Today, he’d managed to both fall asleep in the boss’s office, and then (mortifyingly)  wake up and sneeze on him.

Normally, the idea of Jack taking him home to bed would have held the promise of a wonderful evening. Today, he was a sniffling sneezing mess, and apparently at best projected the air of ‘not competent to drive his own self home.’ Yes, it was all just mortifying, so he allowed himself to close his eyes in the moving car, and focus on the throb of his pulse.

Today, Ianto had come down with one hell of a cold, that simply wasn’t going to be ignored, or brushed aside. This was the sort of cold that would demand a sacrifice of tea, soups and more tissues than he likely had on hand. He wondered idly if he had any of that medicine that would knock him out and he could just sleep through until he felt better. He was pretty sure that if he did, it was long expired. He was also pretty sure he wasn’t going to rally the energy for a trip to Tesco tonight, either.

He must have dozed off again, because the next thing he knew, Jack’s hand was on his and they were no longer moving.

Ianto,” Jack’s voice was low and soothing. “We’re here.”

Ianto blinked stupidly for a moment, getting his bearings. Why was it that admitting to oneself that one was ill made it all feel so much worse, he wondered, as he fumbled with the car door, unaccustomed to being a passenger in his own car. Jack moved to help him, as if he were an invalid, and not just a grown man laid low by a case of the sniffles. Mortifying was definitely the word, Ianto thought, even as he scrambled to locate the handkerchief that was already in his hand. H’Chhhhmph!!! Heh’ Choomph!!!

You really have picked up quite a bug,” Jack observed, as he unlocked Ianto’s front door, letting them both in the small flat and Ianto sneezed mightily, yet again.

Ianto blew his nose, in agreement, cleared his throat, and said in a voice half a step lower than normal, “Went by to see my sister a few days ago. My three year old niece was sniffling a bit, but I didn’t think anything of it.” Ianto hung up his coat, and dropped heavily on the sofa, wiping his nose again. “I think... HeyiSHOOO!!!.. I’ve been felled by a case of nursery school sniffles,” he admitted, ruefully.

Jack laughed, surprisingly, as he hung up his own coat. “Children are cute but they are nothing if not tiny little germ factories! I remember a time when…” Jack’s story was cut off as his wrist strap bleated insistently.  Jack scowled at the readout. “Well, so much for taking you home, making you tea and tucking you into bed,” Jack said. “Weevils, down by the University.”

Ianto coughed. “How many?”

Four, it looks like,” Jack said, as he shouldered back into his greatcoat. Ianto sighed and pulled himself from the couch. Jack frowned. “I’ve got this, Ianto. Fix yourself some tea and go to bed.” His tone was that of an order.

That’s four weevils, Jack. You shouldn’t even try that alone.” Ianto coughed again, and reached for his own coat.

I’ve got this,” Jack said again, firmly, placing a hand on Ianto's arm. “You’re ill, and you have no business trying to wrangle weevils. I can do four weevils in my sleep.”

Jack, you know better than that. You always take me along when there’s more than one.” Ianto paused, and attempted to stifle a sneeze, without much success.   'Ngxxxt!!

Jack squared himself to face his young lover. “Weevils can sense weakness. You’re much more likely to be hurt if you are ill.” Jack reached up to touch the younger man’s face, which was slightly flushed. Jack was sure he was running at least a low grade fever. “Besides, I don’t take you weevil hunting all the time because I need your help….I take you along just to spend more time with you.” Jack said, with a wink, and then he pulled Ianto in close, and kissed the top of his head. “You rest," he said, softly, "I’ll be back later to check on you.”

And then Jack was gone.

Edited by Jelloicious
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13 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Today, he’d managed to both fall asleep in the boss’s office, and then (mortifyingly)  wake up and sneeze on him.

But...how cute

13 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

This was the sort of cold that would demand a sacrifice of tea, soups and more tissues than he likely had on hand.

Haha I like the cold demands a sacrifice! I am going to think in this term every sickness 

13 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Ianto,” Jack’s voice was low and soothing. “We’re here.

(Grrr can't get that quotation mark!) I really love Jack in this story (and, you know, in general lol) He's so sweet; really showing how he cares for Ianto 

14 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Jack was sure he was running at least a low grade fever. “Besides, I don’t take you weevil hunting all the time because I need your help….I take you along just to spend more time with you.” Jack said, with a wink, and then he pulled Ianto in close, and kissed the top of his head. “You rest," he said, softly, "I’ll be back later to check on you.

Aw, a little fever...a little kiss on the head...aw

14 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

And then Jack was gone.

I just can feel that loss 

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On 9/24/2018 at 10:20 AM, Jelloicious said:

Sure, their relationship had evolved outside of the traditional parameters of boss and employee, and even beyond the physical. Jack was his closest friend. But this whole...carrying him home to tuck him in bed struck a domestic note that they hadn’t reached before in their relationship, and Ianto wasn’t entirely sure they were ready for. Wasn’t sure he was ready for.

I like this uncertainty.


On 9/24/2018 at 10:20 AM, Jelloicious said:

Today, he was a sniffling sneezing mess, and apparently at best projected the air of ‘not competent to drive his own self home.’ Yes, it was all just mortifying, so he allowed himself to close his eyes in the moving car, and focus on the throb of his pulse.

Poor dear.


On 9/24/2018 at 10:20 AM, Jelloicious said:

This was the sort of cold that would demand a sacrifice of tea, soups and more tissues than he likely had on hand.

Totally love this imagery, a sacrifice to gods of illness, lol.


On 9/24/2018 at 10:20 AM, Jelloicious said:

Jack squared himself to face his young lover. “Weevils can sense weakness. You’re much more likely to be hurt if you are ill.” Jack reached up to touch the younger man’s face, which was slightly flushed. Jack was sure he was running at least a low grade fever. “Besides, I don’t take you weevil hunting all the time because I need your help….I take you along just to spend more time with you.” Jack said, with a wink, and then he pulled Ianto in close, and kissed the top of his head.

Definitely not a good idea Ianto. And Jack is adorable, taking him along just to have him there. And the kiss to his head, Awwww.


On 9/24/2018 at 10:20 AM, Jelloicious said:

And then Jack was gone.

I can imagine Ianto just standing there momentarily at a loss.

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Ianto is right that Jack shouldn’t go alone. But Jack is right that Ianto shouldn’t go at all. The tenderness Jack displays here is very dear and makes my heart feel squishy. I can’t wait to find out what happens after!

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On 9/25/2018 at 10:55 PM, queenie said:

The tenderness Jack displays here is very dear and makes my heart feel squishy.

He has just that sort of effect on Ianto, too.  

On 9/25/2018 at 8:19 PM, AngelEyes said:

I like this uncertainty.

That's kind of the thrilling space they are in just now with the relationship.  Something is changing, and neither one is sure what.  It's thrilling and scary and hopeful all at once.  

On 9/25/2018 at 8:19 PM, AngelEyes said:

Jack is adorable, taking him along just to have him there.

