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Great idea for a topic!

My mixed bag of success and failure consisted of getting some paperwork done I had been putting off (yay!), but then someone reminded me of something I was supposed to do some weeks ago and flat out forgot. So... yeah... my "to be done"-pile shrunk for about an hour before something else popped up on it again :D

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Making progress on some stuff that I'm writing. But also discovered that a girl I like has a boyfriend and it's just been a long day at work, I just want to go home and sleep. Or at least have something cool that kicks me out of my funk. It's nothing too bad, just one of those occasions that I wish my life had a little bit more of a spark to it. 

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The compass I bought was delivered today and it turns ut it either isn't very good at its job, or an indicator that I have way too many conflicting magnetic fields in my apartment. :glare: 

On the upside, today is a stormy, rainy day, and I found some forgotten cash in my wallet so I'm gonna go and stock up on snacks and spend all day with Netflix and HBO. ^_^ 


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Forgotten cash is the best! ^_^ 

Today has not started off well, but the bad parts have shown me that I have some pretty great people in my life and I am grateful for them and their support :heart:

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Today is nice and cool out finally and I love it but at the same time the pollen count is high so it's both a blessing and a curse! :laugh: 

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I really like this idea for a thread haha~ 

My mixed bag today: 

I recently got a promotion at work after spending the last 12+ months really exhausting myself in order to get it, and this week has been the first week that I've actually been properly settled into my new role. I got invited to a managers-only meeting for the first time today (I'm not a manager, but not far off) and I was super stoked and excited. It was like being an elite member of a super secret club :lol: but what was supposed to be a 30 minute meeting turned into a Skype call for 1.5 hours, by which time we had to go to another meeting room on the other side of the office (our office is fucken huge) which overran again, meaning that this cute little 30 minute meeting soon became a 3+ hour meeting and I was late going home. 

Still, it was pretty fun and interesting and I honestly sat there through most of it like *w* just awe struck xD


As an aside, I did also see this today and I think it sums up the content of this thread pretty well :rofl:


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Sorry for the double post, but man... 

I got invited to an Ex-Raid on Pokémon Go today, which has never happened and I was (still am tbh) super excited about it. I can take one Ultra Friend with me, but it's next Tuesday at 4PM, and all my friends are working OTL 

I'll still go, but I'm sad that none of my friends or my brother will get a chance at getting a Deoxys. 

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Finished shooting a scene for my short film that I've been struggling to shoot for weeks but I lost my umbrella in the shoot. I don't need it urgently, but I hate that I have to buy a new one now. 

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I love this thread! How well-balanced!!

My mixed success today was: I finally got the opportunity to go to my local library, and it's wonderful there and I love it. I also found out there's a writers group that meets once a month, and its first meeting was tonight at 7! I attended, very excited to participate. And I am by far the youngest person there. Everyone had 10 to 20 years on me and I felt SUPER awkward the entire time :lol: 

That said it was still kind of nice to be in a setting talking about writing and stuff, and some of the other people there liked my observations/critiques so that was kind of nice. 

I'll probably wind up going back bc i think it'll be good for motivating me/inspiring me to write more which is something i like, it was just uncomfortable :lol: 

probably after i have gone a few times i'll feel a little less out of place 

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11 hours ago, •.*°•☆. Q .☆•°*.• said:

And I am by far the youngest person there. Everyone had 10 to 20 years on me and I felt SUPER awkward the entire time :lol: 

Hahaha, that's the setting I usually feel most comfortable with! I really don't feel comfortable around my own age group most of the time. Look at it this way, it's really valuable to get the input of people of various ages, because that can REALLY improve your writing, to see the very different perspectives. :blink: Ehhm, I'm not sure I made any sense there. Words fail me. (And I call myself a writer, how sad is that?? :lol: )


So, I ran into Hot Shot today, which was nice, and I also looked rather presentable for once, which was even nicer. Sadly, it did not escape my attention that she wore a very beautiful new diamond ring on her left ring finger. Sigh. Oh well, she finally found a nice guy, after all those who treated her like crap, so I'm happy for her. I'm just a bit sad that I'm not the one making her happy, and mentally kicking myself a little that I never acted on it when she flirted with me. But I was so sure someone like her - kind, funny, smart, talented, highly educated, wealthy, and so very handsome - couldn't possible be interested in someone like me, so I wrote it off as wishful thinking from my side. But the thing is, that after she met this guy, she quit doing those things towards me that I had interpreted as flirting, so there was something there for a while. Okay, enough dwelling on what could have been. She's happy, and I'm doing fine on my own. 

