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Chiff or Chief, Cheives or Chiefs, hands or hanks?


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It's funny how people both pronounce and spell handkerchiefs.

I have noticed on some American videos that they can sometimes pronounce it handkerchiff, rather than chief. I like both, but have a preference for Chiefs.

Also when written, when pluralising hankies, there is the difference between handkerchiefs, and handkerchieves. the latter appearing a little old fashioned, but again, I like it. I have a friend who writes handkerchieves and it's quite endearing. 

A lot of people don't realise it's a -kerchief for the hand, as much as a neckerchief is a kerchief for the neck, but I see hank-erchiefs a lot. I don't have a body part called a han! :)

Also, do you prefer hanky's or hankies?



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Handkerchiff or handkerchiffs (spelt handkerchief though)

Hanky but hankies

I'm too lazy to use the full name ever so it's always just hanky to me

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I'm American and very much prefer the long "e" ("cheef") pronunciation.  I find it easier to say than "chiff"--and MUCH, MUCH easier to say than "hanky,
 which is a word I have major problems with (I think because, to me, it sounds "cutsey" and undignified).  


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handkerchief is what I say and I sometimes shorten to hanky but I usually say the whole word. plural, I say handkerchiefs or, again less often do I shorten it, hankies. 

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Thanks for all the responses, and it's interesting to read the geographical differences. I do associate Chiff with the US, but then Sexyhankysneeze is from NZ, so there goes my national stereotype! 

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I pronounce them hankies and handkerchief. Although also I have used hanky before too

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  • 1 month later...
On 10/3/2018 at 9:17 PM, Luisa39 said:

Well, I'm American and very much prefer the long "e" ("cheef") pronunciation.  I find it easier to say than "chiff"--and MUCH, MUCH easier to say than "hanky,
 which is a word I have major problems with (I think because, to me, it sounds "cutsey" and undignified.

I agree entirely and have the same major problem.I love saying or hearing the full word as cheef and cheeves,or chives as in sieves.Nice to cross your path again.

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