This is a sort of half-truth, half-tease.  Ianto knows he's useful in a hunt, and Jack knows he knows.  But Jack taking him along just for the company in a novel thought.  I'm pretty sure Owen thinks "Ianto, let's go hunt some weevils" is code for something else he'd rather not know about.

On 9/25/2018 at 12:24 AM, ReidSeeker said:

Haha I like the cold demands a sacrifice! I am going to think in this term every sickness

...as you should!!

On 9/25/2018 at 12:24 AM, ReidSeeker said:

Aw, a little fever...a little kiss on the head...aw

I know you like just that sort of thing.  

So, what do we do now?   Ianto, left alone and sniffly and a little off balance?  Definitely missing Jack, who is off to take care of the weevils.  Anyone up for a little Jack torture?  Maybe not the sneezing sort.  (yet, anyway...you never know). Is this relationship to the point of snuggling while ill?  If not, maybe it should be.  Wonder if the boys will figure it out...



Ianto stood in the middle of his flat, for a few more moments after the door shut behind Jack, annoyed at the man for being so damned self-assured, and maybe just a little bit worried that he would get himself hurt taking on four weevils at once (not that there was anything that could take out Jack Harkness, but it was the principle of the thing). He was also befuddled and slightly unbalanced by Jack’s comment that he really took Ianto weevil hunting just to so he could spend more time with him. With his head thick and slow with a cold, he was unable to work out properly what to do with all this. In the end, he simply drew a deep breath and sneezed. And then sneezed again.

In the privacy of his own flat, he indulged himself with a pitiful, miserable, moan  before sniffling wetly. Jack was probably right. He’d be a liability in a weevil fight, the way this cold had hit him. Probably unable to do more than sneeze at the weevils. Hehh...hehhhh, hashoo! Hashoo!!!  snifff.....Probably the best he could manage tonight would be to give a weevil his cold. He blew his nose again, in an utterly inadequate attempt to clear it. Finally, he decided that a hot shower might be just the thing.

The hot water beating down on him felt good, and washed away some of the ache from his bones that he hadn’t even been aware of, even as it warmed him. He tried his best to clear his sinuses, but this little virus had clearly set up shop in his head, and it seemed that he was going to spend his evening alternating between sniffling, sneezing and blowing his increasingly irritated nose, as his body attempted valiantly to wash the invading virus out. He coughed, and hoped Jack was able to route the weevils quickly and would turn back up in one piece, with his cocky grin. And maybe some dinner.

After the shower, he sneezed, and then dressed himself warmly, comfortably, in soft fleece pajama pants, an old sweatshirt, and wool socks. Sniffling, he fished the last few tissues from the box on his bedside table, and blew his nose. In the kitchen, he set his kettle to boil, while he sneezed again twice more into his crumpled tissues, and blew his nose again. He padded back down the hall to the bedroom, where he pulled his softest pillow and his duvet from the bed, pausing to sneeze again, three times and then relocated these things to the couch, sniffling. He located a bottle of paracetamol and a fresh box of tissues in the bathroom cabinet, sneezed twice, then opened the box and pulled out a tissue in time to catch another pair of sneezes. He blew his nose, yet again, then followed the shrill whistle to the teapot, and fixed himself a nice cup of tea. Finally, he settled, still sniffling, onto the couch, placed his tea onto the low coffee table, next to the paracetamol, picked up the tissue box, wrapped himself in his duvet, drew out yet another tissue, closed his eyes, and allowed himself to wallow fully in the misery of his cold while he waited for Jack to come back. With any luck, Jack would bring back some soup.


Jack was only partially truthful when he told Ianto he took him weevil hunting for the company. Ianto was normally the best partner for weevil hunting, with quick reflexes and a level head in the frequently unpredictable situations that were so common with weevils. Jack enjoyed watching Ianto's competent efficiency developing into devastating effectiveness in the field. He was immeasurably proud of his office boy turned field agent.  The weevils could be quite vicious, but Jack always did his best not to harm them if he could help it, and Ianto's unshakable calm was was a true asset with that. After all, it wasn’t the fault of the weevils that they had been hijacked by the Rift, and deposited here, strangers in a strange land, with no way to communicate, and so far as Jack knew, no way home.

Four was a lot of weevils, even for Jack, but he’d faced worse, and Ianto was clearly in no shape to be out this evening. Even so, Jack knew the job would be tougher and more dangerous for his absence. And Jack was sorry to leave the young man behind looking so thoroughly (adorably) miserable. He’d have much preferred to spend the evening snuggling with Ianto, than with a snarling pack of weevils. Something about his sniffly Ianto really tugged at Jack, somewhere deep, under his rib cage.

Of course, for all that Jack was missing the younger man on this hunt, the weather tonight would’ve done Ianto no favors. Not quite to freezing, is was still wet and slick out, and most definitely the wrong kind of weather to be out tromping about with a head cold. For that matter, Jack would have given it a pass himself. The wet never actually built  itself up to more than a light rain, but it was enough to work its way down the back of Jack’s neck and soak his trousers above his boots by the time he had successfully driven three of the four prowling weevils back into the sewers. That had taken the better part of two hours. The fourth weevil, however, most stubbornly refused to cooperate, and Jack was beginning to think he’d have to capture this one and take it in. At least the odds were more even now, he thought to himself, and he’d slowly worked the alien further away from the university and into an industrial area where they were far less likely to run across (and maul) an unsuspecting civilian.

Weevils were definitely not known for their social skills, and were outfitted with the teeth to be quite deadly. Still, they were not exceptionally aggressive.  At least not unless they were cornered. Jack had been methodically working to corner the fourth weevil for some time now, and his success was marked by an increasingly agitated response from his quarry. Despite what he’d told Ianto, this was the point he really could have used the back up, as getting close enough to take in a weevil without killing it generally meant getting close enough to where it could do some real damage. He knew a good deal of care and caution would be required.

Maybe he was distracted by thoughts of home, hearth and a certain Welshman. Maybe the rain slick streets had started to freeze, making things just a bit more treacherous. Maybe his cold-numbed fingers were just a shade too slow. Maybe it was just this particular weevil. Jack couldn’t say for sure. He lost sight of the weevil for only few moments and in that time, the creature routed around and struck him from the side, sending the weevil spray out of his hand and rattling across the cobblestones. In a single smooth movement Jack had his Webley in hand, and fired several bullets in succession at close range, in the exact spot required to take down a weevil, but not before the creature got one solidly vicious strike in on Jack, fully severing his femoral artery.

Jack had enough experience to recognize a fatal wound when he saw it, and he sat down heavily on the pavement, next to the body of the weevil. He was light headed and shocky already as he watched his lifeblood bubbling out with each beat of his heart, and he hoped that this was a sign that he wouldn’t have to wait long. He had time to wish he were at least in the dry warmth of the car, but he knew that Ianto wouldn’t appreciate the blood on the upholstery. He gave a shaky laugh at the thought. He was probably a mile away from Ianto’s car by now, anyway. He’d never make it. He thought about calling Gwen or Owen, or Tosh, but but his hands had gone all tingly now, and he couldn’t work his mobile. So he just waited, next to the body of the weevil,  cold rain  soaking steadily through him, even has his blood soaked the pavement.