Writing-wise, I am having so much fun writing this fanfic, however, pretty much no one reads it, which is kind of disheartening. I mean, when writing goes well, I'm having so much fun it doesn't matter, but when I run into problems, if no one else likes it, I tend to drop it. Some people enjoy pushing through difficulties, but I'm the lazy type of writer, I hate difficulties and fold when I encounter them. I enjoy the flow, not the problem-solving. So if the writing itself doesn't feel rewarding, I tend to need something from outside myself to motivate pushing through the difficulties. Oh well, so far, the writing itself works well enough to be fun. ^_^ (But man, I really have to keep myself in tight reins to avoid sneaking in a sneeze or ten... :pinch:)

To end things on a positive note, my cats and I have shrimps for dinner, and I got my sleeping pill prescription refilled today, so tonight I'll get to sleep!  :sleeping: 


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ooh, congrats on your glittery pumpkin @facet!! sorry about that jerk.

My mixed success for the day:

Successfully kept my cat from bolting out the door really scared bc Strangers Were In Her Home Making Loud Noises With Machines 
Became minced meat in the process of securing her into her cat carrier

(we had some gentlemen over to clean the air ducts and she freaked out, which would have been fine if not for that they needed to leave the doors wide open for their equipment. I have various gouges and puncture wounds on my arms and chest bc she panicked at a loud sound while i was holding her en route to her carrier. but, the most important thing is she is safe and sound. ❤️ )

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I'm sick. Not super sick, it's a cold-ish thing that does hardcore fever but downplays the other symptoms. I don't like being sick, out of principle, and I'm feeling really tired and icky. :yuck: But fever itself, I think is kind of pleasant, so... hm. Well, I'm ill, by any standard.

This, however, has gotten me out of a boring, forced family barbecue tonight. Win! 

That in turn means I'm going to have to cook dinner myself tonight, which I'm not really looking forward to, but that also means that I can eat while watching Netflix. 


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2 hours ago, DeVil_no5 said:

That in turn means I'm going to have to cook dinner myself tonight, which I'm not really looking forward to,


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1 minute ago, •.*°•☆. Q .☆•°*.• said:


There are no places around here that delivers. :down:I don't have a car now so I can't go pick it up myself either. Unless I want to walk, of course, but it's a bit too far to walk if you're not well. 

I'll probably just make grilled cheese sandwiches and heat up some soup. ^_^ 


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Ah, that at least sounds comforting. shame about there not being any pizza places to deliver to you tho. that shouldn't be allowed :lol:

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  • 4 weeks later...

My family has decided to cancel Christmas altogether this year. I'm torn. On one hand, I'm not much of a Christmas person, and it's always stressful because my financial situation is always strained, but on the other hand... it's Christmas. :down: 

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oh my god i hope your throat is okay/congrats on your award! what a wild ride tonight must have been for u.

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4 hours ago, Chanel_no5 said:

My family has decided to cancel Christmas altogether this year. I'm torn. On one hand, I'm not much of a Christmas person, and it's always stressful because my financial situation is always strained, but on the other hand... it's Christmas. :down: 

So not even a tiny dinner or get-together? 

Anyway, I just feel depressed about the state of the world lately. This past week was awful in that regard. It's harder for me to not see this as something permanent.

The good news is that I finished drafts of projects I'm ready to show to people, I'm done with the most difficult school readings for the semester so I've finally started to read a book for my own pleasure for the first time in months. 

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15 hours ago, Travel said:

So not even a tiny dinner or get-together? 

Probably not, as the travel expenses was one of the reasons. I plan on spending Christmas in bed with my laptop, binge watching TV shows and binge eating snacks ALL DAY. So that's not looking too bad anyway. But it is the first time in my entire life that we won't celebrate Christmas at all, so... that's a bit sad. 


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21 minutes ago, Chanel_no5 said:

Probably not, as the travel expenses was one of the reasons. I plan on spending Christmas in bed with my laptop, binge watching TV shows and binge eating snacks ALL DAY. So that's not looking too bad anyway. But it is the first time in my entire life that we won't celebrate Christmas at all, so... that's a bit sad. 


Oh well, if you're cool with that then that's still a merry Christmas. You'll still be celebrating, just in your own way and that's more than enough. : ) 

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