Edited by Jelloicious
damned commas...
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Jack is going to need a hot shower and tea of his own! Ianto is going to be so concerned when he turns back up, even if Jack tries not to tell him what happened. And poor Ianto is really too ill to lose sleep worrying. 

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... Ianto is going to be beside himself when he sees Jack's bloody and torn clothes. I smell a case of the guilties! Also, always a treat to read your stuff, Jello! You do Torchwood so well. I will never get tired of reading Sick!Ianto fic. NEVAAARR!

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9 hours ago, queenie said:

Jack is going to need a hot shower and tea of his own!

You know, caretaking Ianto is as essential as sniffly Ianto.  

9 hours ago, BookQ36 said:

Also, always a treat to read your stuff, Jello! You do Torchwood so well. I will never get tired of reading Sick!Ianto fic. NEVAAARR!

Thank you!!!!  So glad you are enjoying this!  (So happy when I find new Torchwood peeps to enjoy Sick!Ianto with!!)


So...sorry for the overwhelming lack of sneezes in this bit, but you know we left Jack bleeding out on the pavement.  Needed to bring him home.  Nice servings of h/c though to make up for the lack of sniffles.


Jack awoke with a gasp, and sat up. He was obliged to brace himself with a hand as he tried to steady himself and work out where he was and how he’d managed to die this time. He took in the body of the dead weevil lying next to him, and the washed out blood on the pavement, and it all came back. He shivered with the cold, or maybe with the memory of the weevil’s last swipe.

He was always cold when he came back from a death and could sometimes guess how long he’d been down by just how cold he was when was unceremoniously shoved back into life, but tonight, with the weather, it was beyond useless to guess how long he’d been down. It was still thoroughly dark out, and he was soaked through, and felt about half frozen. He moved stiffly to check his wrist strap. Down maybe an hour and a half, or maybe two, give or take. He pulled in a deep breath, and struggled to his feet, swaying for a moment as he stood. He hated death by bleeding out. He always woke up dizzy and disoriented, with an unearthly chill in his bones that would take hours and sometimes days to shake. The weather was definitely not helping that last, either, he thought with a violent shiver, as his body set about trying to warm up.

Jack was alive again, but his companion remained solidly dead. Jack prodded the weevil with his foot, just to be sure. Jack took a few moments to work the light headed tingling sensation out of his body before beginning the slow, unsteady trek back to Ianto’s car. Once there, he dropped heavily into the driver’s seat, and closed his eyes as he tried to catch his breath. Then, he started the car, cranked the heat up and drove back to where he’d left the weevil. He found a tarp folded neatly in the boot, and declared it suitable for wrapping the weevil body in. Still deathly cold, he struggled a bit to gather up the alien corpse, stagger to the car and shove it gracelessly in the boot, but he managed. The physical effort seemed to warm him sufficiently to slow the wracking shivers, at least.

Weevil stashed, he climbed back in the car. He knew he should just take the weevil to the hub, but death by bleeding out had left him exhausted.  He was cold and tired and Ianto’s was so much closer. And with the weather hovering right around freezing, he reasoned, the weevil would keep just fine where it was.

Twenty minutes later, he let himself silently into Ianto’s flat, which was deliciously warm, and dimly illuminated by the irregular blinking light of the television, set to mute. Ianto was sound asleep on the couch, swathed in blankets, and surrounded by wadded up tissues, snoring a congested snore. Jack smiled at the sight of his lover, was glad he’d come back here, instead of the Hub. Jack toed off his wet boots by the door, and hung his coat to dry. His clothes were covered with mud, weevil blood and a sickening amount of his own blood, and he knew he'd best take the chance to slip by Ianto’s sleeping form and get cleaned up. Still, he was drawn to the sleeping man, who somehow managed to look even younger asleep. Unable to resist, he leaned in to brush a stray curl from Ianto’s forehead.

Ianto stirred at Jack’s no doubt icy touch, and Jack step back behind the couch, out of Ianto’s view, silently cursing himself, and hoping the young man would slip back into sleep.  He had no business interrupting Ianto's sleep, worrying the young man.

Jack?” Ianto's voice cracked painfully.

It’s me. Go back to sleep.” Jack said, voice shaking slightly from the lingering shivers. “I’m just going to go clean up a bit.”

Ianto shifted on the couch, pulling himself upright. He coughed once, and then again, and blinked into the half-light of the television looking for Jack.

Maybe, Jack thought, he wouldn’t see the blood stains on the dark blue shirt.

Gods, Jack, what happened?” The concern in Ianto’s voice made it more than clear than he had.

Jack shrugged. “Jack 3, Weevils 1,” he said, sheepishly.

Ianto blinked at him.

No, really, you should see the other guy,” Jack joked, putting on a hearty grin, even as another shiver shook him.

Are you alright?” Ianto said, worried now.

I am now,” Jack said firmly, and leaned in to kiss Ianto gently, reassuringly.

You’re freezing, Jack,” Ianto said with concern, even as he sniffled wetly. Most people who knew about Jack’s peculiar affliction, considered him to be invulnerable and treated him as such. Not Ianto, though. Ianto knew almost instinctively when Jack had died, and even if death wasn’t permanent, Ianto never considered it a casual affair. This alone warmed Jack, and he smiled affectionately, and reassuringly at Ianto, before turning the concern back on the other man.

You should be in bed,” Jack said, firmly.

Ianto coughed, and sniffed again.  "I should never have let you go out alone."

"I'm fine, Ianto," Jack insisted. "The weevils have been taken care of.  Cardiff is safe, and you have no business out on a night like tonight, unless you want to turn that cold into pneumonia."

"Jack..." Ianto began, but Jack cut him off.

“I’m going to get cleaned up, and get warmed up. It’s been a hell of a night, but it’s all okay now.”

Ianto answered with a mighty sneeze.

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Two bits! Yay!

On 9/26/2018 at 9:29 AM, Jelloicious said:

He was also befuddled and slightly unbalanced by Jack’s comment that he really took Ianto weevil hunting just to so he could spend more time with him. With his head thick and slow with a cold, he was unable to work out properly what to do with all this. In the end, he simply drew a deep breath and sneezed. And then sneezed again.

Sneeze is precisely what you should do 😈

I like the paragraph of action, sneeze, action, sneeze...well done

On 9/26/2018 at 9:29 AM, Jelloicious said:

With any luck, Jack would bring back some soup.

Uh oh seems like a no

On 9/26/2018 at 9:29 AM, Jelloicious said:

Something about his sniffly Ianto really tugged at Jack, somewhere deep, under his rib cage.

Oh, man, you and everyone here, Jack

On 9/26/2018 at 9:29 AM, Jelloicious said:

Jack had enough experience to recognize a fatal wound when he saw it, and he sat down heavily on the pavement

...aw, that's sad

On 9/26/2018 at 9:29 AM, Jelloicious said:

he watched his lifeblood bubbling out with each beat of his heart, and he hoped that this was a sign that he wouldn’t have to wait long. He had time to wish he were at least in the dry warmth of the car, but he knew that Ianto wouldn’t appreciate the blood on the upholstery. He gave a shaky laugh at the thought. He was probably a mile away from Ianto’s car by now, anyway. He’d never make it. He thought about calling Gwen or Owen, or Tosh, but but his hands had gone all tingly now, and he couldn’t work his mobile. So he just waited, next to the body of the weevil,  cold rain  soaking steadily through him, even has his blood soaked the pavement

! Oh my gosh! How awful! Just sitting there, hoping death comes quick, knowing you'll be back. It's heartbreaking 

Lucky for me, there's a second bit 

5 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

He was always cold when he came back from a death 

...aw 😢

5 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

He found a tarp folded neatly in the boot, and declared it suitable for wrapping the weevil body in. 

Well, that's Ianto for you--prepared!

5 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

“I’m going to get cleaned up, and get warmed up. It’s been a hell of a night, but it’s all okay now.”

Ianto answered with a mighty sneeze.

Yes, please remove the gross substances and get snuggly

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On 9/26/2018 at 8:29 AM, Jelloicious said:

He was also befuddled and slightly unbalanced by Jack’s comment that he really took Ianto weevil hunting just to so he could spend more time with him. With his head thick and slow with a cold, he was unable to work out properly what to do with all this. In the end, he simply drew a deep breath and sneezed. And then sneezed again.

Love this. I can totally picture it.

I love the scenes of action, sneezes, action, sneezes, As Reid said.

On 9/26/2018 at 8:29 AM, Jelloicious said:

Jack enjoyed watching Ianto's competent efficiency developing into devastating effectiveness in the field. He was immeasurably proud of his office boy turned field agent.

Go Ianto!


On 9/26/2018 at 8:29 AM, Jelloicious said:

Jack had enough experience to recognize a fatal wound when he saw it, and he sat down heavily on the pavement, next to the body of the weevil. He was light headed and shocky already as he watched his lifeblood bubbling out with each beat of his heart, and he hoped that this was a sign that he wouldn’t have to wait long.

Oh no!


7 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

He hated death by bleeding out. He always woke up dizzy and disoriented, with an unearthly chill in his bones that would take hours and sometimes days to shake.

Is this actually canon, or have we just made it head canon? I don't remember, but it works for me.


7 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

And with the weather hovering right around freezing, he reasoned, the weevil would keep just fine where it was.



7 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Still, he was drawn to the sleeping man, who somehow managed to look even younger asleep.

He does, so adorable!


7 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Maybe, Jack thought, he wouldn’t see the blood stains on the dark blue shirt.

Gods, Jack, what happened?” The concern in Ianto’s voice made it more than clear than he had.



7 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Most people who knew about Jack’s peculiar affliction, considered him to be invulnerable and treated him as such. Not Ianto, though. Ianto knew almost instinctively when Jack had died, and even if death wasn’t permanent, Ianto never considered it a casual affair.

I love this distinction.

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18 hours ago, ReidSeeker said:

Oh my gosh! How awful! Just sitting there, hoping death comes quick, knowing you'll be back. It's heartbreaking 

Jack torture is nearly as fun as Ianto torture, don't you think?

18 hours ago, ReidSeeker said:

Well, that's Ianto for you--prepared!

Yes...makes you wonder what would happen if Ianto were stopped with all the stuff in his trunk on a day he forgot to bring his Torchood ID.  I would imagine there is rope, duct tape,  and a box of large black rubbish liners in his trunk, too. 

16 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

Is this actually canon, or have we just made it head canon? I don't remember, but it works for me.

Pretty sure this is not canon...it  seems a reasonable extrapolation and just works nicely in H/C fic, so I say we keep it.  SFAIK, canon showed a very painful (and graphic) working back into life when he got blown to bits, but he otherwise seems to bounce back pretty quickly as a rule.  I am working on the theory that manner of death therefore impacts recovery.  Going with the idea that Jack can revive before he is fully healed (CoE bears this out) so maybe it takes a bit of time to replace all the blood he lost.

16 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

I love this distinction.

THIS is canon.


Onward...for some cute domestic mush.  Of course, when you are close enough to mush, you're also probably close enough to annoy the crap out of your partner, too.



Jack stayed in the shower until there was no more hot water, and still he was cold. But he was no longer wracked by painful quaking shivers, so there was that. When he got out of the shower, he wasn’t really surprised to see his ruined clothing had been removed from the bathroom floor. Ianto even had a small pot of canned soup simmering and Jack had to admit it smelled heavenly. Just the thing after bleeding out, he thought, just the thing to warm him on the inside. Ianto buried a wet, painful sounding sneeze into a crumpled tissue, and Jack thought it was probably also just the thing for Ianto’s cold, too.

Jack had wrapped himself in Ianto’s thick robe and joined the younger man at the small table in the kitchen. Ianto certainly looked ill. His eyes looked heavy and his hair was a mess. Ianto’s nose was irritated and red. He looked like he’d given up fully on trying to breathe through his nose, and his pink lips were parted. Jack liked the untidy curls that stuck in all directions, though.  Ianto looked just immensely snuggleable, and Jack drew the younger man into his arms. “You look like hell,” Jack said with an affectionate smile. Ianto blushed, then coughed. “So do you.”

Jack grinned, then bent his head to kiss Ianto again, gently, as much to show him that he was okay, alive and warming up as for the kiss itself. He released Ianto only as he felt the younger man tense, draw a sharp breath to sneeze again.  Huh'TCHHHH

Bless you,” Jack said.

You really shouldn’t kiss be, Jack,” Ianto said, voice thick with congestion.

But you’re just so…. kissable,” Jack said, disagreeing with a lopsided grin.

Tell be that whed you catch this cold,” Ianto scolded him, stuffily.

I haven’t had a cold since sometime in the 90’s” Jack boasted, confidently. “I don’t think I even can, anymore.”

Well, good for you, thed.” Ianto said, with maybe the barest hint of resentment, which Jack swept away with another, deeper kiss, that Ianto didn't resist.

Finally, Ianto regretfully broke off the kiss in order to breathe. “I made…..soup,” he managed.

Jack closed his eyes and breathed deeply, “That sounds lovely.” The thought of warm soup in his belly was heavenly.

Jack was warmed considerably by this middle of the night meal, and he forgot to feel guilty about interrupting his lover’s sleep, as he told Ianto about his venture with the weevils. They ate, Jack talked, and Ianto sniffled. Jack had to pause his story telling when Ianto held up a hand and sneezed several times in succession, and Jack frowned.

That cold of yours just seems to keep getting worse,” Jack commented. “How are you feeling?”

Ianto shrugged, and paused to sneeze harshly yet again before answering. “Tired. Tired of sneezing my damned head off. I think I’ve sneezed my way though ad edtire box of tissues todight,” he admitted, “but I actually think I feel a bit better than I did earlier, thadks.” He paused to blow his nose again, before continuing. “adyway, I’m dot the one who died todght. How are you feelig?”

Warmer than when I got here,” Jack said, with a weary smile. “Tired enough to sleep for hours,” He let his eyes close as he savored the warmth of the soup, and Ianto’s presence. He took the young man’s hand in his own. “M’ glad I came here, instead of going back to the hub,” he said, sleepily. He closed his eyes again, and let them stay closed, looking forward to sleeping soundly with Ianto curled in his arms. “Thanks. For the soup,” he remembered to say, after a moment.

It’s just canned soup,” Ianto pointed out. Then, remembering something,  he frowned. “What…..what did you do with the weevil, Jack?”

Hmmm?” Jack’s eyes were still closed, and his head nodded slightly, tired, full, home with Ianto, and ready to give in to the exhaustion.


Jack opened his eyes, Ianto’s tone was insistent, despite his congestion, and Jack forced his foggy brain to focus on the other man.

The weevil….”

Jack frowned.  "It's dead."

"What did you do with the weevil?"  Ianto ennunciated slowly.

Oh. Well. I found a tarp in the boot of your car. I wrapped it up in that. It’s cold enough, I figure it will keep just fine until morning.”

Ianto put his spoon down on the table. “You mead there’s a dead weevil in by car?”

Jack shrugged. Then frowned. Seemed to sense something was wrong, but.... “….Yes?”

My new car?”

Jack swallowed. Ianto had traded in his last car because he couldn’t get the exhaust fumes out of the upholstery. That had been Jack’s fault, too. “It’s….wrapped up” he said, beginning to sense Ianto's displeasure..

Jack, do you have ady idea how hard it is to get the weevil smell out of upholstery?” Ianto sniffed, indignantly, stuffily.

Jack shrugged again. “I’m pretty sure you won’t be able to smell it. At least not until you get over that awful cold.”


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2 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

he wasn’t really surprised to see his ruined clothing had been removed from the bathroom floor. Ianto even had a small pot of canned soup simmering and Jack had to admit it smelled heavenly.

Ianto's such a good boy. Jack seems to be taking him for granted 😕

2 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Jack had wrapped himself in Ianto’s thick robe 


2 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Ianto looked just immensely snuggleable,

Always 🤗

2 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

You really shouldn’t kiss be, Jack,” Ianto said, voice thick with congestion.

But you’re just so…. kissable,” Jack said, disagreeing with a lopsided grin.

Tell be that whed you catch this cold,” Ianto scolded him, stuffily.

I haven’t had a cold since sometime in the 90’s” Jack boasted, confidently. “I don’t think I even can, anymore.”

Well, good for you, thed.” Ianto said, with maybe the barest hint of resentment, which Jack swept away with another, deeper kiss, that Ianto didn't resist.


Looooove his congestion 

Just cause you HAVEN'T doesn't mean you CANNOT. Maybe your exposure has been all up in someone's face. 🙄

2 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

 “I made…..soup,” he managed

I love how you wrote this. I can just hear that breath

2 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

he forgot to feel guilty about interrupting his lover’s sleep,

You're killing me, man.

3 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

That cold of yours just seems to keep getting worse,” Jack commented. “How are you feeling?

(Can't get that dang quotation mark!) Oh! Nice of you to ask. 😐

3 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

What…..what did you do with the weevil, Jack?


3 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

"What did you do with the weevil?"  Ianto ennunciated slowly.


3 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Jack, do you have ady idea how hard it is to get the weevil smell out of upholstery?” Ianto sniffed, indignantly, stuffily.

Jack shrugged again. “I’m pretty sure you won’t be able to smell it. At least not until you get over that awful cold.”

😳 oh no you did not! Oooo! Ooooo! Trouble!!!! 

Jack is getting on my nerves. Maybe it's just me today. Maybe he doesn't deserve Ianto awesomeness 

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10 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Jack liked the untidy curls that stuck in all directions, though. 

My favorite! So irresistible!


10 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

I haven’t had a cold since sometime in the 90’s” Jack boasted, confidently. “I don’t think I even can, anymore.”

Methinks he may be a bit too cocky...


10 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Ianto shrugged, and paused to sneeze harshly yet again before answering. “Tired. Tired of sneezing my damned head off. I think I’ve sneezed my way though ad edtire box of tissues todight,” he admitted

Poor sweet adorable baby!


10 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Then, remembering something,  he frowned. “What…..what did you do with the weevil, Jack?”

Uh oh!


10 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Jack shrugged. Then frowned. Seemed to sense something was wrong, but.... “….Yes?”

Yes Jack. There would be a problem here.


10 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Jack, do you have ady idea how hard it is to get the weevil smell out of upholstery?” Ianto sniffed, indignantly, stuffily.

Poor Ianto!

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21 hours ago, ReidSeeker said:

Ianto's such a good boy. Jack seems to be taking him for granted 😕

Maybe he is....Maybe this is Ianto doing what Ianto does.

21 hours ago, ReidSeeker said:

Maybe your exposure has been all up in someone's face. 🙄

Oh, but, what fun would we have if Jack were especially careful about these things?  


21 hours ago, ReidSeeker said:

Jack is getting on my nerves. Maybe it's just me today. Maybe he doesn't deserve Ianto awesomeness 

See...the trouble with the whole being in a relationship is that people are messy, insensitive clods who sometimes leave their underwear on the bathroom floor or dead aliens lying about.  It's part of dealing with someone up close and personal.  Ianto can handle it.  He can exact his revenge, just fine.  He is a caretaker at heart though.  You can't expect him not to care for Jack when Jack dies.  In Ianto's mind,  dead is....dead.  And a head cold is .... nothing.  Really.  Don't give it a second thought and PLEASE don't make a big deal out of it.  (please don't even notice)


13 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

My favorite! So irresistible!

Messy hair...always just for you!!


13 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

Methinks he may be a bit too cocky...

Wouldn't be Jack if he wasn't....wouldn't be able to use this over and over if he wasn't.  I don't need him humble.  I need him just reckless enough....

Doing a two-fer here, to move the story along just a bit.



Early the next morning, Jack was awakened from a sound sleep by an assault of light, that seemed to pierce right through his eyelids and clean through to the back of his skull. He cautiously opened one bleary and sleep-muddled eye. Resurrection hangovers were awful. Resurrection hangovers after bleeding out--- those were hell.

Ianto stood before the bedroom mirror in dress socks and underwear, as he methodically pulled the dry-cleaning tags from a crisp, white dress shirt, then shouldered into it and began irritably doing up the buttons.

Jack frowned. “What time is it?”

It’s just gone 7:00,” Ianto answered tersely, voice gravelly and low and still thick with congestion.

Jack swallowed over a dry mouth. His head throbbed, with the peculiar headache he’d come to expect after death. He needed water. He needed pain killers. Both of those things seemed far away. Seemed to require moving his head. He wasn’t sure he could do that yet. He focused instead on Ianto, watching as the young man paused buttoning his shirt, closed his eyes and sneezed heavily, wearily.

You should be in bed. You sound awful,” he said to Ianto.

Ianto sneezed a second time, then turned to face him, clearly annoyed. “I should,” he snapped. “But sobeode has left a weevil corpse in my car, though, and I deed to take it to the Hub, before it ruins by dew car.”

Jack winced, but summoned the presence of mind not to smile at how ridiculously cute Ianto sounded, irate and stuffed up at the same time. Instead, he drew a breath and rallied himself to sit up, scrubbing at his face to buy himself time for the room to stop it’s spinning and for his headache to quiet to a dull roar. “Couldn’t you wait a couple of hours, maybe?”

Jack, it’s already up to 9 degrees, with a project high of 12 today. My car is not a refrigerator, and your dead weevil is not going to get any fresher.”

Jack sighed, and pulled the covers off. Ianto was right. And this was his doing. He needed to fix this. And Ianto needed to be back in bed, and was clearly not going to go until Jack fixed this.  He pressed a hand to his temple though, as his head pounded nauseatingly, and braced himself to stand.

Ianto watched him, could tell Jack was in pain and despite everything, and he felt his anger softening, just a bit. “Headache?”

Jack would have nodded, but that would have required moving his head, and that might have made it explode.

Ianto sighed, heavily, coughed, but after a moment, said, “I’ll get you something.”

Jack didn’t even realize Ianto had left the bedroom until he had returned, paracetamol, and a glass of water in hand, and he felt the bed dip next to him, and heard Ianto sniff again, wetly.

Here,” Ianto said, voice lower, as he shook a couple of pills into his hand to pass to Jack, and then a glass of water.

Jack swallowed the pills, and then the whole glass of water.

More water?” Ianto asked.

Please?” Jack managed.

Ianto dutifully refilled the glass of water, and returned, this time, mercifully shutting off the overhead light in the bedroom.

We can probably wait an hour or two to head into the hub,” he allowed, as Jack drained a second glass of water. Jack sagged gratefully back on the pillow. Ianto took his glass, debating whether he should be annoyed with himself for his inability to hold on to his anger with Jack, when Jack was clearly in pain. In the end, he gave up, and sighed heavily again. “Move over.”




The painkillers, the hydration and a couple more hours of sleep made all the difference for Jack, and he woke feeling considerably refreshed. Ianto on the other hand, woke feeling every bit as rumpled as his (formerly) crisp dress shirt. Still, he insisted on accompanying Jack into work, despite Jack’s assurances that he would, in fact take care of the weevil and the car, and despite a fit of violent sneezes that seem to leave him exhausted.

I’b od the last box of tissues, Jack. I deed by car back, so I cad go to Tesco,” Ianto insisted, blowing his nose yet again, and making it more than clear that he did not trust Jack to return with his car.

Much to Jack’s chagrin, the weevil funk in Ianto’s car was unmistakable. Fortunately, Ianto seemed far too stuffed up to smell it, and Jack had hopes that he’d be able to remedy the situation properly by the time Ianto could breathe properly again. He wasn’t entirely sure how, but he was a resourceful man and was sure he could work something out.

By the time they got the weevil down to autopsy, Ianto’s voice had faded from the early morning hoarseness to little more than a whisper, and at the first opportunity, he vanished into the archives to suffer the indignity of his miserable head cold in peace. Jack took this chance to slip out and pick up a decent supply of tissues, throat lollies and an assortment of things from the cold remedies aisle, so Ianto wouldn’t have to. Along with every sort of spray he could find to take odors out of upholstery.

When noon rolled around, Jack dragged Ianto out for lunch, (making a point of taking the SUV) though the younger man insisted he wasn’t actually hungry, and when he sneezed, sneezed again, and only picked at his food, Jack frowned, and insisted he go home, instead of back to the Hub, insisting with a gentle kiss that he spend the day in bed. Jack suspected that Ianto’s lack of meaningful protest over this this meant that he felt considerably worse than he was willing to admit, and this worried Jack, who promised to return later..

Back at the Hub, he inspected Ianto’s car. It now smelled disgustingly of lavender, pine cones and dead weevil. Ianto was going to kill him.

He’d asked for Owen’s help when he returned to the Hub after lunch, (surely Owen had ample experience with getting the dead smell out of things) and Owen had not stopped laughing at Jack’s predicament since.  Owen could be a real twat sometimes.

It was past nine that night, when Jack made it back to Ianto’s flat, leaving Ianto’s car at the hub, windows down, and airing in the hub’s garage with a couple of industrial fans aimed at it. If Ianto noticed Jack was again in the SUV and not Ianto’s car, he didn’t ask. Or, maybe it was just that he still hadn’t recovered his voice. Jack was willing to take it. He was fast running out of options, and now seriously weighing trying to replace the car outright and hope Ianto didn't notice, or just come clean with the young man.

Jack brought a spicy curry with him to share with Ianto, and was pleased when Ianto ate with some interest, despite his continued lack of a voice. The spice made Ianto's nose run, but he seemed to breathe much more easily.   Jack had never had trouble holding up both ends of a conversation, so dinner wasn’t exactly a quiet affair, despite Ianto’s inability to contribute any dialog to the conversation. He still listened with expressive interest, and smiled warmly when he took Jack's hand in his own, eyes crinkling with mirth at Jack's tales, until Jack was reassured that Ianto was on the mend.

When everything was cleaned up and put away, they shared a cup of tea, and it didn’t matter that Ianto was unable to talk, as Jack occupied the younger man’s tongue in such a way that speaking wasn’t needed, and it seemed that Ianto was, apart from his voice, feeling much better indeed.

Afterwards, they lay tangled in an easy, sleepy silence.   Since he was changed, Jack had never needed much sleep. Still, absent a rift emergency, or the end of the world, he would normally sleep for at least a couple of hours a night. More, if he were ill or injured, and sometimes, post resurrection, he could sleep for a solid ten hours straight. He’d had about half that last night. Laying here, with his lover in his arms, Jack felt like he could use another five. Probably still just the after-effects on bleeding out, he told himself, pulling Ianto close..


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8 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

I don't need him humble.  I need him just reckless enough....

I like the way you think...


8 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Ianto sneezed a second time, then turned to face him, clearly annoyed. “I should,” he snapped. “But sobeode has left a weevil corpse in my car, though, and I deed to take it to the Hub, before it ruins by dew car.”

LOL! I can just picture this!


8 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Jack winced, but summoned the presence of mind not to smile at how ridiculously cute Ianto sounded, irate and stuffed up at the same time.

Cute indeed! Adorable!


9 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Ianto sighed, heavily, coughed, but after a moment, said, “I’ll get you something.”

I can absolutely picture the resignation. The change in posture and tone of voice.


9 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

anto took his glass, debating whether he should be annoyed with himself for his inability to hold on to his anger with Jack, when Jack was clearly in pain. In the end, he gave up, and sighed heavily again. “Move over.”



9 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Much to Jack’s chagrin, the weevil funk in Ianto’s car was unmistakable. Fortunately, Ianto seemed far too stuffed up to smell it, and Jack had hopes that he’d be able to remedy the situation properly by the time Ianto could breathe properly again.

Uh oh! Lucky for now...


9 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Back at the Hub, he inspected Ianto’s car. It now smelled disgustingly of lavender, pine cones and dead weevil. Ianto was going to kill him.

LOL, eeeewww!


9 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

He’d asked for Owen’s help when he returned to the Hub after lunch, (surely Owen had ample experience with getting the dead smell out of things) and Owen had not stopped laughing at Jack’s predicament since.  Owen could be a real twat sometimes.

Owen would love this!!!


9 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

When everything was cleaned up and put away, they shared a cup of tea, and it didn’t matter that Ianto was unable to talk, as Jack occupied the younger man’s tongue in such a way that speaking wasn’t needed, and it seemed that Ianto was, apart from his voice, feeling much better indeed.

Oh Jack.


9 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Probably still just the after-effects on bleeding out, he told himself, pulling Ianto close..

Right...You keep telling yourself that...

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10 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Ianto sneezed a second time, then turned to face him, clearly annoyed. “I should,” he snapped. “But sobeode has left a weevil corpse in my car, though, and I deed to take it to the Hub, before it ruins by dew car.”

Aw, bless you cute little angel! 

I love how you spelled his congestion.

10 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Jack sighed, and pulled the covers off. Ianto was right. And this was his doing. He needed to fix this.

Aw ok, at least he's trying (...it was probably just me being annoyed at my housemate)

10 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Ianto took his glass, debating whether he should be annoyed with himself for his inability to hold on to his anger with Jack, when Jack was clearly in pain.

Apparently I can't either 

10 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Ianto on the other hand, woke feeling every bit as rumpled as his (formerly) crisp dress shirt.

I like this description 

10 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

the weevil funk in Ianto’s car was unmistakable.


10 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Jack took this chance to slip out and pick up a decent supply of tissues, throat lollies and an assortment of things from the cold remedies aisle, so Ianto wouldn’t have to.

Oooookay, that's terribly sweet of him...I feel like he would have even if he didn't need the industrial strength febreeze lol

10 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

meant that he felt considerably worse than he was willing to admit,

Aw poor sweetie 

10 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

(surely Owen had ample experience with getting the dead smell out of things) and Owen had not stopped laughing at Jack’s predicament since.  Owen could be a real twat sometimes.


10 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

now seriously weighing trying to replace the car outright and hope Ianto didn't notice, 

Uh...it's worth a try. LOL ("What? This is totally your same car as yesterday! Your illness must have given you some crazy dreams!")

10 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

he told himself, pulling Ianto close..

Oh, yeah, snuggle time

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Poor Ianto really is feeling dreadful, isn’t he? Jack’s about to lose his standing to be pushing Ianto to rest and recover, though, which is going to be very vexing for them both. 

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On 9/29/2018 at 8:06 PM, AngelEyes said:

I like the way you think..

That's *ahem* why we are here....

On 9/29/2018 at 8:06 PM, AngelEyes said:

I can absolutely picture the resignation. The change in posture and tone of voice.

I dunno....I don't think it's resignation....he just can't stay mad at Jack.  Especially when Jack needs him.  Ianto is the quintessential caretaker.  You don't get to do that just a whole lot with your 51st Century boyfriend who can't die.  He's not willing to waste his opportunity to take care of Jack in favor of being righteously indignantly mad at him. He might be slightly annoyed with himself over that, but it's not gonna change anything.

On 9/29/2018 at 8:06 PM, AngelEyes said:

Oh Jack

You know you love him.....

On 9/29/2018 at 9:53 PM, ReidSeeker said:

I love how you spelled his congestion.

Never quite sure if that adds to a story or just makes it hard to read.  Here, I thought it added a thread of "aw, how cute you are, Ianto" when he was trying to get Jack to focus properly on how pissed he was.   Always fun.

On 9/29/2018 at 9:53 PM, ReidSeeker said:

I feel like he would have even if he didn't need the industrial strength febreeze lol

Of course he would've.  Jack takes care of his people.  (He doesn't always notice when he's been a clod, but he does take care of his people). 

On 9/30/2018 at 11:54 PM, queenie said:

Poor Ianto really is feeling dreadful, isn’t he? Jack’s about to lose his standing to be pushing Ianto to rest and recover, though, which is going to be very vexing for them both. 

Oh, yeah, but Ianto's been tortured enough for one story, don't you think?   Jack, on the other hand....yeah, I'm sorry.  I do kinda keep beating him over the head with the idea that his belief that he can't possibly be vulnerable to something so mundane as a head cold is just fooolhardy.  (But it's just soooo much fun!)




H’yaAAAAshhooo!!….ha...haaaa..H’ayAHOOOOO!! Ha’SHOOOO!!!!! Dawn was punctuated by a series of desperate sneezes.

Bless,” Ianto said. He’d slept soundly, and recovered at least most of his voice. He frowned now, at Jack, whose breath was coming increasingly desperate gasps.


Ianto plucked the box of tissues from his bedside table and offered them to Jack, who stared stupidly down at them for a moment. Jack had been awakened by an uncomfortable tickle deep in his sinuses, an inexplicably desperate feeling that he was about to sneeze. So far as he could recall, he hadn’t actually come down with a cold since sometime in the mid ‘90’s. There was just….no way…..he’d managed to catch….HEYAAAAHSHHOOOOOOOOO!! one now. Sniff. Was there?

Bless you again, Jack,” Ianto said smoothly.

Sorry….something is making me sneeze this morning.” Jack said, rubbing at his tickly nose. He swallowed over a dry throat. “Didn’t mean to wake you.”

Ianto coughed delicately, but kept his expression serious. “I’m afraid, Jack, you may have caught my cold.”

That’s impossible,” Jack insisted. Wasn’t it? Was there a virus left on this planet that he hadn’t encountered yet? Developed some kind of immunity against? He swallowed, and considered the uncomfortable sensation in his throat. He definitely needed to sneeze again.

HeSHOOOO! Sniff…………….sniiiiffff…………………………...sniiiiifffffffffffff. All these sneezes had started his nose running. Sniiiiiff.

Ianto rolled his eyes and pulled a tissue from the box, offering it to Jack. “Try blowing your nose,” Ianto instructed.

Jack pulled a face, but did as he was told, and blew his nose, wetly into the tissue. It didn’t help, so he blew it again. And again, but it did nothing to stem the sudden flow from his nose, and when he sneezed again, it was appallingly wet. Ugh!

Jack sniffed again, wetly. “This is….awful!” he said finally, sniffling again, and sensing another sneeze looming.

Ianto cleared his throat. “I’m afraid, he said, carefully, "it’s going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better.”


I haven’t had a cold in more than a decade,” Jack insisted, shaking his head. “I don’t see how I could catch one now.”

This time Ianto did laugh, out loud, until he broke off coughing. Even then, he couldn’t stop the laughing.

Jack did not see how this was funny at all.

He sneezed again, and Ianto’s expression sobered for a moment. “I think I might have a pretty good idea how you managed to catch it, Jack.”

Jack had to admit, he’d ignored Ianto’s warnings. If he was actually vulnerable to this virus, well, he had no one but himself to blame for his..... rather extensive exposure.. He sniffed again, considering the mounting evidence, that he was not in fact, immune to the common cold after all. He allowed himself to drop back on his pillow, moaning, almost pathetically, at the prospect of days of sniffling, and sneezing, and not being able to breathe properly.

This is awful!” he repeated.

Oh, I don’t know,” Ianto said, lying down next to him, and pulling him close. “You do make a rather cute face when you sneeze.”

You really…..hah’SHHHHHHHHH! Think so?” Jack wasn’t so sure this was a worthwhile sort of silver lining.

Oh, I most definitely do,” Ianto said, with a smile.

Then again, it was rather nice to see Ianto smiling again.


Three days later:

It was half six, and early by Torchwood standards, but Tosh’ s declaration that the Rift Predictor she’d been working on showed a 24 hour period of peace from the non-stop chaos the team had been juggling had not needed repeating. Only Jack, Ianto, a pteranosaur and a couple of weevils remained in the Hub.

Jack was in his office, coughing. He was privately convinced that the cold he’d picked up was sentient, evil, and determined to visit revenge on him for every cold he’d managed to avoid over the past decade. Every part of him hurt. He felt like he could sleep for a week. If he could just stop coughing. Sniff. If his nose would stop running every time he put his head down. If his head would stop pounding every time….he….H’SHHHHHHH!!!!...HaCHOOOOOOO!!

Bless you, Jack.” Ianto said, as he joined him in the office, bearing a tray with two steaming mugs.

Alone in the Hub, with the one person who understood how purely miserable this cold was, Jack let himself wallow.

I feel like absolute hell,” he complained, coughing, as Ianto rounded his desk, and placed a mug in his hands, leaning back on Jack’s desk as he picked up his own and took a sip.

Hm. I imagine so. It’s been a bit of a rough few days, hasn’t it?”

Jack sniffed. Then sniffed again, as his features rearranged into a familiar, weary expression Ianto recognized. Ianto pulled a clean handkerchief from his pocket and offered it to Jack who placed his mug on the desk, and accepted it, promptly using it to catch a powerful sneeze. HeSHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! The both waited a moment to see if there would be another. When none came, Jack blew his nose, coughed, and sagged back in his chair, exhausted.

I’m really sorry,” Ianto said.

Jack cracked open an eye at him. “What for?”

Sharing my cold with you, Jack,” Ianto answered, sincerely.

Jack sneezed another mighty sneeze and blew his nose again, then coughed for good measure.

It’s hardly your fault, Ianto,” Jack said, with a wet sniff. And a cough. “I am the one who insisted on a lot of close personal contact while you were ill.”

True,” Ianto allowed. “But, I didn’t exactly say no, either.”

Well, that’s probably because I’b irresistible,” Jack said thickly, before blowing his nose again.

That you are,” Ianto said, fondly, running his fingers through Jack’s hair. “Come on, I’ll take you home, feed you soup, ravish you and put you to bed,” Ianto said, taking Jack’s hand.

I don’t know...” Jack hesitated. “I’m afraid I’d just keep you up all night, coughing and sneezing.” He coughed.  Then stifled a sneeze.

Ianto yawned. “I’m pretty sure, after the past couple of days we've had,  I could sleep through a freight train running through the lounge tonight, Jack. I am sure I can manage with you.”

Jack wasn’t entirely convinced. “Aren’t you worried you’ll catch this cold back from me?” he sniffed.

Pretty sure that’s not possible, Jack. And,” Ianto smiled, “even if it were, I’m not sure it would matter to me.”

Jack smiled a fond, sleepy smile, eyes closed. “Okay, but you’ll have to drive.” He coughed. “I think I’m a bit under the weather.”

Oh! That reminds me,” Ianto said, reaching into his breast pocket and withdrawing a folded page, and offering it to Jack.

Jack looked at Ianto curiously, before accepting the paper and unfolding it.

It’s the invoice for having my car professionally ‘de-weeviled’. You owe me ₤1,659.44.”

That’s HeSHOOOO!!!!    Insane!” H’SHHHHHTTTTT! It was hard to sound properly indignant while sneezing.

No, Jack. Leaving a dead weevil in the boot of a car until it ripens is what’s insane.” Ianto was firm. “You should count yourself lucky that they didn’t have to replace the leather seats altogether.”

Jack sniffed. Coughed. Frowned. Closed his eyes. “You’re right,” he said finally. “It was a dumb thing to do. I’m sorry. I’ll make it right.”

Good,” Ianto said firmly. “Now, let’s get you home” and he leaned in to kiss Jack gently, “and into bed, where you belong.”




Edited by Jelloicious
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9 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

I think I might have a pretty good idea how you managed to catch it, Jack.”


9 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

You really…..hah’SHHHHHHHHH! Think so?” Jack wasn’t so sure this was a worthwhile sort of silver lining.

Oh, I most definitely do,” Ianto said, with a smile.

Then again, it was rather nice to see Ianto smiling again.

Cute 😊

9 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Well, that’s probably because I’b irresistible,” Jack said thickly, before blowing his nose again.

That you are,” Ianto said, fondly, running his fingers through Jack’s hair. “Come on, I’ll take you home, feed you soup, ravish you and put you to bed,” Ianto said, taking Jack’s hand.

Personally, I love the congestion being spelled out. I don't think it's hard to read and find it more interesting than trying to imagine it myself. I CAN but I don't want to lol

Also, so cute his little list

9 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

It’s the invoice for having him car professionally ‘de-weeviled’. You owe me ₤1,659.44.”

Haha! So it CAN be cleared

9 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Good,” Ianto said firmly. “Now, let’s get you home” and he leaned in to kiss Jack gently, “and into bed, where you belong.”


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11 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

That’s impossible,” Jack insisted. Wasn’t it? Was there a virus left on this planet that he hadn’t encountered yet? Developed some kind of immunity against? He swallowed, and considered the uncomfortable sensation in his throat. He definitely needed to sneeze again.

I love his continued disbelief.


11 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

This time Ianto did laugh, out loud, until he broke off coughing. Even then, he couldn’t stop the laughing.

Jack did not see how this was funny at all.

This is totally funny. I love his indignance. 


11 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Oh, I don’t know,” Ianto said, lying down next to him, and pulling him close. “You do make a rather cute face when you sneeze.”



11 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

You really…..hah’SHHHHHHHHH! Think so?” Jack wasn’t so sure this was a worthwhile sort of silver lining.



11 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Jack was in his office, coughing. He was privately convinced that the cold he’d picked up was sentient, evil, and determined to visit revenge on him for every cold he’d managed to avoid over the past decade.

Hilarious! He would think that.


11 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Well, that’s probably because I’b irresistible,” Jack said thickly, before blowing his nose again.

Yes you are!


11 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

That you are,” Ianto said, fondly, running his fingers through Jack’s hair.



11 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

No, Jack. Leaving a dead weevil in the boot of a car until it ripens is what’s insane.” Ianto was firm. “You should count yourself lucky that they didn’t have to replace the leather seats altogether.”

Go Ianto!

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